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loosing weight


New member
Nov 18, 2009
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Hello friends,

i want to loose weight, lots of.
i am making tours on my bicycle, tours of 90 till 100 KM and doing exercise at a sportschool (i know bad englisch), does anyone have tips for me like in what i can eat and what not (if possible in dutch).




Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I'm no expert, but I'm losing weight myself at the moment for health reasons.

From my experiences so far, I'd share the following:
1) quick weight loss is temporary weight loss, slow and stead is the key
2) it's about lifestyle changes, not fad diets
3) be realistic - you can't go from no excercise to 2 hours in the gym 5 days a week - you might do it for a week, maybe two, but you'll wear yourself out. Start with just 30 mins exercise a day, then build up
4) eat a healthy balanced diet - not fad crap, just healthy. Lots of fruit, some nuts, some lowfat dairy, lots of veg, as little processed food as you can, and avoid sugar, fat, and salt.

I've found the DASH eating plan to be realistic, sensible, and effective. TBH - it's very common sense stuff. This PDF explains it well, and even gives some nice easy recipes to try: http://anonym.to/?http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/dash/new_dash.pdf

DASH was designed as a preventative diet to avoid heart and blood pressure problems, and a way for people to get their blood pressure down, but a big part of keeping your heart healthy and your blood pressure right is having a healthy body weight, and that DASH eating plan helps with that too.



Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
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Oh - and another thing - weigh yourself regularly, and record the results in a spread sheet so you can graph them.

I weight myself at the same time of day every day, and although the daily measurements fluctuate, when you see them graphed the trend is VERY clear. If you graph and the trend it wrong, you need to make more lifestyle changes until the trend corrects itself.



Super Vip
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
In Dutch:
Gewicht verliezen is eenvoudig: minder eten. Jaren geleden besloot ik af te vallen. Ik woog toen 84 kg. Voor mijn lengte 1m.80 niet eens zo gek, maar toch. Heb mijn voedingspatroon aangepast (niet snoepen, geen vette dingen, max. 1 biertje per dag en vanwege cholesterol alleen bakken in olijfolie of ander vloeibaar vet en: nooit meer twee keer opscheppen bij een warme maaltijd, ook al smaakt het nog zo goed). Ik weeg sindsdien 72 kg. Na feestdagen e.d. klimt het weleens naar 74, maar dat gaat zo weer terug naar 72. Door mijn eetpatroon is dat mijn vaste gewicht geworden.
Als je intensief gaat sporten (doe ik vanwege mijn leeftijd niet meer zo als vroeger) moet je er rekening mee houden dat extra spieren extra gewicht betekenen. Vaar dus niet blind op je weegschaal, maar kijk in de spiegel. Een teveel aan vet is altijd goed zichtbaar.
Als je fietst train je je benen. Het overtollige vet in je benen verdwijnt niet, maar verplaatst zich en vestigt zich op punten die minder bewegen. Verlies niet je moed als t.g.v. het fietsen je ineens een dikkere buik krijgt. Die verdwijnt vanzelf als je minder eet.
In English:
It is simple to lose weight: eat less. Years ago I decided to lose weight. I was 84 kilos. Not so bad for my length, 1.80, but . . . I changed my eating pattern (no sweets, no fat things, max. 1 beer a day and because of cholesterol I baked things only in olive oil or other liquid fat and: never took a second plate of food, how delicious it may have tasted). My weight is since that time 72 kg. After holidays it sometimes does climb to 74, but that is only temporally. In no time it is back to 72, what seems to be my normal weight because of my new eating pattern.
After intense exercise your muscles grow. Extra muscles mean extra weight. So your scale is not the only thing you should check, but look in the mirror. Excess fat is always visible.
Cycling trains your legs. Excess fat in your legs does not disappear, but travels through your body to places which move less. Don’t be disappointed when your belly seams to grow suddenly. It will disappear when you eat less.


Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
It takes time. Think in three month increments.

Exercise, eat smart and lift weights. When you exercise matters. Cardio exercise is best done at the beginning of the day before you have your first meal. If you eat, your body will burn the calories coming in, rather than stored fat. If you exercise up front, your body will first burn stored energy then fat. It takes 15 min. of exercise before fat burning actually happens so you want your Cardio routine to be in the 45min. to an hour range, at least. Running is a good choice. Or swimming if your body has issues. -Like the old saying goes, "There are no fat long distance runners."

Don't over exercise during Cardio. You want to hit a target zone where your heart rate is up but the exercise remains aerobic (using oxygen.) When muscles fire under heavy stress it shifts to a different mechanism to burn energy- one that does not rely on body fat.

Eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And often. But small meals through the day. Healthy foods. Low fat. Low sugar. At least 5-6 times a day! The last thing you want to do is 'be hungry'. The human body is conditioned through eons of evolution to see 'hungry' as the same as 'you're starving!' It will respond to this condition in very negative ways. So you don't want to go there. Your metabolism burns higher while you're digesting food, so eating often HELPS you burn calories. Not eating does the opposite.

Then, lift weights later in the day. In a resting state, a muscular body burns more energy while at rest. So muscle is a major factor in keeping trim.

Don't eat before bed. It is more likely to be converted to fat. -But remember, you do have to eat often. And a lot -of the right things. INCLUDING FATS!!!! Fats with a lot of Omega 3s. (Fish oil, Flax seed oil, Krell Oil, Olive Oil.) And supplements! Especially if you're lifting weights. Lifting without increasing your intake of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats will ultimately and certainly lead to injury.

There you have it. Do these things on a regular basis and in 3 months time you'll feel a huge difference. In 6 months you'll SEE a HUGE difference. Everything after that will be gravy.

(Should I have said 'gravy'???)

Good luck.


Super Vip
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
I have loads a LOAD of weight recently.

The only thing I have changed is Full Fat Coke. I drink the Zoke Zero now. Yer finally got used to it, but hay what difference it makes weight wise. I have lost over a stone (about 7kg) in about six months


New member
Jul 31, 2010
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I don't speak dutch only english


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Lost 65 lbs so far in 18 mos. Another 10 to go. Basics: Eat less, exercise more. Went from 45 minutes 3x week after work to 50 minutes 7x week in morning. Still eat what I like(not terribly healthy) but eat 1/2 of whatever I am served as I eat out most meals. Takes a few weeks to get used to it but then becomes normal and you don't want to "clean the plate". As with all in life, everyone has to find their own way. Worst part is I wear suits to work and now need to go buy a 4th set. Good luck!


New member
Feb 8, 2010
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My husband lost over 40 pounds with the lo-carb approach. No sugar! And, hitting the gym.