LOL! I got nothing from St. Nicolae

This year St Nikolaus, Santa Claus and other Santas are very very poor

Well, they were very poor starting 6 years ago but hell, I`m not complaining !

Good thing I`m healthy...who needs gifts after all?
BTW I just chcked the news (my country`s channels) and I think we`ll have a new president ...today is the last elections so who wins is the president and aparently we will have a new one. This IF they won`t start saying again that the elections were fakes, the votes were faked, everything is fake etc! Like they do every 4 years LOL! With the new president things will turn out just fine back home! It will pour milk and honey and people will live like they should ...with enough monthly money to not starve...the youngs will find jobs...etc NOT!