i would like to be less rude... by catalans are stupid [not all catalan people, i mean those who have nationalist feelings]. Catalan people are causing a lot of troubles and our president is leading our country like a drunk monkey because of them... Anyway, in spain we have several languages
Castellano [from Castilla, the official language in spain]
Gallego [Galicia]
Catalán, Valenciano or Mallorquín [Cataluña, Valencia and Mallorca, but their language is exactly the same... stupid right?]
Vasco or Euskera [País Vasco or Euskai, the same zone and language but they have two names]
Apart, people from south america talk even worse than spanish people. I dont care if they're independent countries, they speak in our language and they should do it correctly, but they don't. Apart, they neither know how to translate english correctly, and that's a big problem. Why? Well, they dont talk correctly in spanish, they dont talk correctly in english... And to make the things get worse, they mix the languages. Then for example, when they translate the verb "to pretend", which in spanish means "fingir", they say "pretender", another spanish verb which sounds very alike [a called false friend, it sounds very alike but its not the same thing]. "Pretender" in spanish has a similar meaning of "to try". Another example is the expresion "if only ....". If is a particle of conditional sentences, and in Spanish it means "si" [not the same word that "sí", which means "yes"] and "only" means "solo". But the expression "if only ..." in spanish would be "ojalá ..." because we have a word to say that, but they say "si solo ..." and thats wrong.
It happens a lot in anime and game's translations too. For example, in Final Fantasy VII, Silver Glasses avoids blind, but in english, glass could be that thing you wear to have a right view or that thing you use to drink something. In spanish, the first one would be "gafas" and the second one would be "vaso". The meaning is obvious, if it avoids blind state, it would be the first, but they wrote the second.
Party, has two meanings two. One is when you are with your friends having a drink, dancing etc, and the other is very common on RPGs and is your character's team, your group. In spanish, the first one would be "fiesta" and the second one woul be "grupo". Its obvious that if your partners went away and said they will be waiting for you in the inn, and when you enter a man says you "Your party is waiting for you upstairs" and upstair there are not drinks or music or anything, just your partners, it can be the first one!
But the worst of all, its not the translation. When they dont know what's the meaning of a word, they don't translate it! "Sense" in spanish is "sentir", but they didnt translated. After watching all skills in spanish [translated correctly or not], seeing "sense" in place of "sentir" makes you think america exist in the game and thats a skill made on USA xDDD