- Joined
- May 18, 2009
- Messages
- 16,252
- Reaction score
- 99,585
- Points
- 391
The Support & Advice forum
- The members offering support and advice do so with the best intention. If you ask for advice, we don't require you to take the advice, but we do ask that you listen and give it consideration.
- Disagreements should be limited to constructive alternative points of view, or even devil's advocate, without overly dogmatic/judgmental responses to someone's opinion, actions, or life-decisions.
- Personal information may never be referenced or replicated in other forums. Any attempt to use information from this forum to characterize, malign, or otherwise discredit any other member WILL have consequences, to be determined by the Mod team depending upon the severity of the perceived offense and prior infractions. The consequences could range from a warning to a complete loss of account privileges.
- Nothing related to people under 18 years of age.