A lot of porn is poorly shot, poorly lit (whether too dimly lit or too bright) and the performers are just going through the motions. Having a director and performers who actually care and truly seem to be enjoying what they're doing is relatively unusual. I've lately found a bunch of the porn produced by Co(ky B@ys to be excellent. They have gotten good write ups in New York Magazine and a number of other mainstream legit magazines praising their quality and the beauty of their performers. So far I have no reason to disagree.
I agree that C0ckI B0Is and the main man behind this studio (J4ke J4xon) has managed to put out quite a few videos moving away from the worst strangulating stereotypicality. But J4xon and his friends are fighting awfully narrowminded formats, and my main argument will be, that when the gay porn studios moved from DVD to Streaming as their main distribution technology, this also ment a forbidding stereotyping of the format, the gay porn flick. The idea of what a gay porn video was and what it should be.
So what should it be? A video 20-25 minutes long, two boys on a bed in the studio and then we get the standard sequence of kissing-sucking-fucking-
ming. If you've seen this 25 minutes sequence a few hundred times it will necessarily get boring. Really boring.
This evening I've spent a lot of time looking at some clips from the best gay pornographer of all times, Jean Daniel Cadinot. God allmighty what a difference!!! The Number One characteristic of Cadinot's productions was: VARIATION!!! Variation from every angle, on every level. One Cadinot porn movie is remarcably different from the other Cadinot movies.
And it's my firm belief that Cadinot could keep up his standards mainly because he never ever made more than four movies annually, and in many years from 1980 to 2008 he made less than four. Variation presupposes time to think, time to experiment, time to improvise.