I was 19 and totally straight when I realized I like cock way more than pussy.
A little bit of background first. I was not a virgin, was not molested, and did not "know my whole life" that I was gay. I had many heterosexual relationships; I had sex with women regularly and enjoyed it when I did. I was not homophobic but I was in fact very comfortable being "gay adjacent".
As a kid, when my family went to the Castro district in San Francisco, I was fascinated by the gay culture and curious about the guys' attraction to each other. I couldn't take my eyes off of men when I saw them kissing. In college I was an art major and was very interested in studying anatomy, male and female, drawing nudes and studying classic Greek, Roman and Renaissance statues, especially the ones that celebrated the male physique. I loved the beautifully muscular men's bodies, without them being exaggerated and cartoonish, like modern bodybuilders.
After college I even did some anatomy modelling myself, having a slim muscular body. I was proud of my body but a little modest about posing nude so I used a posing strap (basically a G-string), in art classes at colleges but posed nude when modelling for smaller private drawing sessions.
I had been hit on by gay guys many times and I found it flattering, never offensive, but I never took any of the men up on their offers. I had played with my asshole a few times, but only in the context of what it would be like in a straight sex session, if a woman was pleasuring my ass. One time I used my girlfriend's dildo on my ass when she was out of town. I found the sensation absolutely euphoric as I pumped it in and out, almost immediately I felt a wonderful tingling sedation and found that I couldn’t stop as the sensation built up to a beautiful and powerful orgasm and I envied gay guys for being so in touch with this wonderful source of pleasure. I was surprised how easily I able to insert the dildo into my ass, I thought "I could never be gay because my asshole is too tight".
This provided a dramatic change, or rather, what was revealed, in one day. No matter how much resistance I put up, that resistance was drowned by a tsunami of desire to be passionately, deeply, lustfully fucked and dominated by a man.
I was working as a personal trainer at a gym at the time this happened. I had several clients, gay, straight, men and women, and I had a reputation as a guy who knew what he was doing and had the body to back it up. Like I said, I had done some modelling that required a muscular physique and a handsome face. I had done also some runway and magazine work. I was good looking with a great body but I wasn't going to make a living off of just that. A college girlfriend had talked me into sending nude photos to a female-oriented centrefold magazine and the magazine wanted me to come to L.A. but I chickened out.
One of my clients from the gym, Scott a black man, was also a very good friend of mine outside the gym. I never thought of him in a sexual way, but he brought me to several gay events, along with his partner. I always felt completely comfortable at these parties, costume and cocktail affairs, because I like showing off my slim but cut body. I enjoyed the attention I got, and I never felt my masculinity threatened. "I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality that I can wear a pink shirt," I used to say.
One afternoon Scott invited me to an adults-only pool party at a rich gay couple's house where he was house sitting. He said it would be a mixed crowd but mostly black gay guys attending. He said he wanted to show me off a little to his friends. I said yes since his desire to be associated with a hot straight white guy aligned with my desire to be ogled at and desired. Maybe I would meet a hot woman there.
The day before the party I finished my workout and felt confident that my sculpted arms and thighs, washboard abs, pronounced pecs and bubble ass would turn some heads. I wasn't cocky or conceited but I had received enough compliments to know what I had been blessed with genetically, even if I couldn't take all the credit for it. I then went to the tanning bed studio to add some colour.
I knew how obsessed gay guys were with tans and I didn't want to offend anyone with my paleness. I also shaved my cock and balls because the swim suit I was going to be wearing was my posing strap, basically a grocery sack for my cock and balls, and I didn't want any bushy pubes ruining the look. When I finished shaving, I left a pencil- thin landing strip, I looked at myself in the mirror and got an instant hard on. "Damn! I'd fuck me if I were gay", I thought. This is an admittedly narcissistic attitude. It's also a clue that on some level I was sexually excited by men. A straight guy probably wouldn't get a hard on looking at his own hairless cock and balls and smooth anal entrance.
When I arrived at the party, dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, Scott pulled me aside as soon as I stepped into the house. He warned me that at some point there might be a clothing-optional-for-the rest-of-the-party announcement. He was trying to be sensitive to any discomfort I might feel at a party full of naked gay men. I said I would be fine with it.
He told me to jump into my swim suit and come out to the pool to meet everyone. I went to a bedroom and stripped down to my G-string. I checked the mirror and adjusted the sack to fully contain my package, and my cock swelled slightly, pulling the narrow strip of material covering my anus tight. That's going to chafe my asshole if my cock gets any harder, I thought. Be sure not to get a hard on, I cautioned myself.
I stepped out onto the pool deck surrounding an infinity pool overlooking a verdant valley with a sprinkling of mansions dotting the landscape. I looked around and I realized that mine was the skimpiest suit there. Most guys were wearing Speedos, boy-shorts, etc., but none of them had their ass cheeks out like I did. "Whoa, dressed to impress I see," Scott said.
"Yeah, well I thought gay guys liked to flaunt their goods so figured there'd be more guys dressed like me here. Oh well," I replied.
Scott paraded me around the pool area, introducing me to everyone. People were lounging on chaises, laying on towels on the grass, and sitting on the edge of the pool. I had only met a few of the people before, members of the gym where I worked. Only one woman was there, the wife of another guy, not the hot woman I was kind if hoping to meet at the party. Again, oh well.
The guys were a mix of attractiveness, from average to extremely good looking and all were black guys. I was assessing them strictly from the standpoint of a fitness pro and appreciator of anatomical beauty. Of the thirty or so people there, five guys looked like models, very handsome and with incredible bodies. They represented the looks-obsessed faction of gay culture well.
Scott meandered with me around the pool like a show pony, making turns to say "one more thing," causing me to be turned all the way around for all aspects of my nearly naked body to be inspected. The reactions of the guests were mostly predictable; gay guys would look me up and down and smile approvingly, then excitedly whisper to their nearby friends. The straight people just nodded and tried to not look at my brightly displayed crotch. One of the truly beautiful guys, Ted, lifted his sunglasses when Scott said his name.
Ted was laid out on a beach chaise on a white towel. His body was perfect by Greek statuary standards. Very muscular arms, pecs in slabbed squares, eight-pack abs, massive, muscular thighs and contoured calves. But unlike the tiny button of a penis on most steroid-built bodybuilders, his square-cut boy shorts clung to the outline of a very generous cock and ample balls. I had to silently give it to him; he was the epitome of a gorgeous black man, gay or otherwise.
I felt a little intimidated by Ted as Scott walked away after the introduction. I stood in front of Ted, casting a shadow over his beautiful, ebony body, chiselled facial features and soft, wavy black hair. He didn't have a single flaw that I could see. "Hey Darren," he snapped me back from my daydream. I realized I had been gazing at him while all those thoughts were going through my mind. His eyes slowly left mine and followed my body down to my cock, presented proudly in my skimpy jock. He stopped there and slowly retraced his gaze back up my body, stopping and locking eyes with me.
He smiled approvingly. I smiled back, also approvingly. Two could play this game, I thought. This kind of undressing me with his eyes and overt sexual attention was a win for me, as it was coming from an Adonis like him. I liked him wanting me, and I guess I wanted to keep it going. "Want a drink?" I asked. I had no idea what or where the drinks were but for some reason I wanted to serve him.
"That'd be great, white wine," he said. As I sauntered toward the house to find the white wine I casually bent over to pick up a pebble on the deck and toss it away before anyone stepped on it with a bare foot. I bent over from my waist in order to give Ted a good deep peek at my pink asshole barely covered by a strip of Spandex. I looked back over my shoulder and sure enough, Ted had his sunglasses propped up on top of his head and was up on one elbow to watch my ass as I walked away. I smiled at him staring at my ass, and he smiled back sheepishly. I love getting these guys worked up, I mused.
I returned with his white wine and one for myself. His eyes were at the level of my cock and he took his time to look up to thank me. I loved the flirtation, even though I had no intention of it going anywhere. He then dropped his legs off each side of the lounge and adjusted his package beneath the clinging nylon fabric. His cock had swollen slightly and I could clearly see the outline of his cock head, a magnificently defined, flesh-piercing truffle. Now it was my turn to feel in awe. "Touché," I said to myself. My G-string started to pull tighter in my ass crack and I realized that my cock was swelling slightly. "What was it about this situation that was making me flush and my heart race? I'm not gay. I'm as straight as they come. And yet I feel like I am crushing on this guy and I wouldn't object to kissing his beautiful lips and running my fingers along his magnificent chest, down his rippled abs to that outline of a massive black cock," I thought.
We made more small talk and everything seemed like a sexual innuendo. I couldn't turn off the flirting, as much as I tried. As we talked, two other things were happening: I was assessing the source of my feelings to fondle him, and why my body was reacting this way when my mind knows I'm straight; and I was visually tracing droplets of sweat as they ran in rivulets down Ted's smooth beefy pecs, across the mogul run that was his washboard abs, and disappeared into the edge of his swimsuit riding just above his pubic ridge. These two opposing forces were confounding me. One felt very logical: I know I'm straight; and the other felt really, really good: I want to be the object of a gay sexual pleasure cruise.
I hadn't noticed but the couples and straight people, other than me, had drifted away and left the party already. Maybe Scott had warned them too about what was coming next but they didn't feel as comfortable with it as I did. Scott announced, "This is it guys, clothing is now optional!" to which a loud cheer went up from the fifteen or twenty remaining men.
Ted locked eyes with me again and stood up. Without taking his eyes off mine, daring me to not look away, he hooked his thumbs into the top of his waist band and pulled his trunks down to his thighs. His beautiful swollen, semi-hard black cock, which had been laying sideways when he was laying down, now rolled off his abdomen and fell forward, like a just cut tree in the forest. It stopped at a 45 degree angle from his body, heavy, swelling with blood.
He was taunting me with his body and now with his cock. I realized that I secretly, passionately wanted to devour him, but my head was trying to remind me that's not possible, because I'm not gay. The material running between my ass cheeks was pulling tighter against my hole as my cock started to engorge. "You're not going to join us?" Ted said waving toward all the men who were now sans swimsuits, or any clothing.
I stood up, knowing he was directly challenging me to maintain my premise of being straight. I had to do it because I had to prove it to myself as well. I doffed my trunks all at once, pulling them down to my ankles, and straightened back up. My plump cock jumped when it was released from the posing strap. I didn't realize how swollen it was and now it was inching away from my body as it continued to get harder. This was a problem. Getting hard at the sight of these men would mean I'm gay, or at least I'm on my way. I needed to hide my erection so I turned sideways to Ted. That just made it worse because he could see my big cock growing, continuing to crank higher, and bigger, in profile. I looked for some way to hide my hardening cock.
I noticed three guys, the other beautiful model-types, splashing in the shallow end of the pool. I said to Ted, "I need to cool off," and I jumped into the pool. My blood filled cock felt as big and obvious as a rescue torpedo just under the surface of the water.
The three men in the water were all very handsome and well built - gay eye candy for sure. One of them asked me if I would join them for a chicken fight in the pool, to make the number of players even. If I stood up completely now, my rising cock would be visible for all to see, which would expose to all the men how I really felt. I did not want the three model-boys thinking I was gay, but I agreed to play because I needed an excuse to stay in the water and splash around.
I offered to be the bottom for my teammate, Dylan, and I swam under water between his legs. He had a sprinter's thighs and ass, all muscle, magnificently sculpted. His crotch was shaved bare, as were all the gay men at the party, and his skin looked as smooth as marble. His tan line revealed him to be a G-string wearer as well. At least I had called shaving my cock, balls and ass right.
His beautiful black cock was well veined and had a doorknob sized head. Not grotesque, just right for his soda can sized shaft. His full balls were bobbing like buoys in the current over my head as I swam between his legs and lifted my shoulders to meet his ass, with his rectum at the nape of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his lower legs and lifted him out of the water.
As the water ran off of us I turned my head to the side and there was his divine cock, laying against my jaw. This was the closest I had ever been to another man's cock, but unlike what I thought my reaction might have been, I didn't want to pull away. His cock shaft felt full and fleshy against my neck and chin.
I quickly turned back and in the process my lips grazed the very ample head of his wonderful penis. I felt like bridges were being crossed at a pace that I couldn't control. This proximity to Dylan's beautiful black man meat and my brush with his head wasn't helping me to calm down my own cock. Quite the opposite.
Blood was rushing everywhere in my body and I felt hot despite being in the pool. But it was rushing especially to my cock and I felt my cock helmet break the surface of the water. I started wrestling with the other team immediately to distract them from noticing my hard on.
As we laughed and wrestled I intentionally over exerted myself to try and divert the blood to my arms and legs and away from my cock. We fell sideways and Dylan slipped around my neck and off my shoulders, with his ankles now resting on my trapezius muscles. He was floating on his back, facing me. But more significantly, his previously relaxed soda can-sized cock was growing into a pound sized package of spaghetti noodles, with all of the attendant ridges and girders.
"We're a good team," he said as he watched my cock head sway above the water's surface like a periscope. I told Dylan and the other two guys, Phillip and Ray, that I had to get out and use the bathroom. I clutched a beach towel to my crotch to hide my fully erect cock as I waddled to the house.
The house was gorgeous and I found the master bathroom. The house belonged to a gay couple, doctors, and they obviously had exquisite taste. The master bed was an ocean of silky smooth black satin sheets, comforter and pillows. I wondered how many men's asses had been fucked and cocks sucked on that bed. I pictured a threesome of hot guys shooting
loads into each other's asses and mouths on that bed and
drizzled like caramel sauce on an ice cream cone, on those sheets.
I envied gay guys for their man-to-man, no pussy headaches romantic relationships, as well as their lack of sexual inhibitions. I started to question whether my sexuality was as clear as I thought it was. "Were there signals all along? Was my curiosity and fascination with gay culture really a desire to be part of it?" I wondered.
On paper I was a perfect candidate for a prototypical gay man, at least as much as Scott had described the typical gay man to me. I was an art major in college. I worked in a gym. I loved the male anatomy. And I worked on perfecting my own body to make it essentially the pinnacle of attraction to gay men. After all, most women didn't really care about muscles on their straight boyfriends and husbands. This was a moment, an opportunity, to really test my sexual identity.
I was pretty sure my arousal due to all this male stimuli was a fluke and furthermore I was willing to bet my pride on it. It would be quite embarrassing if I had been introduced at the beginning of the party as Scott's straight friend, which he emphasized to each guest, worried that I might feel objectified I guess, and then suddenly be the guest aroused by men to want to fuck one of their asses, or worse, want them to fuck mine. I decided I would let my body tell me what I wanted. My head could be tricked.
I would go back out there, now that my cock was calm and relaxed again, to see if my theory was correct that I could remain unaroused throughout the rest of my interactions at the party. I looked in the mirror again and admired my alluring body.
Now that the party was sans swimwear, I was naked for all to see, shaved cock, balls and ass, brimming with virility and masculinity. I turned and checked my look from behind. It was a beautiful ass, if I do say so myself. I bent over and looked at my asshole. It was a rosebud of skin folds leading to a tunnel of velvet. Like I said, I'd love to fuck me, if I could.
Looking at my love hole made me think something was missing from this challenge. I found a big jar of sex lube in the bathroom and I palmed a large puddle of it and massaged it into my sphincter. At first my hole was tight but as soon as I ran a finger inside my hole it started to dilate. I knew this reaction about myself when I had played with my ass in the past. Now my waiting hole was dilating and loaded with lube. Not that I would need it but it only seemed fair to fully present both arguments for and against any latent homosexuality on my part.
I headed back out to the pool, determined to keep my cock calm and unexcited. As soon as I got outside I saw Ted again. He smiled when he saw me and said "Where'd you run off to? I was afraid you left the party." I immediately felt like I wanted to serve him again and I grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses and went to him.
"Can I pour you some wine?", I asked. "Why did I sound like I was his waiter and not his equal?", I asked myself. I handed him a glass of wine as my eyes feasted on his ebony body. that smile, that big black cock. My balls started to tighten and my cock started getting heavy. Uh-oh, it was starting to happen again. There would be no way to hide a hard on this time and no way to explain it away as anything but a real sexual attraction to a hot man!
I was mortified, but my cock kept growing harder. I grabbed a towel to spread on a chaise butted up next to Ted's. Maybe I could lie down and conceal my cock on my side. I knelt on the edge of the lounge and leaned forward to lay out the towel. In that position, on all fours, my ass was raised in the air and my cheeks were spread open. My head was down. I didn't realize it or intend for it to happen but that lube in and around my love hole was glistening in the sun, highlighting and welcoming my tight man cunt for all to see. My hole was dilating more and more also.
Ted's cock immediately began to get hard. I looked over my shoulder at him and his cock was rising like a battleship cannon positioning for attack.
I saw his beautiful ballooning cock head and stiffening shaft and I felt a hot rush in my face and ears. My cock was stiffening now unlike any time in my past. I was more turned on than I had ever been with a woman.
The thought of Ted’s black cock penetrating me, in my ass or my mouth, consumed me. My cock felt so hard and kept getting harder that I thought it might rupture. Ted's cock was fully erect now. It had thick veins on the sides a gentle upward curve to it. I looked down and a ribbon of pre
extended from my cock to the towel below me.
What was going on here? I was so incredibly turned on by a guy. I never thought I had these feelings for men before. Having a man put his cock in me would change things. This was a bridge that I could not un-cross. This would definitely make me gay, at least sexually. I know some straight guys claim they have gay sex but they're still straight and fuck their wives and it's just a convenience thing. For me, this was a very powerful attraction. My polarity seemed to have switched, or I was reading it wrong all along. The way I was feeling now I didn't care if I ever saw pussy again.
I rolled over and faced Ted as he moved closer. My huge erection, with pre
running down the sides of it, like chocolate sauce on a sundae, was out there for everyone's viewing enjoyment. What would this mean for my reputation? My whole life would be turned upside down and inside out. I didn't care. I had to taste Ted's massive black cock, now. I could hear conversations in the background. Someone said, "But I thought Scott said he was straight."
I felt bad for Scott; all the times he would have enjoyed this, but we were just platonic friends. Ted rose up on his knees and brought his cock head right to my lips. Now his cock was oozing pre
and I could feel it moistening my lips as his head touched down on my lower lip. I opened my mouth wide, stuck my tongue out under his cock, and slowly wrapped my fingers around the thick base of his missile.
His skin was silky smooth and his shaft was surprisingly firm, like a muscular forearm. This was the first time I had ever touched another man's cock. A drop of his lube fell onto my tongue and I instinctively raised my tongue to catch it. My tongue was now on the underside of his cock and Ted let out a quiet gasp.
I felt my own cock lube puddling at the base of my cock. I closed my mouth on Ted's cock and took several long sucks to get the feel for it. The deed was done. This was definitely a gay thing to do. I was more thrilled with each successive stroke. I lingered and focused on the area under the head of Ted's cock where I knew it was very sensitive on my cock. He said, "For a straight white guy you sure are an enthusiastic natural for sucking black cock." I didn't answer, I just kept stroking, sucking, and massaging his balls and the part of his shaft that I couldn't get in my mouth.
I looked up at Ted and saw he had a dreamy expression and he kept panting as I engulfed his cock with my warm hungry mouth. I knew right then that I wanted to satisfy him so deeply, that I wanted to him to feed me his gift of semen. I wanted to swallow all of it. I wanted my mouth to provide him infinite pleasure. I looked up again and I saw him motion to someone behind me. It was Dylan. I was so engrossed in pleasing Ted that I didn't notice that all the rest of the guys at the party had gathered around us now and we're watching. I could see some of them jerking off while they watched. That excited me even more.
I hoped the guys watching would jerk off until they got close to coming and then shoot their loads on me. I had gone from thinking I was truly straight at the beginning of this party to now only caring about consuming as much cock and
as I could.
Dylan was behind me and he lifted my hips up to his waist level. I got off the chaise and on to my knees so I could stay at that level and brace myself for what I hoped was coming next. It was. Dylan's soda can-sized black cock and doorknob head were fully erect. His pre
was drizzling my ass crack. Man was I glad I decided to pre lube my man cunt. He slid his cock up and down the crack of my ass. I could feel my hole dilating for the penis it was about to receive. It would still be a challenge, but I was up for it.
Dylan pointed his shaft slightly down so that his head was docked at the entrance to my greasy sphincter. He pushed his head part way in. I felt a tight stretch, but it wasn't as painful as I had heard it described. He kept the pressure on my asshole while my hole adjusted. He then let the pressure off slightly and that was enough for my rectum to swallow the head of Dylan's cock. I arched my back and he was in. He then pushed his shaft slowly into me, stopping momentarily when he encountered resistance, then advancing further. This kept going until I felt his big black balls against mine. His cock was all the way in me!
I was thrilled. I just wanted Dylan to love my fuck tight hole and fill me with his negro sperm. No way would I have allowed him to use a condom. The intimacy that I was looking for required them to fill me with their cock sauce, unen
bered, straight from their balls. Each time Dylan slid his cock in his fat cock head slid over my engorged prostate causing me to moan with pleasure around ted’s cock, I reached between my legs and brushed Dylan’s tight balls slightly to heighten the sensory stimulation.
I realized that Ted was getting close to orgasm. His cock swelled even bigger and his panting had gotten louder and faster. He was moaning and I could taste more and more pre
as his semen volcano was getting ready to erupt. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it toward his cock, gagging me in the process. I was breathing through my nose, allowing his cock to fill my mouth completely. Here it
s white boy he groaned and Suddenly his cock started to pulse and I felt sheaths of warm thick
pumping into my mouth. His warm thick sperm was wonderful, I gleefully swallowed each powerful squirt as he unloaded what seemed like cups of delicious
Dylan's cock stroking over my super sensitive prostate was utterly delicious bringing me closer to a powerful anal orgasm with each stroke of his massive black cock
Now Dylan was close too. He said, "You have such a tight gorgeous white boy pussy, I can't hold off anymore". With that he pulled my hips back and buried his huge black cock completely in my velvety rectum.
I have never felt so dominated, and utterly useless other than the pure pleasure of these super masculine men. And I couldn't think of any feeling I'd rather have.
Dylan's cock pulsated deliciously as he squirted his fat load into me, I felt his warm sperm engulf my eager rectum and had the most wonderful orgasm of my life, my boy pussy rhythmically milked Dylan’s black cock of his
as I splurted rope after rope of my own
on to the chaise below.
Dylan slowly eased his cock out of my ass and my sphincter collapsed to its former size. Ted handed me a glass of wine and said, "Here's a chaser. Ready for more play?"
Behind Ted, Philip had a raging erection. He was stroking his baguette-sized black cock with both hands. I motioned him forward so I could suck his cock. dam, it looked so good. He had a big pink mushroom cock head and cable-like veins along his thick shaft. I desperately wanted to get that man flesh in my mouth.
Ray had already taken Dylan's place behind me, but he wanted to change positions. Ray sat on a bench and guided me to straddle his fully erect cock. His cock was big, awesome big. I was concerned that I might not be able to take it.
His cock also had a slight downward bend, like a huge oak tree branch that sags under its own weight. I lowered myself to the point where his fat purple cock head was forcing its way into the entrance of my man cunt. As my sphincter slowly folded over his cock head, then I slowly sank on his black shaft, I rode his man meat down and ended up resting on his lap. Ray then grabbed my ass cheeks, one in each hand, and alternately raised and lowered me, impaling my ass on his black spear. I could feel his cock bottoming out at my colon on each stroke.
Phillip jockeyed for the right position to put his cock in my mouth. When he found the right parameters he grabbed me by the back of my head and started fucking my mouth. Sometimes he went too deep and caused me to gag, which turned him on even more; and me too. I had one man forcefully fucking my ass as deep as possible and one forcefully pushing the limits on fucking my mouth. I couldn't have been more thrilled. I was basically a passenger as these virile, super masculine men used me to provide pleasure for themselves. I was in heaven.
Ray started to stroke my semi-hard cock but I moved him away. I only wanted to pleasure these men. Ray's angled cock was rubbing my again tingling prostate with each stroke and
was dribbling from my cock and puddling on his washboard abs. Ray started to quiver and I knew his fountain beautiful
was near.
Philip was panting and moaning. Now his panting was getting faster and I knew a fresh hot load of semen was on its way to my lustfully sucking mouth.
Ray grabbed my ass cheeks even tighter as he slid me down his meat shaft one last time. His cock started to pulse as his balls pumped my pussy full of his potent sperm.
Philip erupted at the same time, pulling my head onto his cock and launching his ejaculation, salvo after salvo of delicious
, into the back of my throat. The eroticism as I swallowed Philip’s first ropey spurt caused me to orgasm powerfully without ever touching my own cock, I had to keep swallowing his
in order to breathe as my sphincter vainly tried to close and open around the thick base of Ray’s buried cock.
I had two of the most masculine men with two of the most prized black cocks I have ever seen, force every drop of man juice from their balls into my two most personal orifices at the same time, and I've never been more satisfied.
As I un-impaled myself from Ray's cock, a fresh rivulet of
ran out of my asshole, down my balls and onto Ray's beautiful thighs.
While I was getting turned out, from stud ladykiller straight arrow, into a definite
-pig bitch, a 180 degree switch, the rest of the guys at the party were enjoying the show and still jerking themselves and each other off. Two guys launched their loads on my face in huge warm spurts. I now had
running out of my sweetly stretched asshole, out of my mouth and down my chin from the torrent from Philip, and down my face from the other guys.
This was by far the greatest sex and the greatest day I ever had. When I went home I jerked off while squeezing my nipples and reliving the whole experience in my sweet memory.
You might ask if I have any regrets. I do: that I didn't submit to cocks, men's asses, their muscles, their masculinity and their
, long before this day.
A little bit of background first. I was not a virgin, was not molested, and did not "know my whole life" that I was gay. I had many heterosexual relationships; I had sex with women regularly and enjoyed it when I did. I was not homophobic but I was in fact very comfortable being "gay adjacent".
As a kid, when my family went to the Castro district in San Francisco, I was fascinated by the gay culture and curious about the guys' attraction to each other. I couldn't take my eyes off of men when I saw them kissing. In college I was an art major and was very interested in studying anatomy, male and female, drawing nudes and studying classic Greek, Roman and Renaissance statues, especially the ones that celebrated the male physique. I loved the beautifully muscular men's bodies, without them being exaggerated and cartoonish, like modern bodybuilders.
After college I even did some anatomy modelling myself, having a slim muscular body. I was proud of my body but a little modest about posing nude so I used a posing strap (basically a G-string), in art classes at colleges but posed nude when modelling for smaller private drawing sessions.
I had been hit on by gay guys many times and I found it flattering, never offensive, but I never took any of the men up on their offers. I had played with my asshole a few times, but only in the context of what it would be like in a straight sex session, if a woman was pleasuring my ass. One time I used my girlfriend's dildo on my ass when she was out of town. I found the sensation absolutely euphoric as I pumped it in and out, almost immediately I felt a wonderful tingling sedation and found that I couldn’t stop as the sensation built up to a beautiful and powerful orgasm and I envied gay guys for being so in touch with this wonderful source of pleasure. I was surprised how easily I able to insert the dildo into my ass, I thought "I could never be gay because my asshole is too tight".
This provided a dramatic change, or rather, what was revealed, in one day. No matter how much resistance I put up, that resistance was drowned by a tsunami of desire to be passionately, deeply, lustfully fucked and dominated by a man.
I was working as a personal trainer at a gym at the time this happened. I had several clients, gay, straight, men and women, and I had a reputation as a guy who knew what he was doing and had the body to back it up. Like I said, I had done some modelling that required a muscular physique and a handsome face. I had done also some runway and magazine work. I was good looking with a great body but I wasn't going to make a living off of just that. A college girlfriend had talked me into sending nude photos to a female-oriented centrefold magazine and the magazine wanted me to come to L.A. but I chickened out.
One of my clients from the gym, Scott a black man, was also a very good friend of mine outside the gym. I never thought of him in a sexual way, but he brought me to several gay events, along with his partner. I always felt completely comfortable at these parties, costume and cocktail affairs, because I like showing off my slim but cut body. I enjoyed the attention I got, and I never felt my masculinity threatened. "I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality that I can wear a pink shirt," I used to say.
One afternoon Scott invited me to an adults-only pool party at a rich gay couple's house where he was house sitting. He said it would be a mixed crowd but mostly black gay guys attending. He said he wanted to show me off a little to his friends. I said yes since his desire to be associated with a hot straight white guy aligned with my desire to be ogled at and desired. Maybe I would meet a hot woman there.
The day before the party I finished my workout and felt confident that my sculpted arms and thighs, washboard abs, pronounced pecs and bubble ass would turn some heads. I wasn't cocky or conceited but I had received enough compliments to know what I had been blessed with genetically, even if I couldn't take all the credit for it. I then went to the tanning bed studio to add some colour.
I knew how obsessed gay guys were with tans and I didn't want to offend anyone with my paleness. I also shaved my cock and balls because the swim suit I was going to be wearing was my posing strap, basically a grocery sack for my cock and balls, and I didn't want any bushy pubes ruining the look. When I finished shaving, I left a pencil- thin landing strip, I looked at myself in the mirror and got an instant hard on. "Damn! I'd fuck me if I were gay", I thought. This is an admittedly narcissistic attitude. It's also a clue that on some level I was sexually excited by men. A straight guy probably wouldn't get a hard on looking at his own hairless cock and balls and smooth anal entrance.
When I arrived at the party, dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, Scott pulled me aside as soon as I stepped into the house. He warned me that at some point there might be a clothing-optional-for-the rest-of-the-party announcement. He was trying to be sensitive to any discomfort I might feel at a party full of naked gay men. I said I would be fine with it.
He told me to jump into my swim suit and come out to the pool to meet everyone. I went to a bedroom and stripped down to my G-string. I checked the mirror and adjusted the sack to fully contain my package, and my cock swelled slightly, pulling the narrow strip of material covering my anus tight. That's going to chafe my asshole if my cock gets any harder, I thought. Be sure not to get a hard on, I cautioned myself.
I stepped out onto the pool deck surrounding an infinity pool overlooking a verdant valley with a sprinkling of mansions dotting the landscape. I looked around and I realized that mine was the skimpiest suit there. Most guys were wearing Speedos, boy-shorts, etc., but none of them had their ass cheeks out like I did. "Whoa, dressed to impress I see," Scott said.
"Yeah, well I thought gay guys liked to flaunt their goods so figured there'd be more guys dressed like me here. Oh well," I replied.
Scott paraded me around the pool area, introducing me to everyone. People were lounging on chaises, laying on towels on the grass, and sitting on the edge of the pool. I had only met a few of the people before, members of the gym where I worked. Only one woman was there, the wife of another guy, not the hot woman I was kind if hoping to meet at the party. Again, oh well.
The guys were a mix of attractiveness, from average to extremely good looking and all were black guys. I was assessing them strictly from the standpoint of a fitness pro and appreciator of anatomical beauty. Of the thirty or so people there, five guys looked like models, very handsome and with incredible bodies. They represented the looks-obsessed faction of gay culture well.
Scott meandered with me around the pool like a show pony, making turns to say "one more thing," causing me to be turned all the way around for all aspects of my nearly naked body to be inspected. The reactions of the guests were mostly predictable; gay guys would look me up and down and smile approvingly, then excitedly whisper to their nearby friends. The straight people just nodded and tried to not look at my brightly displayed crotch. One of the truly beautiful guys, Ted, lifted his sunglasses when Scott said his name.
Ted was laid out on a beach chaise on a white towel. His body was perfect by Greek statuary standards. Very muscular arms, pecs in slabbed squares, eight-pack abs, massive, muscular thighs and contoured calves. But unlike the tiny button of a penis on most steroid-built bodybuilders, his square-cut boy shorts clung to the outline of a very generous cock and ample balls. I had to silently give it to him; he was the epitome of a gorgeous black man, gay or otherwise.
I felt a little intimidated by Ted as Scott walked away after the introduction. I stood in front of Ted, casting a shadow over his beautiful, ebony body, chiselled facial features and soft, wavy black hair. He didn't have a single flaw that I could see. "Hey Darren," he snapped me back from my daydream. I realized I had been gazing at him while all those thoughts were going through my mind. His eyes slowly left mine and followed my body down to my cock, presented proudly in my skimpy jock. He stopped there and slowly retraced his gaze back up my body, stopping and locking eyes with me.
He smiled approvingly. I smiled back, also approvingly. Two could play this game, I thought. This kind of undressing me with his eyes and overt sexual attention was a win for me, as it was coming from an Adonis like him. I liked him wanting me, and I guess I wanted to keep it going. "Want a drink?" I asked. I had no idea what or where the drinks were but for some reason I wanted to serve him.
"That'd be great, white wine," he said. As I sauntered toward the house to find the white wine I casually bent over to pick up a pebble on the deck and toss it away before anyone stepped on it with a bare foot. I bent over from my waist in order to give Ted a good deep peek at my pink asshole barely covered by a strip of Spandex. I looked back over my shoulder and sure enough, Ted had his sunglasses propped up on top of his head and was up on one elbow to watch my ass as I walked away. I smiled at him staring at my ass, and he smiled back sheepishly. I love getting these guys worked up, I mused.
I returned with his white wine and one for myself. His eyes were at the level of my cock and he took his time to look up to thank me. I loved the flirtation, even though I had no intention of it going anywhere. He then dropped his legs off each side of the lounge and adjusted his package beneath the clinging nylon fabric. His cock had swollen slightly and I could clearly see the outline of his cock head, a magnificently defined, flesh-piercing truffle. Now it was my turn to feel in awe. "Touché," I said to myself. My G-string started to pull tighter in my ass crack and I realized that my cock was swelling slightly. "What was it about this situation that was making me flush and my heart race? I'm not gay. I'm as straight as they come. And yet I feel like I am crushing on this guy and I wouldn't object to kissing his beautiful lips and running my fingers along his magnificent chest, down his rippled abs to that outline of a massive black cock," I thought.
We made more small talk and everything seemed like a sexual innuendo. I couldn't turn off the flirting, as much as I tried. As we talked, two other things were happening: I was assessing the source of my feelings to fondle him, and why my body was reacting this way when my mind knows I'm straight; and I was visually tracing droplets of sweat as they ran in rivulets down Ted's smooth beefy pecs, across the mogul run that was his washboard abs, and disappeared into the edge of his swimsuit riding just above his pubic ridge. These two opposing forces were confounding me. One felt very logical: I know I'm straight; and the other felt really, really good: I want to be the object of a gay sexual pleasure cruise.
I hadn't noticed but the couples and straight people, other than me, had drifted away and left the party already. Maybe Scott had warned them too about what was coming next but they didn't feel as comfortable with it as I did. Scott announced, "This is it guys, clothing is now optional!" to which a loud cheer went up from the fifteen or twenty remaining men.
Ted locked eyes with me again and stood up. Without taking his eyes off mine, daring me to not look away, he hooked his thumbs into the top of his waist band and pulled his trunks down to his thighs. His beautiful swollen, semi-hard black cock, which had been laying sideways when he was laying down, now rolled off his abdomen and fell forward, like a just cut tree in the forest. It stopped at a 45 degree angle from his body, heavy, swelling with blood.
He was taunting me with his body and now with his cock. I realized that I secretly, passionately wanted to devour him, but my head was trying to remind me that's not possible, because I'm not gay. The material running between my ass cheeks was pulling tighter against my hole as my cock started to engorge. "You're not going to join us?" Ted said waving toward all the men who were now sans swimsuits, or any clothing.
I stood up, knowing he was directly challenging me to maintain my premise of being straight. I had to do it because I had to prove it to myself as well. I doffed my trunks all at once, pulling them down to my ankles, and straightened back up. My plump cock jumped when it was released from the posing strap. I didn't realize how swollen it was and now it was inching away from my body as it continued to get harder. This was a problem. Getting hard at the sight of these men would mean I'm gay, or at least I'm on my way. I needed to hide my erection so I turned sideways to Ted. That just made it worse because he could see my big cock growing, continuing to crank higher, and bigger, in profile. I looked for some way to hide my hardening cock.
I noticed three guys, the other beautiful model-types, splashing in the shallow end of the pool. I said to Ted, "I need to cool off," and I jumped into the pool. My blood filled cock felt as big and obvious as a rescue torpedo just under the surface of the water.
The three men in the water were all very handsome and well built - gay eye candy for sure. One of them asked me if I would join them for a chicken fight in the pool, to make the number of players even. If I stood up completely now, my rising cock would be visible for all to see, which would expose to all the men how I really felt. I did not want the three model-boys thinking I was gay, but I agreed to play because I needed an excuse to stay in the water and splash around.
I offered to be the bottom for my teammate, Dylan, and I swam under water between his legs. He had a sprinter's thighs and ass, all muscle, magnificently sculpted. His crotch was shaved bare, as were all the gay men at the party, and his skin looked as smooth as marble. His tan line revealed him to be a G-string wearer as well. At least I had called shaving my cock, balls and ass right.
His beautiful black cock was well veined and had a doorknob sized head. Not grotesque, just right for his soda can sized shaft. His full balls were bobbing like buoys in the current over my head as I swam between his legs and lifted my shoulders to meet his ass, with his rectum at the nape of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his lower legs and lifted him out of the water.
As the water ran off of us I turned my head to the side and there was his divine cock, laying against my jaw. This was the closest I had ever been to another man's cock, but unlike what I thought my reaction might have been, I didn't want to pull away. His cock shaft felt full and fleshy against my neck and chin.
I quickly turned back and in the process my lips grazed the very ample head of his wonderful penis. I felt like bridges were being crossed at a pace that I couldn't control. This proximity to Dylan's beautiful black man meat and my brush with his head wasn't helping me to calm down my own cock. Quite the opposite.
Blood was rushing everywhere in my body and I felt hot despite being in the pool. But it was rushing especially to my cock and I felt my cock helmet break the surface of the water. I started wrestling with the other team immediately to distract them from noticing my hard on.
As we laughed and wrestled I intentionally over exerted myself to try and divert the blood to my arms and legs and away from my cock. We fell sideways and Dylan slipped around my neck and off my shoulders, with his ankles now resting on my trapezius muscles. He was floating on his back, facing me. But more significantly, his previously relaxed soda can-sized cock was growing into a pound sized package of spaghetti noodles, with all of the attendant ridges and girders.
"We're a good team," he said as he watched my cock head sway above the water's surface like a periscope. I told Dylan and the other two guys, Phillip and Ray, that I had to get out and use the bathroom. I clutched a beach towel to my crotch to hide my fully erect cock as I waddled to the house.
The house was gorgeous and I found the master bathroom. The house belonged to a gay couple, doctors, and they obviously had exquisite taste. The master bed was an ocean of silky smooth black satin sheets, comforter and pillows. I wondered how many men's asses had been fucked and cocks sucked on that bed. I pictured a threesome of hot guys shooting

I envied gay guys for their man-to-man, no pussy headaches romantic relationships, as well as their lack of sexual inhibitions. I started to question whether my sexuality was as clear as I thought it was. "Were there signals all along? Was my curiosity and fascination with gay culture really a desire to be part of it?" I wondered.
On paper I was a perfect candidate for a prototypical gay man, at least as much as Scott had described the typical gay man to me. I was an art major in college. I worked in a gym. I loved the male anatomy. And I worked on perfecting my own body to make it essentially the pinnacle of attraction to gay men. After all, most women didn't really care about muscles on their straight boyfriends and husbands. This was a moment, an opportunity, to really test my sexual identity.
I was pretty sure my arousal due to all this male stimuli was a fluke and furthermore I was willing to bet my pride on it. It would be quite embarrassing if I had been introduced at the beginning of the party as Scott's straight friend, which he emphasized to each guest, worried that I might feel objectified I guess, and then suddenly be the guest aroused by men to want to fuck one of their asses, or worse, want them to fuck mine. I decided I would let my body tell me what I wanted. My head could be tricked.
I would go back out there, now that my cock was calm and relaxed again, to see if my theory was correct that I could remain unaroused throughout the rest of my interactions at the party. I looked in the mirror again and admired my alluring body.
Now that the party was sans swimwear, I was naked for all to see, shaved cock, balls and ass, brimming with virility and masculinity. I turned and checked my look from behind. It was a beautiful ass, if I do say so myself. I bent over and looked at my asshole. It was a rosebud of skin folds leading to a tunnel of velvet. Like I said, I'd love to fuck me, if I could.
Looking at my love hole made me think something was missing from this challenge. I found a big jar of sex lube in the bathroom and I palmed a large puddle of it and massaged it into my sphincter. At first my hole was tight but as soon as I ran a finger inside my hole it started to dilate. I knew this reaction about myself when I had played with my ass in the past. Now my waiting hole was dilating and loaded with lube. Not that I would need it but it only seemed fair to fully present both arguments for and against any latent homosexuality on my part.
I headed back out to the pool, determined to keep my cock calm and unexcited. As soon as I got outside I saw Ted again. He smiled when he saw me and said "Where'd you run off to? I was afraid you left the party." I immediately felt like I wanted to serve him again and I grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses and went to him.
"Can I pour you some wine?", I asked. "Why did I sound like I was his waiter and not his equal?", I asked myself. I handed him a glass of wine as my eyes feasted on his ebony body. that smile, that big black cock. My balls started to tighten and my cock started getting heavy. Uh-oh, it was starting to happen again. There would be no way to hide a hard on this time and no way to explain it away as anything but a real sexual attraction to a hot man!
I was mortified, but my cock kept growing harder. I grabbed a towel to spread on a chaise butted up next to Ted's. Maybe I could lie down and conceal my cock on my side. I knelt on the edge of the lounge and leaned forward to lay out the towel. In that position, on all fours, my ass was raised in the air and my cheeks were spread open. My head was down. I didn't realize it or intend for it to happen but that lube in and around my love hole was glistening in the sun, highlighting and welcoming my tight man cunt for all to see. My hole was dilating more and more also.
Ted's cock immediately began to get hard. I looked over my shoulder at him and his cock was rising like a battleship cannon positioning for attack.
I saw his beautiful ballooning cock head and stiffening shaft and I felt a hot rush in my face and ears. My cock was stiffening now unlike any time in my past. I was more turned on than I had ever been with a woman.
The thought of Ted’s black cock penetrating me, in my ass or my mouth, consumed me. My cock felt so hard and kept getting harder that I thought it might rupture. Ted's cock was fully erect now. It had thick veins on the sides a gentle upward curve to it. I looked down and a ribbon of pre

What was going on here? I was so incredibly turned on by a guy. I never thought I had these feelings for men before. Having a man put his cock in me would change things. This was a bridge that I could not un-cross. This would definitely make me gay, at least sexually. I know some straight guys claim they have gay sex but they're still straight and fuck their wives and it's just a convenience thing. For me, this was a very powerful attraction. My polarity seemed to have switched, or I was reading it wrong all along. The way I was feeling now I didn't care if I ever saw pussy again.
I rolled over and faced Ted as he moved closer. My huge erection, with pre

I felt bad for Scott; all the times he would have enjoyed this, but we were just platonic friends. Ted rose up on his knees and brought his cock head right to my lips. Now his cock was oozing pre

His skin was silky smooth and his shaft was surprisingly firm, like a muscular forearm. This was the first time I had ever touched another man's cock. A drop of his lube fell onto my tongue and I instinctively raised my tongue to catch it. My tongue was now on the underside of his cock and Ted let out a quiet gasp.
I felt my own cock lube puddling at the base of my cock. I closed my mouth on Ted's cock and took several long sucks to get the feel for it. The deed was done. This was definitely a gay thing to do. I was more thrilled with each successive stroke. I lingered and focused on the area under the head of Ted's cock where I knew it was very sensitive on my cock. He said, "For a straight white guy you sure are an enthusiastic natural for sucking black cock." I didn't answer, I just kept stroking, sucking, and massaging his balls and the part of his shaft that I couldn't get in my mouth.
I looked up at Ted and saw he had a dreamy expression and he kept panting as I engulfed his cock with my warm hungry mouth. I knew right then that I wanted to satisfy him so deeply, that I wanted to him to feed me his gift of semen. I wanted to swallow all of it. I wanted my mouth to provide him infinite pleasure. I looked up again and I saw him motion to someone behind me. It was Dylan. I was so engrossed in pleasing Ted that I didn't notice that all the rest of the guys at the party had gathered around us now and we're watching. I could see some of them jerking off while they watched. That excited me even more.
I hoped the guys watching would jerk off until they got close to coming and then shoot their loads on me. I had gone from thinking I was truly straight at the beginning of this party to now only caring about consuming as much cock and

Dylan was behind me and he lifted my hips up to his waist level. I got off the chaise and on to my knees so I could stay at that level and brace myself for what I hoped was coming next. It was. Dylan's soda can-sized black cock and doorknob head were fully erect. His pre

Dylan pointed his shaft slightly down so that his head was docked at the entrance to my greasy sphincter. He pushed his head part way in. I felt a tight stretch, but it wasn't as painful as I had heard it described. He kept the pressure on my asshole while my hole adjusted. He then let the pressure off slightly and that was enough for my rectum to swallow the head of Dylan's cock. I arched my back and he was in. He then pushed his shaft slowly into me, stopping momentarily when he encountered resistance, then advancing further. This kept going until I felt his big black balls against mine. His cock was all the way in me!
I was thrilled. I just wanted Dylan to love my fuck tight hole and fill me with his negro sperm. No way would I have allowed him to use a condom. The intimacy that I was looking for required them to fill me with their cock sauce, unen

I realized that Ted was getting close to orgasm. His cock swelled even bigger and his panting had gotten louder and faster. He was moaning and I could taste more and more pre

Dylan's cock stroking over my super sensitive prostate was utterly delicious bringing me closer to a powerful anal orgasm with each stroke of his massive black cock
Now Dylan was close too. He said, "You have such a tight gorgeous white boy pussy, I can't hold off anymore". With that he pulled my hips back and buried his huge black cock completely in my velvety rectum.
I have never felt so dominated, and utterly useless other than the pure pleasure of these super masculine men. And I couldn't think of any feeling I'd rather have.
Dylan's cock pulsated deliciously as he squirted his fat load into me, I felt his warm sperm engulf my eager rectum and had the most wonderful orgasm of my life, my boy pussy rhythmically milked Dylan’s black cock of his

Dylan slowly eased his cock out of my ass and my sphincter collapsed to its former size. Ted handed me a glass of wine and said, "Here's a chaser. Ready for more play?"
Behind Ted, Philip had a raging erection. He was stroking his baguette-sized black cock with both hands. I motioned him forward so I could suck his cock. dam, it looked so good. He had a big pink mushroom cock head and cable-like veins along his thick shaft. I desperately wanted to get that man flesh in my mouth.
Ray had already taken Dylan's place behind me, but he wanted to change positions. Ray sat on a bench and guided me to straddle his fully erect cock. His cock was big, awesome big. I was concerned that I might not be able to take it.
His cock also had a slight downward bend, like a huge oak tree branch that sags under its own weight. I lowered myself to the point where his fat purple cock head was forcing its way into the entrance of my man cunt. As my sphincter slowly folded over his cock head, then I slowly sank on his black shaft, I rode his man meat down and ended up resting on his lap. Ray then grabbed my ass cheeks, one in each hand, and alternately raised and lowered me, impaling my ass on his black spear. I could feel his cock bottoming out at my colon on each stroke.
Phillip jockeyed for the right position to put his cock in my mouth. When he found the right parameters he grabbed me by the back of my head and started fucking my mouth. Sometimes he went too deep and caused me to gag, which turned him on even more; and me too. I had one man forcefully fucking my ass as deep as possible and one forcefully pushing the limits on fucking my mouth. I couldn't have been more thrilled. I was basically a passenger as these virile, super masculine men used me to provide pleasure for themselves. I was in heaven.
Ray started to stroke my semi-hard cock but I moved him away. I only wanted to pleasure these men. Ray's angled cock was rubbing my again tingling prostate with each stroke and

Philip was panting and moaning. Now his panting was getting faster and I knew a fresh hot load of semen was on its way to my lustfully sucking mouth.
Ray grabbed my ass cheeks even tighter as he slid me down his meat shaft one last time. His cock started to pulse as his balls pumped my pussy full of his potent sperm.
Philip erupted at the same time, pulling my head onto his cock and launching his ejaculation, salvo after salvo of delicious

I had two of the most masculine men with two of the most prized black cocks I have ever seen, force every drop of man juice from their balls into my two most personal orifices at the same time, and I've never been more satisfied.
As I un-impaled myself from Ray's cock, a fresh rivulet of

While I was getting turned out, from stud ladykiller straight arrow, into a definite

This was by far the greatest sex and the greatest day I ever had. When I went home I jerked off while squeezing my nipples and reliving the whole experience in my sweet memory.
You might ask if I have any regrets. I do: that I didn't submit to cocks, men's asses, their muscles, their masculinity and their