Hum concern about education right?... Murderers are often raised in a very good home... I was raised in a christian catholic heterosexual traditional family, and I am bisexual, anti-god and pseudo-traditional. Take it from me I was adopted when I was 4 years old... I was an orphan, Mother died at three, father out of portrait and wouldn't take responsibilities... was left alone alone with my baby sister (2 years younger) in a third world country where children with no parents end up in an orphanage where treatment given to kids are very questionable. We were both sick, and undernourished (I am not making this up to have you guys pity us... because today I am rich and wouldn't care less of your pity) but yes it sound like a story out of a Charles Dickens' novel. Children that are not adopted in a country that survive only by the international support... dies, end up working as underpaid slaves, drug dealers or if lucky may finish school... become super rich and doesn't care about anything else.
My sis and I were lucky enough to have been adopted, by a quite wealthy family, but if anything I just said about this gets to you... it's simple... kids need parents whether they are GAY, Transgenders, Freaks of nature... if they are ready and willing to give time, love and resources to a parentless child GO For IT. Education concern? Are you referring of the same education system that Charles Manson's received? He was raised christian, loving parents, loving home... if you're screwed in your head you are simply screwed... no level of education would change that. I know that somehow if you read through my post some people in this board have though of me having multiple personalities... NAHHH I have just one personality with multiple experiences gained earlier than a normal children... when you wake up in your house, see your mom dead, pick up your sis in a barely working wheel barrow and walk down to the city about 3 miles away from your home at 3 years old pulling your sis... will see what type of character you'll develop later.
So today I am a dad of two child (my own) they are 15 and 10, my dude is about to have his own children in few months from now (was done by artificial insemination) we are together for the last 5 years, and it will continue that way and my goal is to get at least two additional child (by adoption)... to match what my parents did for me... I will do the same for two parentless children and give them a home, where they will be loved, cared for by two dudes who happens to fuck one another... but education wise... I am doing my master degree, have tons of money to support the children and that's all the agency wanna hear.
Hope that help... and you can copy this and send it to your friends...being raised by the state is not the best educative options... it lacks that social value that one want to imprint in children... they become little social robots or total sociopaths.