You are most certainly not alone in avoiding facebarf (one you didn't try Jake

), I held out for years, then I caved in, and within a few months regretted it bitterly. I deleted my account and have never looked back.
The simple fact is that you have NO privacy on FaceBook, sure you can set all the settings you like, but if ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS installs and app, then they give the app developers YOUR data! It is 100% impossible to retain your privacy on FaceBook.
That's without even talking about ads. To FaceBook, their users are NOT their customers, they are their PRODUCT, their aim is to sell you to their real customers, the advertising companies! Advertising companies get told all about you so you can be properly targeted, and you can't stop that with privacy settings.
If you insist on using FB, then you should make everything public, because that's what it is anyway, and then only post things you are happy having out there in public.
I use Twitter, but again, it is public so I post appropriately, and I'm experimenting with Google+ now. So far, with G+ things seem a lot less awful than FaceBook because there ARE NO FRIENDS! It doesn't use such terrible emotive words. You add people to circles, and no one gets to know what circles you add them to. So, you can set up circles for all aspects of your life, for your family, for your friends, for your college friends for aquaintances and so on and so forth. You post to circles, and you have the option to post to the world (i.e. make a Twitter post). You can also enable or disable re-sharing of your posts.
I'm treating it like a better Twitter, so only posting stuff I'm happy to have public, and so far that seems to be working.
Ultimately, do people who have 500 FaceBook friends REALLY have 500 friends? Doubt it, they'd be lucky to have 5 true friends! Spend more time with real people, and less on FaceBook I say