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Pokemon World Online

Cute Prince101

Super Vip
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hi to all my dear :heart: friends & Everyone

I'm not to sure if you all notice this but if you are a big fan of the Pokemon Series like me than you might like this : & I would like and love to share this with everyone here on the forum : There is a New Pokemon Game called "PWO" which means Pokemon Online World where you can play all the Original Pokemon Games that are on Game-boy with Pokemon Leaf Version graphics & you can chat with other players or friends on the game online using your PC, but before i can play this game online you must register on the website at these certain times on the website which i will provided below this thread membership is free cause i have played this game online before, & the game starts in the following region : Kanto region following Leaf Green, but as stated from the website in the F&Q section it says that they will be putting the other regions into the game as well at a later date. Here is some images i found on Google to show what the game looks like since I'm running my computer on a Mac right now and the Game is only available to Windows PC users instead,so I'm sorry i sincerely apologies for not show you my images of the game it's self , I hope you all don't have any hard feelings towards me now:worried:C:C & I promise that i will upload my very own images of the game soon. C:C




Here is some info about the game taken from the website :

Join a world full of ambitious trainers. Capture and build your team. Earn gym badges and supplement your reputation. Forge powerful guilds and defeat all who oppose you. Claw your way through the ranks to become the top trainer, but be wary: just as whoever dominates Pokémon World Online now may fall into ruin, so may you.

Pokémon World Online (PWO) is a family-oriented game. While enjoying the game you may encounter people from all walks of life, from any background, and from just about any country on Earth.

While our game requires players to be 18 years of age or older to register an account, it is perfectly acceptable for a younger person to join us with parental permission.

Since we're family-oriented, we attempt to preserve a child-friendly atmosphere by removing inappropriate or adult content that may somehow find its way into our server space.

Although we do not have an official language, a large majority of our players speak either English, Portuguese or both. All staff speak English. While these are the predominant languages, there is still a wide variety of dialects and languages that vary day-to-day depending on our current players. Notably, South-East Asian languages often are spoken, as are European languages such as Dutch and German.

New players begin in SaltSpray Bay (Starters Island) and are challenged to, like our favorite hand-held games, battle their way through a series of "Gyms" in order to be eligible to battle world-class trainers. On top of this, PWO provides unlimited access to player-versus-player (PvP) encounters. While it is not necessary to participate in PvP battles, all players eventually will find themselves challenging computer-operated Gym leaders and trainers.

PWO has been in production for just over a year now, and has made large leaps in progress since its quiet birth. A friendly, welcoming community awaits new players, and a competent staff is on duty to ensure quality entertainment. If you are a fan of Nintendo's hand-held games, you will thoroughly enjoy our interpretation.

A brisk dawn. A warm, sunny afternoon. The dead of night. It can happen at any time; it can happen without warning. Wild pokémon roam the world, just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting adventurers. Wielding inhuman powers and possessing seemingly unnatural traits, these monsters fight tooth and nail to defend their territories.

Yet, despite their ferocious appearances and disarming charms, pokémon are still the source of much scientific study. Many Professors would crawl directly into an angry mother's den just to observe the way the pokémon interacts; it is this drive and ambition that shapes our world today.

The time for heroes is upon us! It is up to you and your friends to understand these so-called monsters and discover who they really are. You have been granted a Pokedex to help catalogue your data so you may share it with Professors and Breeders all over the world, to help their research. It is your duty to capture, tame, and befriend these pokémon. Through your efforts, people and pokémon may one day live together in peace. The time for you to achieve glory and respect is now. Carve your name into the history books, and prove your might to the universe! Go forth, and claim your destiny! A Trainer has been born!

Here is some F&Q taken from the website about this Game :

Is this game made by Nintendo?

No, this is a fan-made game based on previous Handhelds originally started by Kyro. Originally the game was under management of KyroCorp, and led first by Kyro; then by Zammbi after Kyro retired in mid-2009. Since March 2011, Pokemon World Online is now owned by CodeCore Entertainment and remains active on new servers.

How long has this game been online?

The website has been online since December 11, 2007. The very first beta of the game was released on December 27, 2007.

What long term goals do the Developers plan for this game?

While the game started with the Kanto region following Leaf Green, plans held for the future are very broad. Every region, Pokémon, item, and skill from the Pokémon series will eventually be added. When the designers run out of new material to add, they will add new, exclusive material. Examples of exclusive material that are in the game/may be implemented include: quests, new areas, guilds, selling Pokémon to NPCs, real-estate (this is speculation), and more. It will suffice to say that this game will never truly be complete, because there will always be new updates thanks to a hard-working and dedicated staff.

I have a question, what do I do?

Well, there are a few ways to find your answer. You can ask an in-game player, ask a Community Guide, post your question in the forums in the correct forum, ask someone in the PWO IRC, or search the forums or Wiki to find a thread or article regarding your question, which will most likely have the answer in it.

Gameplay Information

What are the game's controls?

1. Arrow Keys, AWSD, or simultaneously left and right clicking - Walking
2. SPACE BAR - Talk to NPCs (Non-playable characters), read signs and interact with objects
3. ENTER + - Speak in chat with other players
4. Left Mouse Button - Selects/confirms choices
5. Right Mouse Button - Extra commands (try right-clicking a player)

How do I obtain a Pokédex?

Speak to Professor Shane in Pallet Town and you will receive it and be able to view Pokémon data. There is a functional Pokédex feature at Anonym zu playerdex.pokemon-world-online.net/.

How do I earn Pokédollars?

You may gain some from defeating wild Pokémon and NPCs. You do not earn Pokémoney from PvP (player vs. player) battles. You may trade Pokémoney with other players once you acquired 30 Rep points.

What is Reputation?

Reputation is a meter for judging your battle experience and, depending on its current value, allows you to battle certain NPCs or unlock other abilities such as trading and creating guilds.

Currently, the main way to increase your Reputation is by winning battles. You earn between 0.2 to 0.4 Rep points from defeating a NPC. You earn 5% of your opponent's rep points from defeating a human player, but you can lose rep by losing to other players.

How do I re-order my team?

Right-click one of your Pokémon at the top of your screen and select a position to switch with.

Where do I go to heal my Pokémon?

In most towns/cities, there are buildings with a red roof called a Pokémon Center. Simply enter inside the Pokémon Center and your team will be healed.

How do I release my Pokémon?

Right-click on the Pokémon you want to release, and click on the red "Release" button, then click on "Yes" on the pop-up dialog box. An additional method is to type /release position, replacing the position parameter with the position of the Pokémon, you want to release, in your party. After your Pokémon is released, a Pokémon from your PC will shift to your party, to replace its slot.
Note: Either method requires you to be inside a Pokémon Center to release the Pokémon.

How do I store Pokémon into my PC?

Currently, you can not deposit Pokémon into your PC box; you can only swap out a Pokémon from your PC with a Pokémon in your party. Once your party is full, the next Pokémon you capture will automatically be stored in your PC. Once a Pokémon is in your PC, you can swap it with a Pokémon in your party, by right-clicking on it in the PC box, and selecting the position in your party you want to swap it with.

Where do I go to buy Poké Balls and Potions?

In most towns/cities, there are buildings with a blue roof called a PokéMart. Inside most Pokémarts will be two till operators. The first sells common items such as Poké Balls and Potions. These are always in stock and have fair, consistent prices, so you are always able to get the basic necessities for any Trainer. Talking to the other shopkeeper will take you to the Trainer's Pokémart, where you can buy, sell, auction or bid for most of the items available within PWO at prices decided by the players. These prices fluctuate wildly each day and stock for all items is limited to how many are being sold by each player, so it can be hard to get some items this way, but you can sometimes find cheap deals so keep your eyes peeled!

How do I exit the game/log off?

Clicking the X at the upper right corner, the first time while logged in will return you to the log-in screen. If for some reason this does not work, enter /quit in the chat - this will have the same effect as clicking on the X if logged in. If you are on the log-in screen, clicking on X will close the client. Alternatively, there are two other computer functions that allows you to close PWO. One, press ALT + F4. Two, press CTRL + ALT + Delete, open up the Task Manager and End Task for PWO. The latter method is NOT recommended unless the game has crashed, as you are forcing the game to terminate, which may cause data loss!

How do I save my game?

Being a multi-player game that is constantly online, Pokémon World Online saves itself automatically. Once you begin play, your progress will be saved automatically every few minutes, as well as when you log-out or after major data changes such as when completing a trade. If you want to force a save, the best thing to do is log-out and wait a minute before rejoining. If the game is taken down for maintenance, accounts will also be saved before the server is taken offline.

Note that if the server crashes or is taken offline, any further saving will fail because no connection will be available to the database to store the data. In which case you should log-off straight away. If the server has crashed, some data loss may occur. You may not hold PWO Staff responsible for any lost progress, Pokémon or items occurring as a result of a crash.

How do I battle another player?

Type the command in chat: /battle playername OR right-click a player and select "Battle." Please do not send multiple battle requests to the same player.

How do I trade Pokémon/PokéDollars?

First, you need to earn 30 Reputation points. Then, you need to go to either Celadon City or Olivine City and register for trade city. Make your account and set your password, then either go Route 19 or Olivine city and talk to the NPC next to the water. Put in your trade city password and off you go. Keep in mind that you can trade ANYWHERE while inside trade city, but you cannot trade ANYWHERE outside of it. Item trading is also disabled for the moment, so you may only trade Pokémon/Pokédollars.

How do I activate trade evolutions?

Main article: Trading

You need to trade 1 Pokédollar and make sure your Pokémon is in your team. You don't need to trade the actual Pokémon! Once you trade 1 Pokédollar, your Pokémon should evolve. To trade both players must have 30 reputation and be in the same Trade City region.

Why does my evolved Pokémon have negative experience?

Negative experience is nothing more than a graphical error within the client. The current level formula relies on that Pokémon's base experience. The higher the base experience, the more experience it takes to reach a specific level. Because of the difference between the experience required to reach a certain level for a Pokémon and its evolved form, the Pokémon is most likely to be at a level which would be impossible to reach given the evolved form's level chart. Because that evolved Pokémon lacks the experience needed for its current level, the client displays the deficit of experience as negative experience. Negative experience is removed as experience is gained on that Pokémon, just like normal.

For example, take a level 16 Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur (base experience: 64) reaches level 16 at 10,894 and evolves into Ivysaur at level 16. Ivysaur (base experience: 141) reaches level 16 at 24,002. With this data, it can be seen that the difference between the experience needed for Bulbasaur and its evolved form, Ivysaur, to reach level 16 is 13,108 experience. This difference means that when a Bulbasaur evolves, a player can expect -- at most -- 13,108 negative experience upon evolution (assuming that the player chooses to evolve the Bulbasaur at level 16). The only way negative experience can be completely avoided is if the Pokémon has a large amount of overflow experience or the evolved form of the Pokémon does not have an increase in base experience (i.e. the Chansey line).

Why does my Pokémon have more experience than required to achieve the next level (e.g. 200/100)

Overflow experience occurs when a Pokémon gains a relatively large amount of experience from a single Pokémon. Pokémon can only level up once per Pokémon it faints. Therefore, if a Pokémon receives more experience from a single Pokémon than what is required to level up twice (e.g. a Pokémon which is level 5 gains enough experience to reach level 7) it will only level up once and the rest of the experience will still be visible on that Pokémon's information window in-game. If this occurs, one must simply battle and faint another Pokémon for that Pokémon to reach the next level.

Here is the website to the Game : Anonym zu www.pokemon-world-online.net/index.php

I hope you all like it;) my dear :heart: friends & everyone C:C

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone :)

Yours Sincerely :heart:

Cute Prince101:cheers:



Jet Black Heart
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Thank you for the information, its really interesting and its free registration either. I might wanna try it.

Cute Prince101

Super Vip
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you for the information, its really interesting and its free registration either. I might wanna try it.

Aww thanks for your Kind comments my dear friend RefixnarcisM:heart: & that's alright you're always welcome anytime, I'm glad & :) that you like and love:heart: my post thread information about the Pokemon Online World Game, & yes it sure is a interesting game indeed:) I love:heart: the game so much & it's so much fun and it's amazing specially when you can chat with the other players and challenge them to a battle etc! & there's so much more you can do as well on the game & it's entirely up to you if choose to play this interesting game or not but there is no pressure at all my dear:heart:C:C & yes it sure is a free registration but sadly cause of the game servers the registration page on the site isn't always open:( so that the servers doesn't crash or overload but there are certain times/dates on the website home page on the left top hand corner where it says when the next registration page will be opening again to allow more people to get an free account so that we all log in to play the game & not only is it free but there also another option where you can pay for membership if we all want to as well which gives us more benefits such as

1.Your Pokemon will gain an extra 50% more EXP from all Pokemon Battles
2.You will gain double money from all wild battles
3.Your chances of finding the rarer, different-colored Shiny Pokemon increase by 300%

Once again thank you for your lovely Kind comments my friend & i hope u have a nice Day/Evening where you are now & I'll talk to you again soon, u take extra care of yourself:) my dear:heart: Yours Sincerely:heart: CP101:cheers: