Just watched the last part!! loved that they managed to follow the book! but i thought you-know-who fury could have been brought out further..
It folowed the book? The entire series was a lead up to Harry's transformation from boy to man, and his epic showdown with voldemort in the great hall. In that encounter Harry is totally in command and even explains to Voldemort how he could save himself. Vitally, all Harry does is use the disarming spell. Harry does NOT kill voldie, he kills himself, AGAIN, because that's the core message of the book, evil is self distructive, and love wins out.
How did it end in the movies? Harry is still moody teen, and him and voldie have a blazing duel that Harry wins with magical might. This is an AWFUL adaptation of the book, seeing as it completely misses the point of the whole series. It's a purely superficial parody of the story, VERY pretty, but utterly without substance.
Think back to the third movie, that's how you do it right, every bit as beautiful as the other movies, but it is true to the vital core of the plot, and to the characters and emotions. It strays from the book a lot, but not on the core vital plot.
These last 2 films remind me so much of film six. A book about three vital characters, voldemort, snape, and Dumbledore, becomes a silly romcom which Is occasionally interrupted by the odd bit of plot.
Superficially the last few films are wonderful, but as adaptations of the books, they are pathetic, neither true to core ideas and themes, nor characters. The representation of the world is wonderful, but that's it really.