I was on my way to a doctor’s appointment across the other side of town and I was running late.
My appointment was for 10am and it was already five to ten, so I was going to be late, that much was clear. I was usually kept waiting by the doctor anyway, I usually didn’t get in to see him for at least ten-fifteen minutes after my usual appointment, so hey! I probably didn’t even need to see the doctor, but I had been running to the toilet every half an hour or so and was urinating at least twelve-fifteen times a day, which at my age -21 but I look younger- definitely wasn’t right. A simple urine infection was surely a quick thing for the doctor to diagnose.
I eventually arrived at the surgery at 10.10am and checked in at reception.
“Hello, I have got an appointment with ....”
“Are you Paul ?”
“Then hurry please. Follow me. Doctor is waiting.”
So I followed this pretty young receptionist down a long corridor until we reached some double doors, which I thought was strange.
“In here, he’s waiting for you now,” she said as she prompted me to enter.
I entered the door where I was met by another corridor. I walked along it and heard noises as I approached the end. I opened another door and there to my shock sat at least twenty young men and women, probably the same age or slightly older than myself sat around a relatively small room. There was also a table facing the crowd with three men and women sat there wearing white coats.
“There you are, young man. About time too. It’s Paul isn’t it ?
“Yes, but I was here to see Dr Jenkins”, I replied.
“No, not Doctor Jenkins. You need to see me and you are late so let’s get going.
I turned to leave but found my way blocked by two security men. It was clear that they would not let me go anywhere.
“So, we can finally get started ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for the delay but Paul is here now so we can finally begin.
“Paul, can you please just tell us your age?”
“I am twenty one”.
“Good, and you are in excellent health today?”
“I am okay Doctor but I have got some kind of urine infection and keep having to go to the toilet. Why are all these people here? I was expecting privacy.”
The doctor just laughed out loud and mockingly said to me,
“No Paul. There is no privacy today. These student doctors and nurses have been waiting for you to get here and we must get a move on swiftly, so can you please begin by removing your shirt. Stand over here please so that everyone can see. A urine infection you say? Well we will take a good look at that shortly.”
I had been directed to stand on a raised platform between the three doctors and the student doctors. There was quite a bright spotlight shining right into my face, lighting up my whole body.
I began to protest again and said, ”But it can’t be right that all these people are here for my private appointment?,” but the doctor just did not listen to me and again asked me to remove my shirt.
“They are student doctors Paul. There’s no need to start getting all embarrassed with us, is there!”
Reluctantly I did take my shirt off.
“Good, now strip down to your underwear as well please Paul,” instructed the doctor.
I thought of making a run for it again but the two security guards were stood directly in front of my only possible exit. I could see not other alternative but to comply with this man’s instructions.
So soon after, I stood in front of 26 strangers – I counted them - in just my briefs.
The female doctor then stood up, scooped up all my clothing and placed them behind their table.
The lecture began.
“The male anatomy can be very simple or very complicated. With the help of Paul here, we will demonstrate some of the best methods of carrying out a full medical examination to make your life easier in the future. Can I have two volunteers please to come down here ?”
Two young women got up and smiled at me as they approached. They were both about my age.
“Okay thanks, Katie and Helen. (They had name tags on).
“Can you please record Paul’s height, weight, blood pressure and body temperature and write the details in the record book on the table?”
And so I stood in my underpants whilst the two girls carried out the doctor’s orders.
A thermometer was placed in my mouth whilst the second girl applied the blood pressure monitor.
Once that was finished, girl number one said, “Can you please take your underwear off whilst I weigh you, it is normal to weigh a patient naked, isn’t it Doctor?”
“Indeed it is, Helen unless of course specific cir
stances dictate that the patient should remain in their underwear. But there’s no reason why Paul shouldn’t be fully naked, confirmed the Doctor.”
And so, very reluctantly, I lowered the band of my briefs and cupped my hands over my genitalia to retain minimal modesty as she leaned in front of me to read the weight and the bank to strangers witnessed my ordeal.
I was informed that I weighed 168 lbs and began to put my underwear back on when one of the female doctors shouted out to me,
“That won’t be necessary Paul. Can you hand your underwear to me please?,” and approached me hand outstretched.
“You might as well remain naked from here on in,” she advised as she flung my underwear behind their table with my other clothes.
“So, initial recordings on Paul are all in order. His blood pressure and body temperature are both satisfactory and his weight is about what you would expect for a fairly slight, slim twenty one year old boy,” said one of the female doctors.
I silently objected to the term “boy” but not as much as I objected to my current predicament.
The doctor then approached me and whispered in my ear for me to put my hands on my head.
I did as instructed, which of course now meant that my cock and balls were on view for all to see.
“So, Paul is a little under-developed for his age. You can see his musculature is a little lacking.
Can you flex your arms for me please Paul?”, she asked/instructed. I complied.
“See everyone, his biceps are minimal. You don’t go to the gym much do you Paul?,”
She stated mockingly. I shook my head.
“You can all see his armpit hair here. He has quite a lot of dark armpit hair and he is perspiring under his arms due to his stressful current predicament, no doubt. His chest hair is average, positioned mainly around his nipples. His facial stubble is quite rough but there is not very much chest hair. ”
She ruffled the hair on my chest for effect.
“Turn around Paul.” I did so immediately.
“But you can probably all see here that he has a little covering of hair on his lower back and his buttocks are very hairy indeed. Probably more hairy than you would normally expect. Turn back around Paul. Hands back on your head please.”
“So, a little further down and his pubic hair begins at his navel and runs quite thickly down to his penis.” Unexpectedly, she knelt down and cupped both my testicles.
“His testicles are quite large and free hanging, lots of spare skin so they dangle very low and are thickly covered in long hairs. But we will get back to Paul’s genitals a little later. His leg hair is also quite substantial, especially on his inner thigh here and also below his knees down to his ankles.”
“Can you please all come down here one by one and take a close look at the formation of Paul’s body hair and lack of muscles. It is the ideal example of a boy not long out of puberty. Feel free to check his testicle hair and take any photographs that you may need to supplement your essays.”
And so, I stood there hands on head as twenty one student doctors approached me, ran their hands over my butt, chest, chin, legs, testicles and ruffled through my pubes. What the hell had I got myself into? I only wanted my urine infection checked out and yet my bits and pieces were now actually being photographed by strangers.
“Where’s Jennifer Smith?,” asked doctor once everyone had returned to their seats.
“Here, Doctor”.
“Come here please Jennifer. Can you please record Paul’s penile and anal temperature for the class ?”
“Certainly Doctor.”
And so another pretty young wannabe doctor grabbed hold of my cock, rolled back the foreskin and shoved a thermometer up my Jap's eye. She looked me in the eye, holding my cock at the same time, as she said, ”I need to keep the thermometer in your penis for three minutes”. It seemed like three hours.
That ordeal over and an apparently completely normal penile reading, I was asked to lie on the floor and pull my legs up with my hands underneath my legs. I was naked and trussed up like a turkey with my asshole now on display to twenty one student doctors. “Jennifer” inserted the thermometer into my ass and waited three more minutes, come hours.
Whilst we were waiting, one of the male doctors came up close and instructed the class to observe my ‘unusually hairy’ anal area. The class were all instructed to come down and view it closely, so everyone formed a queue to look at my hairy ass, still with a thermometer shoved up my ass hole.
“Notice that Paul has a massive amount of anal hair running from underneath his testicles, all around his inner thigh, his anus and also covering all of his backside. As soon as Jennifer has finished, I am going to shave Paul’s anus smooth so that you can all get a better view for our studies.”
With that, the “helpful” doctor produced an electric razor and instructed me to remain in my trussed turkey position whilst he shaved off my anal hair. He then asked me to stand up whilst he also shaved off all the hair on my buttocks.
“Paul will be so much more less prone to picking up infections and diseases with his excessive anal hair removed. He mentioned to us at the beginning of the lecture that he has been suffering from a urinary infection, so can I have a volunteer to come up and shave Paul’s pubic hair off too please ?
You, come here and take over from me, will you please?,” he barked to a young lad on the front row who actually looked younger than me, but couldn’t have been.
The lad who’s name tag read as Jake sheepishly approached me, took the electric razor from the doctor and gave me what I assumed was a look of pity as he took hold of my penis and began to shave away all my pubic hair.
“Remove it right the way up to his navel please and try and remove as much of his testicle hair as possible too. Gather up the hair for me please as we will look at that later to check what micro-organisms have been living in Paul’s groin. I am sure that there will be plenty to see. Everyone here can take some of Paul’s anal and pubic hair to examine afterwards under the microscope please and let me have your findings before you leave please,” instructed the doctor who still stood next to us.
So Jake shaved away until I looked like a three year old and then took hold of my foreskin gently and lifted my penis up in the air so that he could begin to shave my testicles. He soon realized that he needed to actually manoeuvre my balls around and so yet another person began cupping, swinging and manhandling my most intimate body area – in front of a watching crowd.
Once finished, the doctor began again.
“Okay everyone, so you all inspected Paul’s body hair earlier. Can you all please come up now and notice the difference now that he has been shaved. Never be frightened to suggest to a patient that they should shave or trim themselves for hygiene purposes. Certainly it is long overdue with young Paul here. Come up and take a look everyone. And please take some more comparison photographs for your essays. Hands on your head again please Paul”
And so, I stood there being photographed and groped multiple times once again.
Another ordeal over, I suddenly got the urge to piss, and was quite surprised that it had taken me so long to be honest. I whispered to the doctor that I needed to go and urinate and he simply said out loud,
“Okay class, Paul’s urine infection is troubling him again and he needs to pass urine, so I am going to ask him to do this here in front of us all so that we can witness the speed of his urine flow and also the smell, quantity and color of the urine that he passes.”
And so, he passed me a large glass jar and asked me to “go ahead please.”
“Come closer again please everyone. Don’t forget to take photographs.”
And so I began to piss watched by an admiring audience.
“Notice firstly that he does not roll back his foreskin. Notice also the strong force of his urine. Paul seems to be a healthy specimen, a nice color of urine, not too dark. Certainly no problems there.
We can take this urine sample from Paul now and analyse it to check what might be causing him a problem. I would like everyone to do their own analysis please and include it in your reports as well. Make sure you collect a small sample of Paul’s urine before you leave.
“Whilst you are all close, let’s take some measurements of Paul’s penis. Carol, will you please record the length and girth of Paul’s penis and also confirm his testicle size – here is the orchidometer.
Four or five minutes later and everyone was aware that my penis was ten centimeters (4 inches) and was 13cms (5 inches) in girth.
Carol then began feeling my testicles and trying to compare them for size against a string of wooden beads which was apparently called an Orchidometer. After rolling and squeezing my balls several times and comparing the size with the beads, I was declared to be a size 20, and informed that my testicles were of the expected size for a “boy” my age. Without my pubes, I felt like a boy too.
“Paul can you please lift up your penis so that everyone can get a good close-up photograph of your testicles?” asked one of the female Doctors, and so I stood there holding my cock up whilst a seemingly never ending line of people crouched down in front of me to take a photograph of my most intimate area.
“Okay, this is obviously not normally a request we normally never make of our patients of course, but Paul has volunteered today,so will you please make your penis hard, so that we can obtain erect measurements for our studies?” asked the most formidable female doctor, with a stern look that said “go on, challenge me, I dare you”.
I hesitated briefly unable to comprehend the request but as she held her glare at me, inexplicably I found myself tugging at my cock in this room full of strangers, all of whom were watching me intently as I jerked off in front of them.
“Now Paul’s penis was ten centimeters in it’s limp state. Can anyone tell me what size they would expect him to be when fully erect ?
There was silence.
“Well that’s hardly surprising, isn’t it because no-one is really sure why some penises are showers and some are growers. Paul for instance has a girth of 13cm / 5 inches, which is way above the average for men of 3.67 inches. In fact his girth is bigger than the male average when erect – which is 4.59 inches, so Paul does have a very fat, wide penis. Paul’s penis is 4 inches long in a non-aroused state, when the average for men is 3.6 inches, so again he is a little longer than average. For an erect penis, the average size for men is 5.1 inches, so we will soon be able test Paul’s size against this. How are you coming along Paul? Stop rubbing yourself please!” shouted the doctor.
She then proceeded to take charge of my penis, poking it and pushing it around, commenting,
“Yes, he is in a semi-erect state now, and I will measure it now. It is .... already 5.5 inches (14cms) long, which is already bigger than average. Please begin stroking your penis again for us Paul.”
After a few more minutes, I was “inspected” again by the lady doctor and told that I was “much harder now”.
“I am sure that you can all see the difference in size now, and also note that now he is fully erect, his penis is pointing up at a completely different angle. It is almost touching against his stomach now instead of pointing straight out. Look if I push it right down, it will just spring back against his stomach,” She proclaimed. Such a sturdy erection is typical of a young virile man and a feature which does disappear in men as middle age approaches.
She then proceeded to twang my cock up and down several times, feeling pleased with herself and definitely in charge.
“Right, I will measure Paul’s penis but can you also please all come around and take a photograph of his erect member for your essays ?”
“Paul’s penis has now increased in size to 19cms which is 7.5 inches. Yes, this is a very big penis and especially so for someone as slim and slight as young Paul here. Please hurry and get a picture before his erection subsides.”
And so I stood there fully erect, instructed to place my hands behind my head again.
“Oh and notice that he is beginning to produce some pre-
as well. Try and get a close-up photograph of that too please ladies and gentlemen.”
A few minutes later, I was instructed by the bossy female doctor that I MUST now produce a semen sample for them.
“Please masturbate for us so that we can collect your semen sample. We will need to analyse your semen so that we can check the quantity of ejaculate which you produce and also the amount of sperm contained in your ejaculate. It will be quite informative for you Paul also, so please go ahead and masturbate.”
So I stood there jerking off frantically, trying to imagine that I was actually on my own in my bedroom rather than standing in front of a crowd of strangers. I had been told to notify the doctor when I was about to shoot, so that they could collect the semen in a receptacle. I did as told and Mrs bossy doctor stood there ready to collect my semen. I grunted, groaned and shot my load into the large pot, not really able to believe what I had actually done.
“Good, that didn’t take too long did it young man!” she said sarcastically.
“There is certainly a lot of semen here. I counted ten different waves of ejaculate that you produced so you are a virile boy. Now we will check to see how potent your semen is, in terms of sperm.
“My good colleague here Doctor Bedford will analyse it straight away so that we can give everyone the results. Normal sperm densities in men range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You are considered to have a low sperm count if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate,.” She informed the class.
Just at this point, there was a bit of a commotion taking place at the entrance with the security guard.
“What an earth is going on?” asked the male doctor who was in charge.
“It’s this lad sir. He says he is here to model for us today and that his name is Paul, but I have already told him that the model is here.”
“Let him in. Come here please sir,” the Doctor motioned.
A hushed conversation then took place between the two men. The man claiming to be Paul was around my age and suddenly I knew exactly what had happened here. It had been a complete mistake and I had arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time but unfortunately had the right name.
As I stood there naked, still semi erect, large globs of semen dripping off my penis and still being photographed by several men and women, the two men, Doctor and the life model, approached me.
“Well, if this is our model Paul, as his paperwork tells us, then who are you young man, some kind of exhibitionist pervert?”
“Err no Doctor, I did try and tell you right at the very beginning that I was here to see Doctor Jenkins about a urine infection. I had an appointment.”
“Well, why on earth didn’t you tell me you stupid boy! Is your name even Paul?”
“Yes, Paul Mason. You can check that I had a 10am appointment with Doctor Jenkins. I did tell you.”
“Well, that is possible of course, but you had several opportunities to tell us about the mix-up. I cannot understand why you would let us put you through an ordeal like that if you were not the correct model?
“So, it’s all my fault?” I said.
“It is certainly largely your fault young man, yes. You have got a tongue. You are not stupid?
You could have drawn a halt to everything at any point in the proceedings. Get dressed at once and get out of here. Security, please get this man out of our lecture immediately.”
No word of an apology. No sentiment of regret. I was just bundled out of the room, made to walk out naked, carrying my clothes which had virtually been thrown at me, and instructed by the security man to get dressed in the corridor.
I was a pervert. It was my fault that I was subjected to this ordeal apparently.
“You’ve still got
dripping off yer cock mate – and just think yourself lucky that we are not calling the police,” said the security guard as I began to dress.
I still hadn’t been able to get my urine infection looked at and I never did find out what my sperm count was either.
I was on my way to a doctor’s appointment across the other side of town and I was running late.
My appointment was for 10am and it was already five to ten, so I was going to be late, that much was clear. I was usually kept waiting by the doctor anyway, I usually didn’t get in to see him for at least ten-fifteen minutes after my usual appointment, so hey! I probably didn’t even need to see the doctor, but I had been running to the toilet every half an hour or so and was urinating at least twelve-fifteen times a day, which at my age -21 but I look younger- definitely wasn’t right. A simple urine infection was surely a quick thing for the doctor to diagnose.
I eventually arrived at the surgery at 10.10am and checked in at reception.
“Hello, I have got an appointment with ....”
“Are you Paul ?”
“Then hurry please. Follow me. Doctor is waiting.”
So I followed this pretty young receptionist down a long corridor until we reached some double doors, which I thought was strange.
“In here, he’s waiting for you now,” she said as she prompted me to enter.
I entered the door where I was met by another corridor. I walked along it and heard noises as I approached the end. I opened another door and there to my shock sat at least twenty young men and women, probably the same age or slightly older than myself sat around a relatively small room. There was also a table facing the crowd with three men and women sat there wearing white coats.
“There you are, young man. About time too. It’s Paul isn’t it ?
“Yes, but I was here to see Dr Jenkins”, I replied.
“No, not Doctor Jenkins. You need to see me and you are late so let’s get going.
I turned to leave but found my way blocked by two security men. It was clear that they would not let me go anywhere.
“So, we can finally get started ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for the delay but Paul is here now so we can finally begin.
“Paul, can you please just tell us your age?”
“I am twenty one”.
“Good, and you are in excellent health today?”
“I am okay Doctor but I have got some kind of urine infection and keep having to go to the toilet. Why are all these people here? I was expecting privacy.”
The doctor just laughed out loud and mockingly said to me,
“No Paul. There is no privacy today. These student doctors and nurses have been waiting for you to get here and we must get a move on swiftly, so can you please begin by removing your shirt. Stand over here please so that everyone can see. A urine infection you say? Well we will take a good look at that shortly.”
I had been directed to stand on a raised platform between the three doctors and the student doctors. There was quite a bright spotlight shining right into my face, lighting up my whole body.
I began to protest again and said, ”But it can’t be right that all these people are here for my private appointment?,” but the doctor just did not listen to me and again asked me to remove my shirt.
“They are student doctors Paul. There’s no need to start getting all embarrassed with us, is there!”
Reluctantly I did take my shirt off.
“Good, now strip down to your underwear as well please Paul,” instructed the doctor.
I thought of making a run for it again but the two security guards were stood directly in front of my only possible exit. I could see not other alternative but to comply with this man’s instructions.
So soon after, I stood in front of 26 strangers – I counted them - in just my briefs.
The female doctor then stood up, scooped up all my clothing and placed them behind their table.
The lecture began.
“The male anatomy can be very simple or very complicated. With the help of Paul here, we will demonstrate some of the best methods of carrying out a full medical examination to make your life easier in the future. Can I have two volunteers please to come down here ?”
Two young women got up and smiled at me as they approached. They were both about my age.
“Okay thanks, Katie and Helen. (They had name tags on).
“Can you please record Paul’s height, weight, blood pressure and body temperature and write the details in the record book on the table?”
And so I stood in my underpants whilst the two girls carried out the doctor’s orders.
A thermometer was placed in my mouth whilst the second girl applied the blood pressure monitor.
Once that was finished, girl number one said, “Can you please take your underwear off whilst I weigh you, it is normal to weigh a patient naked, isn’t it Doctor?”
“Indeed it is, Helen unless of course specific cir

And so, very reluctantly, I lowered the band of my briefs and cupped my hands over my genitalia to retain minimal modesty as she leaned in front of me to read the weight and the bank to strangers witnessed my ordeal.
I was informed that I weighed 168 lbs and began to put my underwear back on when one of the female doctors shouted out to me,
“That won’t be necessary Paul. Can you hand your underwear to me please?,” and approached me hand outstretched.
“You might as well remain naked from here on in,” she advised as she flung my underwear behind their table with my other clothes.
“So, initial recordings on Paul are all in order. His blood pressure and body temperature are both satisfactory and his weight is about what you would expect for a fairly slight, slim twenty one year old boy,” said one of the female doctors.
I silently objected to the term “boy” but not as much as I objected to my current predicament.
The doctor then approached me and whispered in my ear for me to put my hands on my head.
I did as instructed, which of course now meant that my cock and balls were on view for all to see.
“So, Paul is a little under-developed for his age. You can see his musculature is a little lacking.
Can you flex your arms for me please Paul?”, she asked/instructed. I complied.
“See everyone, his biceps are minimal. You don’t go to the gym much do you Paul?,”
She stated mockingly. I shook my head.
“You can all see his armpit hair here. He has quite a lot of dark armpit hair and he is perspiring under his arms due to his stressful current predicament, no doubt. His chest hair is average, positioned mainly around his nipples. His facial stubble is quite rough but there is not very much chest hair. ”
She ruffled the hair on my chest for effect.
“Turn around Paul.” I did so immediately.
“But you can probably all see here that he has a little covering of hair on his lower back and his buttocks are very hairy indeed. Probably more hairy than you would normally expect. Turn back around Paul. Hands back on your head please.”
“So, a little further down and his pubic hair begins at his navel and runs quite thickly down to his penis.” Unexpectedly, she knelt down and cupped both my testicles.
“His testicles are quite large and free hanging, lots of spare skin so they dangle very low and are thickly covered in long hairs. But we will get back to Paul’s genitals a little later. His leg hair is also quite substantial, especially on his inner thigh here and also below his knees down to his ankles.”
“Can you please all come down here one by one and take a close look at the formation of Paul’s body hair and lack of muscles. It is the ideal example of a boy not long out of puberty. Feel free to check his testicle hair and take any photographs that you may need to supplement your essays.”
And so, I stood there hands on head as twenty one student doctors approached me, ran their hands over my butt, chest, chin, legs, testicles and ruffled through my pubes. What the hell had I got myself into? I only wanted my urine infection checked out and yet my bits and pieces were now actually being photographed by strangers.
“Where’s Jennifer Smith?,” asked doctor once everyone had returned to their seats.
“Here, Doctor”.
“Come here please Jennifer. Can you please record Paul’s penile and anal temperature for the class ?”
“Certainly Doctor.”
And so another pretty young wannabe doctor grabbed hold of my cock, rolled back the foreskin and shoved a thermometer up my Jap's eye. She looked me in the eye, holding my cock at the same time, as she said, ”I need to keep the thermometer in your penis for three minutes”. It seemed like three hours.
That ordeal over and an apparently completely normal penile reading, I was asked to lie on the floor and pull my legs up with my hands underneath my legs. I was naked and trussed up like a turkey with my asshole now on display to twenty one student doctors. “Jennifer” inserted the thermometer into my ass and waited three more minutes, come hours.
Whilst we were waiting, one of the male doctors came up close and instructed the class to observe my ‘unusually hairy’ anal area. The class were all instructed to come down and view it closely, so everyone formed a queue to look at my hairy ass, still with a thermometer shoved up my ass hole.
“Notice that Paul has a massive amount of anal hair running from underneath his testicles, all around his inner thigh, his anus and also covering all of his backside. As soon as Jennifer has finished, I am going to shave Paul’s anus smooth so that you can all get a better view for our studies.”
With that, the “helpful” doctor produced an electric razor and instructed me to remain in my trussed turkey position whilst he shaved off my anal hair. He then asked me to stand up whilst he also shaved off all the hair on my buttocks.
“Paul will be so much more less prone to picking up infections and diseases with his excessive anal hair removed. He mentioned to us at the beginning of the lecture that he has been suffering from a urinary infection, so can I have a volunteer to come up and shave Paul’s pubic hair off too please ?
You, come here and take over from me, will you please?,” he barked to a young lad on the front row who actually looked younger than me, but couldn’t have been.
The lad who’s name tag read as Jake sheepishly approached me, took the electric razor from the doctor and gave me what I assumed was a look of pity as he took hold of my penis and began to shave away all my pubic hair.
“Remove it right the way up to his navel please and try and remove as much of his testicle hair as possible too. Gather up the hair for me please as we will look at that later to check what micro-organisms have been living in Paul’s groin. I am sure that there will be plenty to see. Everyone here can take some of Paul’s anal and pubic hair to examine afterwards under the microscope please and let me have your findings before you leave please,” instructed the doctor who still stood next to us.
So Jake shaved away until I looked like a three year old and then took hold of my foreskin gently and lifted my penis up in the air so that he could begin to shave my testicles. He soon realized that he needed to actually manoeuvre my balls around and so yet another person began cupping, swinging and manhandling my most intimate body area – in front of a watching crowd.
Once finished, the doctor began again.
“Okay everyone, so you all inspected Paul’s body hair earlier. Can you all please come up now and notice the difference now that he has been shaved. Never be frightened to suggest to a patient that they should shave or trim themselves for hygiene purposes. Certainly it is long overdue with young Paul here. Come up and take a look everyone. And please take some more comparison photographs for your essays. Hands on your head again please Paul”
And so, I stood there being photographed and groped multiple times once again.
Another ordeal over, I suddenly got the urge to piss, and was quite surprised that it had taken me so long to be honest. I whispered to the doctor that I needed to go and urinate and he simply said out loud,
“Okay class, Paul’s urine infection is troubling him again and he needs to pass urine, so I am going to ask him to do this here in front of us all so that we can witness the speed of his urine flow and also the smell, quantity and color of the urine that he passes.”
And so, he passed me a large glass jar and asked me to “go ahead please.”
“Come closer again please everyone. Don’t forget to take photographs.”
And so I began to piss watched by an admiring audience.
“Notice firstly that he does not roll back his foreskin. Notice also the strong force of his urine. Paul seems to be a healthy specimen, a nice color of urine, not too dark. Certainly no problems there.
We can take this urine sample from Paul now and analyse it to check what might be causing him a problem. I would like everyone to do their own analysis please and include it in your reports as well. Make sure you collect a small sample of Paul’s urine before you leave.
“Whilst you are all close, let’s take some measurements of Paul’s penis. Carol, will you please record the length and girth of Paul’s penis and also confirm his testicle size – here is the orchidometer.
Four or five minutes later and everyone was aware that my penis was ten centimeters (4 inches) and was 13cms (5 inches) in girth.
Carol then began feeling my testicles and trying to compare them for size against a string of wooden beads which was apparently called an Orchidometer. After rolling and squeezing my balls several times and comparing the size with the beads, I was declared to be a size 20, and informed that my testicles were of the expected size for a “boy” my age. Without my pubes, I felt like a boy too.
“Paul can you please lift up your penis so that everyone can get a good close-up photograph of your testicles?” asked one of the female Doctors, and so I stood there holding my cock up whilst a seemingly never ending line of people crouched down in front of me to take a photograph of my most intimate area.
“Okay, this is obviously not normally a request we normally never make of our patients of course, but Paul has volunteered today,so will you please make your penis hard, so that we can obtain erect measurements for our studies?” asked the most formidable female doctor, with a stern look that said “go on, challenge me, I dare you”.
I hesitated briefly unable to comprehend the request but as she held her glare at me, inexplicably I found myself tugging at my cock in this room full of strangers, all of whom were watching me intently as I jerked off in front of them.
“Now Paul’s penis was ten centimeters in it’s limp state. Can anyone tell me what size they would expect him to be when fully erect ?
There was silence.
“Well that’s hardly surprising, isn’t it because no-one is really sure why some penises are showers and some are growers. Paul for instance has a girth of 13cm / 5 inches, which is way above the average for men of 3.67 inches. In fact his girth is bigger than the male average when erect – which is 4.59 inches, so Paul does have a very fat, wide penis. Paul’s penis is 4 inches long in a non-aroused state, when the average for men is 3.6 inches, so again he is a little longer than average. For an erect penis, the average size for men is 5.1 inches, so we will soon be able test Paul’s size against this. How are you coming along Paul? Stop rubbing yourself please!” shouted the doctor.
She then proceeded to take charge of my penis, poking it and pushing it around, commenting,
“Yes, he is in a semi-erect state now, and I will measure it now. It is .... already 5.5 inches (14cms) long, which is already bigger than average. Please begin stroking your penis again for us Paul.”
After a few more minutes, I was “inspected” again by the lady doctor and told that I was “much harder now”.
“I am sure that you can all see the difference in size now, and also note that now he is fully erect, his penis is pointing up at a completely different angle. It is almost touching against his stomach now instead of pointing straight out. Look if I push it right down, it will just spring back against his stomach,” She proclaimed. Such a sturdy erection is typical of a young virile man and a feature which does disappear in men as middle age approaches.
She then proceeded to twang my cock up and down several times, feeling pleased with herself and definitely in charge.
“Right, I will measure Paul’s penis but can you also please all come around and take a photograph of his erect member for your essays ?”
“Paul’s penis has now increased in size to 19cms which is 7.5 inches. Yes, this is a very big penis and especially so for someone as slim and slight as young Paul here. Please hurry and get a picture before his erection subsides.”
And so I stood there fully erect, instructed to place my hands behind my head again.
“Oh and notice that he is beginning to produce some pre-

A few minutes later, I was instructed by the bossy female doctor that I MUST now produce a semen sample for them.
“Please masturbate for us so that we can collect your semen sample. We will need to analyse your semen so that we can check the quantity of ejaculate which you produce and also the amount of sperm contained in your ejaculate. It will be quite informative for you Paul also, so please go ahead and masturbate.”
So I stood there jerking off frantically, trying to imagine that I was actually on my own in my bedroom rather than standing in front of a crowd of strangers. I had been told to notify the doctor when I was about to shoot, so that they could collect the semen in a receptacle. I did as told and Mrs bossy doctor stood there ready to collect my semen. I grunted, groaned and shot my load into the large pot, not really able to believe what I had actually done.
“Good, that didn’t take too long did it young man!” she said sarcastically.
“There is certainly a lot of semen here. I counted ten different waves of ejaculate that you produced so you are a virile boy. Now we will check to see how potent your semen is, in terms of sperm.
“My good colleague here Doctor Bedford will analyse it straight away so that we can give everyone the results. Normal sperm densities in men range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You are considered to have a low sperm count if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate,.” She informed the class.
Just at this point, there was a bit of a commotion taking place at the entrance with the security guard.
“What an earth is going on?” asked the male doctor who was in charge.
“It’s this lad sir. He says he is here to model for us today and that his name is Paul, but I have already told him that the model is here.”
“Let him in. Come here please sir,” the Doctor motioned.
A hushed conversation then took place between the two men. The man claiming to be Paul was around my age and suddenly I knew exactly what had happened here. It had been a complete mistake and I had arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time but unfortunately had the right name.
As I stood there naked, still semi erect, large globs of semen dripping off my penis and still being photographed by several men and women, the two men, Doctor and the life model, approached me.
“Well, if this is our model Paul, as his paperwork tells us, then who are you young man, some kind of exhibitionist pervert?”
“Err no Doctor, I did try and tell you right at the very beginning that I was here to see Doctor Jenkins about a urine infection. I had an appointment.”
“Well, why on earth didn’t you tell me you stupid boy! Is your name even Paul?”
“Yes, Paul Mason. You can check that I had a 10am appointment with Doctor Jenkins. I did tell you.”
“Well, that is possible of course, but you had several opportunities to tell us about the mix-up. I cannot understand why you would let us put you through an ordeal like that if you were not the correct model?
“So, it’s all my fault?” I said.
“It is certainly largely your fault young man, yes. You have got a tongue. You are not stupid?
You could have drawn a halt to everything at any point in the proceedings. Get dressed at once and get out of here. Security, please get this man out of our lecture immediately.”
No word of an apology. No sentiment of regret. I was just bundled out of the room, made to walk out naked, carrying my clothes which had virtually been thrown at me, and instructed by the security man to get dressed in the corridor.
I was a pervert. It was my fault that I was subjected to this ordeal apparently.
“You’ve still got

I still hadn’t been able to get my urine infection looked at and I never did find out what my sperm count was either.