It's okay to have a thread like this all about celeb deaths, for one very simple reason.
If your granny dies it hurts one hundred thousand times more than the death of one hundred thousand celebs.
Blood is thicker than water.
With this is mind, why not ponder the death of these celebs. Perhaps in a small way it prepares us for deaths closer to home. If you allow yourself to feel that little bit if melancholy for a celeb, it prepares you for deaths among you and yours. No harm in that! An easy test run in melancholy?
Of course some celebs truly touch our hearts. Sometimes we meet them and get an autograph. Have a quick conversation. In these special cases we are allowed to weep.
And what of Princess Diana. For her a nation weeped.
The human heart can be hurt by that which is close, but also by that which seemed a million miles above you. Who can predict the human heart?