The highest online porn subscription rate in Utah???
This smells more like anti-mormon propaganda.
But to be honest: I thought these numbers were actually quite higher!
And one more thing: The only thing which disturbs me here is Nr. 11 which in my opinion should not be included in porn statistics, because CP (although we call it "child
pornography") has actually nothing to do with pornography at all! It's a crime and it's abuse. It should be included in crime statistics. Not porn statistics.
In a free world pornography is legal business, while "CP" is a serious criminal activity. The term "child pornography" in general is very misleading because it sounds like a kind of sub-genre of pornography, which in people's perception might falsely hint to assumption of some kind of legal status of "CP". Which of course - we all agree - is absolutely not true!
"CP" is not pornography! It has nothing to do with pornography as movie genre!
It's child-abuse. That's all it is. Even author of this image has put the term in quotes.
The same way as animal-porn is not actually porn although this term is often used. It's animal abuse. It has nothing to do with porn as genre, nor sub-genre.
So mixing statistics of
illegal child abuse web searches and
pornography as such makes this statistics look really lousy and porn consumers like really really bad people.
I don't oppose all the data presented here, I just oppose the way this data is presented.
I wouldn't be surprised if I found out this image was made or been widely supported by right wing organizations. It's not a coincidence that a huge silhouette of the church dominates the whole image at the bottom as a majestic conclusion of this "devastating" stats - so that every average American would feel - precisely how the author if this project wanted and imagined -> miserably and guilty.
So this is another example on how a mixture of facts and ideology if you mix them wisely can serve as a great manipulative propaganda for masses.