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Is Estonia Next?


Staff member
Jan 25, 2014
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This seems like a deliberate provocation. Will the Soviet Empire rise again?

This is bad: Russia 'abducts' Estonian officer after Obama says US will defend Estonia
Vox dot com | By Max Fisher | September 5, 2014, 12:48 p.m. ET


Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and US President Barack Obama inspect troops in Tallinn, Estonia, on September 3

On Friday morning, less than 48 hours after President Obama delivered a speech in Estonia warning that Russian aggression against Estonia could trigger war with the US and NATO, Russian security forces have seized an officer with Estonia's state security bureau at gunpoint and taken him into Russia.

Estonia says the officer was kidnapped (or "abducted") on Estonian soil and taken across by force. Moscow says the Estonian officer was on Russian soil and detained with a gun, 5,000 euros and "materials that have the character of an intelligence mission." Nearby Estonian police radios were reportedly jammed during the incident.

The incident comes at a moment when Europe and the US are extremely concerned that Russia might attempt military action against Estonia as it has against Ukraine. Just on Wednesday, the United States publicly committed to Estonia's military defense, meaning that a Russian invasion of Estonia would trigger war between Russia and the US, a prospect so dangerous that the world managed to avoid it throughout even the Cold War.

"Unidentified persons coming from Russia took the freedom of an officer of Estonian Security police officer on the territory of Estonia," Estonia's state prosecutor's office announced, shortly before Russia claimed responsibility. "The officer was taken to Russia using physical force and at gunpoint."

The statement continues: "The officer was fulfilling his duties in connection to preventing a cross-border crime in taking place. The use of smoke grenades and intense interference with operative radio connections preceded the incident."

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves tweeted almost immediately about the kidnapping, indicating that the government considers it a major incident. His government quickly summoned the Russian ambassador, and Estonia's interior minister said of the attack, "This kind of behavior is unacceptable."


The Estonia-Russia border crossing at Luhamaa, where the incident occurred (Kruusamägi)

The Estonian state security officer is identified as working on counterintelligence and organized crime — a confusing combination, and one that does not shed much light on whether he was working, at the time, in his capacity against organized crime or against foreign intelligence agencies.

Fears are extremely high across Europe that Russian President Vladimir Putin might attempt some sort of aggression against Estonia or Latvia, two Baltic states on the Russia border that are formerly part of the Soviet Union. Putin invaded Crimea in March and eastern Ukraine in August, both times ostensibly to "protect" the large populations of ethnic Russians and native Russian-speakers in those regions. Also both times, he started by using unmarked Russian soldiers to stir up isolated violent incidents.

One quarter of Estonia's population is ethnic Russian — even larger than in Ukraine — and much of it concentrated on the border with Russia. Estonia's third-largest city, Narva, is about 90 percent Russian; just the sort of majority Russian enclave the Putin has asserted control over in Ukraine, and to a lesser degree in Georgia and Moldova. And Estonia, even more so than Ukraine, since breaking away from the Soviet Union has aligned itself with the West against Russia.

This fear of Russian aggression in Estonia and neighboring Latvia is a primary reason why President Obama traveled to Estonia's capital this week. In his speech, Obama explicitly warned Russia that the United States and the other members of NATO (including the UK, France, and Germany) would defend Estonia and Latvia, also NATO members, just as they would defend "Berlin and Paris and London." It was a clear warning to Russia not to do in Estonia what it had done in Ukraine — thus showing how concerned the world is about exactly that happening.

This incident, happening when it has, at the very least highlights the extreme level of concern in eastern Europe that Russia (which is also sending military planes into Finland's airspace) will target Estonia next. Hopefully, though, the incident will come to nothing.
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Crazy Bitch
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
And soon Finland is the target too? This is getting more and more scary.


Daughter of Deuterium
Jan 22, 2011
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I don't see that Russia will attack states that are in the Nato.

On another forum, where participants accept scientific data and opinions, the question about the russian minorities in the three Baltic states came up.

It is widly unknown in the West but there is some rather disturbing segregation-policy going on.

I read about a rather disturbing treatment of ethnic minorities in Latvia, where there are still 14% of inhabitants, who don't have the full citizenship but only a second class citizenship: Russians, Belarussians, Ukranians, Poles are all discriminated. Many of those, who belong to that minority are not allowed to vote, they cannot travel.

Many of those with a second class citizenship are old people or children, who cannot pass the "test for full citizenship".

For that test you have to learn the language and history etc. pp. Some are too old or too young for the test, others refuse it out of poltical reasons (which I find highly understandable).

It became grotesk, when there was a public poll about making russian the second offical language in 2012. Those 14% were of course exculded from the poll. Which shows again that democracy is more than making a cross on some pager.


The European Court for Human rights has criticized Latvia several times for that but the Latvian government doesn't really do anything to solve it.

It is a politcial problem that has it's roots in the very difficult history of the country but is a major disregard of human rights and politically shortsighted. Especially that the newborn children are not granted the "ius soli" (to get the right for citizenship automatically by birth) is highly questionable. Just as questionable as considering Russians all around the world as a potential "fifth column" for Putin.

The West is build on principles - like the decleration of human rights in 1789 in France.
Those have to be universal, not just some.

If the Baltic States are afraid of Russia it's understandable. The best protection is to integrate their minorities, not segregate them.

It would have been a good diplomatic and political sign of Obama if he mentioned that during his visit in the Baltic States. But what can you expect from a country that just gives a shit for human rights: water-boarding, Guantamao, Abu Grahib, killing drones.

I would not disagree to any russian poltician who criticizes the Baltic states.
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Super Vip
May 5, 2012
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Well many of us in THIS forum don't work with scientific data and opinions but with common sense. And this common sense said to me that I'm starting to stand in awe of the Russians. In my eyes they are unpredictable today, yesterday and in the future as well! I have heard as well that the Baltic states are not very friendly with their Russian minorities - and perhaps it was a mistake to segregate these people. But I have been two years ago in Riga, Latvia. I have spoken there with many other young people and indeed they really hated the Russians in their country. And why - well the shoe is now on the other foot! Yesterday the Russians have been the masters and the original Latvians have been the unworthy people. Now it changed - perhaps or for sure it will not be correct but couldn't you understand? Isn't it a typical human action?! But Putin - this unemotional being - pokes the fire of war - of a world war and not the Baltic States with their policy.
And so really I'm afraid that the unspoken could happen!
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New member
Mar 27, 2013
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This is such a complex issue.

Putin ... pokes the fire of war - of a world war

I agree with your evaluation of Putin, Shelter. It appears he views Europe and NATO as weak and disorganised...and perhaps they are. It also seems his desire is to be revered in history as the man who restored Russia to its Empirical status in the world by annexing and/or dominating as many former USSR territories as he can. His country's trade activities have helped to foment political unrest and human rights crises throughout Africa and the Middle East. I doubt that is incidental to his Master Plan, whatever that might be. I hope I don't sound paranoid when I say that I can see another global war on the horizon, with Putin lighting the fuse on the bomb that starts it. :devil:

What is needed in the West is a truly dynamic and TRUSTED leader to appear who can defuse many of the international tensions. On the other hand, perhaps those who believe in a Christian God can pray for the Second Coming to occur sooner rather than later. :praying:


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
The tragedy is: I can't see in the West a leader which is so dynamic and, as you said Noiraud, so trusted that he can defuse all these tensions with the East. The only dynamic person is Putin and why? He has no parliamentary democracy. He is the leader and his so called parliament the Duma is only decoration. In the West we have our Democracies with parliaments and different partys which will never be at one with the opposition. And that will be the crux of the matter!
There is here in Germany a bad joke that means: Russia is threaten Germany. The German Parliament forgathers and they debate this and that what to do - one day and the second day and suddenly someone bumps against the parliaments door - the Russians are there!
I think that will be characteristic for the whole western democracies.
And at last Noiraud, do you know a western leader from such a charisma who can bring all of us together and will speak then with one voice!?
I can't see no one and as you said perhaps the only help will be to pray! Isn't it horrible?
My grandfather, he fought in WW 2, said some days ago: The world has had too long their peace period - there will come one (Putin?) and end this period. I hope so very much he will be in the wrong. Why we can't live in peace on this earth????


New member
Mar 27, 2013
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The world has had too long their peace period...Why we can't live in peace on this earth????

I once heard someone say that the reason our planet has seen so many major wars is that each generation must vent its genetically-inherent aggression before it can truly grow up. Sounds like your grandfather may have heard that same dark explanation. Events like the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the breakdown of the former USSR may have diluted that drive for a while, but aggressive posturing seems to be very popular once again, the world over. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed the human race can survive what's coming. :nail biting:


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I hope so very much that you will be in the right. Noiraud. (May I conclude from your name that you are French?)

If yes - you will know what both of our peoples have had to suffer in the not so far past. But we found together again. Slowly was growing a friendship again between us. But until today there will be provisos from the one or the other side. But I think we both work on this friendship and nothing else matters!

But Russia is a little bit out of order! And I hope so very much that Mr. Putin will not press the red button.

A short time ago I've seen an Australian film called ON THE BEACH. This film is from 2000. And never before after a movie I was so terrified and felt myself so uncomfortable! This today war bluster in Estonia or Ukraine gave me unrest and I was deeply frightened. Always before my very eyes this film.

So I hope and pray that our human race will survive and that a time will come where Germans, French, English, Americans all people of the world could be friends in the good sense. I know that that will be a chimera - but I like the imagination!


Staff member
Jan 25, 2014
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"On The Beach" (2000) was a good movie


If you liked it you should also watch the original "On The Beach" (1959) because it was a great movie too!



Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you Sniffit, I'll try to find this film too. But because this film is from 1959 it will be a little bit difficult to get it. I'll try my favourite video store. But thanks for your kindness to tell me from this movie.

By the way - thanks too for OPEN GRAVE! Great!


I dont know the new version of On the Beach only the original version which is a must see film. That is a film that you need to watch rather than want to watch. It streams free on Viooz.ac if you can cope with the dodgy ads and the flaky site.


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks Dargelos I'll try it - or better not?! -:). But it is really true too this new film from 2000 wasn't a film for a nice evening. I really slept with nightmares for some days. And the story botherd my until now. Never before a movie has done that to me - and believe me I'm a film-freak.


In the original movie a drunk scientist explains that the end of the world has come about by mistake, a technical failure. Blame it on a handful of vacuum tubes and transistors.
That's how the world will end, a minor error then a chain reaction.
Drunk woman;"If everybody was so smart why didnt they know what would happen"
Sober man;"They did"
Sweet dreams everyone.
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