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Socially Acceptable


Junior Member
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
This statement may be a bit of a surprise coming from someone who pretty much grew up with the technology and the internet; I don't like face book. I absolutely see the benefits of the social network as a tool for connecting with friends and the the world in general. Ninety percent of my friends swear that face book is a necessity if you want to stay connected and current in today's society. I have yet to sign up. I'm concerned about privacy issues and the drama described by my friends, who complain about stalkers, bashers, and disrespectful people saying some of the most vile things one could imagine. My question is this: is face book "that important" and are there other social sites that may offer a better experience. I'd love to meet people right here, but I'm not sure how to use this forum to accomplish that. Any advice or words of encouragement.
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V.I.P Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
I'm also a technoid, used to work in the tech/computer industry, and although I do have a FB account, I never use it. I don't see the need or the use for it. I originally got one as well as a MySpace acct. just to see one person's setup.

I've bopped around a little with FB at first but it got old and tired real fast. It has no appeal to me. I don't have the same security concerns as you do, I just don't see the application or need for FB. To me its a waste.


Super Vip
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
I don't do Facebook or Twitter either

I'd love to meet people right here, but I'm not sure how to use this forum to accomplish that. Any advice or words of encouragement.

Well you can get more involved in the General Discussion section, there's usually a lot of chat going on there... and you can drop in on members profile pages and say Hi:wave:... and you can always use the "friends" system:)


Super Vip
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
I love facebook! I am connected there to most of my friends and family. I use it only to stay in touch...not to try and meet new people.

I post pictures of my various trips, events, etc. And friends that are interested can look at them, and those that aren't don't have to. Also, I browse other friends photos and send small comments to let them know I am thinking about them. I find I am definitely staying in touch with more people because of it. I also use the facebook events when I am having a get together. I am not so crazy about the email function, as I don't want the obligation of another place to regularly check. Facebook is for fun, when I feel like being there.

I keep all privacy settings on maximum privacy, but am also very sensitive about what I post. If I wouldn't feel comfortable showing it at the office, then I don't post it.

I am also on Twitter, but haven't really found any great use for it yet.


V.I.P Member
Jun 6, 2010
Reaction score
This statement may be a bit of a surprise coming from someone who pretty much grew up with the technology and the internet; I don't like face book. I absolutely see the benefits of the social network as a tool for connecting with friends and the the world in general. Ninety percent of my friends swear that face book is a necessity if you want to stay connected and current in today's society. I have yet to sign up. I'm concerned about privacy issues and the drama described by my friends, who complain about stalkers, bashers, and disrespectful people saying some of the most vile things one could imagine. My question is this: is face book "that important" and are there other social sites that may offer a better experience. I'd love to meet people right here, but I'm not sure how to use this forum to accomplish that. Any advice or words of encouragement.

Wow..I thought I was one of the few who did not care for Face Book. I had registered with another social network that caused me so many problems with assholes threatening me because I did not want to meet them in person or they would steal my pics and photo shop them or send them to porn studios without your permission. I just stay away from them..its not worth the unnecessary drama..:thumbs up:


I was on Facebook around 2005-2006 when it was mainly a college/school thing and left when I realised it was getting popular and my mother joined. Seriously, my parents cramped my style during my childhood.. last thing i needed was them doing it when am a young adult and especially on the internet, lol

I also left MySpace around that time due to an online stalking situation I had to deal with, freaked me out, especially when am a very private person.

Around 2007, I joined Twitter as I heard it was going to be the next big thing. I tweeted twice, and now the account is stagnant lol

Since then, I became active at various social platforms which I previously joined but never bothered to participate in (games and forums) to meet and interact with people across the globe. I have to admit though, as far as social interaction is concerned, this place is actually one of the best I've ever encountered as we do have a great community spirit going on here. :)


This statement may be a bit of a surprise coming from someone who pretty much grew up with the technology and the internet; I don't like face book. I absolutely see the benefits of the social network as a tool for connecting with friends and the the world in general. Ninety percent of my friends swear that face book is a necessity if you want to stay connected and current in today's society. I have yet to sign up. I'm concerned about privacy issues and the drama described by my friends, who complain about stalkers, bashers, and disrespectful people saying some of the most vile things one could imagine.
Thank you for bringing this forward because from the very first beginning I have an utmost hate for "FaceFuck". Oups! I maint "Facecrook", okay okay let me try again; "FacePoop", perhaps it was "faceboobs" alright just kidding... I know the word but I don't know if its use is good anymore since people are freaking asking you for your Facebook, they are dudes or dudettes that you barely spoken to or that you don't even know because there's that stupid competition about how many Facebook friends one can have... they're not "Friends". Alex and I have Facebook, but you'll be quite surprise that we never feel the need to become each other friends on Facebook, why? Because I don't want to be tempted to go into my BF Facebook and trip over something he said to a dude that he let enter in its network and vice and versa... our Facebook is our bed, and I will poke him for real not virtually :rofl:. I have about 50 friends and those are people that I really know; this includes family members (that I will eventually speak to) but I will certainly not accept every members of my family because they have the same last name than I. And I certainly don't want auntie Suzie to know that yesterday I slurped on my dude's dick.

I went to 4 different universities and I made the huge mistake of writing them in my profile, now I have a bunch of nobodies from department of sociology, psychology, administration and linguistic from all those universities trying to be my friends because I happened to be in their class. A fucking class of 120 dudes and dudettes for which I really know two or three which are not really my friends. What's the fuck with that. Don't people have real social life anymore? And don't get me started with Twitter it's even worst than Facebook with that concept of Sheep vs Shepherd. I open an account once for my business and haven't put anything in there from the very beginning and I have 55 followers. There's nothing for fucks Sake :angry: what the hell are they waiting for to cancel their subscriptions. This is very sad and pathetic if you ask me.

My question is this: is face book "that important" and are there other social sites that may offer a better experience. I'd love to meet people right here, but I'm not sure how to use this forum to accomplish that. Any advice or words of encouragement
My advice is that if you really want to meet people do not use any social network or forums, unless you are very certain of what you're doing, meet people directly, go to special events, parties, speak with real people not virtual once. When you're in face of someone you can much more quickly make yourself an idea of the person you're about to meet and immediately see if you and that person can be "real-life" acquaintances (note that I did not write the word "friends" because the processes of becoming friends takes more than one or two meetings) :cheers:


Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
I'm also a technoid, used to work in the tech/computer industry, and although I do have a FB account, I never use it. I don't see the need or the use for it. I originally got one as well as a MySpace acct. just to see one person's setup.

With the apparent ease by which so many FB accounts are hacked and abused with vile postings and inappropriate pics, it's a wonder that the owners haven't had their asses sued out of existence. Maybe that's in the works, IDK, but I wouldn't miss it for one microsecond. Social networking a la FB is a joke, since it basically advertises you to the world - most of whom you DON'T want to know.


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
You are most certainly not alone in avoiding facebarf (one you didn't try Jake ;) ), I held out for years, then I caved in, and within a few months regretted it bitterly. I deleted my account and have never looked back.

The simple fact is that you have NO privacy on FaceBook, sure you can set all the settings you like, but if ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS installs and app, then they give the app developers YOUR data! It is 100% impossible to retain your privacy on FaceBook.

That's without even talking about ads. To FaceBook, their users are NOT their customers, they are their PRODUCT, their aim is to sell you to their real customers, the advertising companies! Advertising companies get told all about you so you can be properly targeted, and you can't stop that with privacy settings.

If you insist on using FB, then you should make everything public, because that's what it is anyway, and then only post things you are happy having out there in public.

I use Twitter, but again, it is public so I post appropriately, and I'm experimenting with Google+ now. So far, with G+ things seem a lot less awful than FaceBook because there ARE NO FRIENDS! It doesn't use such terrible emotive words. You add people to circles, and no one gets to know what circles you add them to. So, you can set up circles for all aspects of your life, for your family, for your friends, for your college friends for aquaintances and so on and so forth. You post to circles, and you have the option to post to the world (i.e. make a Twitter post). You can also enable or disable re-sharing of your posts.

I'm treating it like a better Twitter, so only posting stuff I'm happy to have public, and so far that seems to be working.

Ultimately, do people who have 500 FaceBook friends REALLY have 500 friends? Doubt it, they'd be lucky to have 5 true friends! Spend more time with real people, and less on FaceBook I say :)



I do have a facebook account and have 29 friends, all are family. Which is all I want as it is a good way to keep in touch if they are scattered all over the World.