Methuselah died in the flood, that is, 1656 years after the creation (in 2104 BC according to the rabbinic calculation that places the creation in 3760 BC and in 2348 BC, according to the King James Bible, which places the creation in 4004 BC) :?
According to the Bible, Methuselah died at the age of 969 years. :thinking:
To explain this fact, the assumption that his age is not in years but in lunar months, his age would be reduced so a little more than seventy years. :no:
Probably it is a symbolic number, but there is unaware of the meaning.
The first translators of the Bible, in the third century AD, they made a gross error in transferring the ancient Aramaic text in Greek: it took into account the computing system of the Sumerians, totally different from them. :duh:
So Tom is without a doubt the man who has lived longer on earth (and that's not all!) :rofl: