I think I am "striking" looking, and for the most part I am happy with that. I have very few lines on my face (I'm 42), and those few lines are
very faint. I have always had clear skin on my face, so that's a plus, and I
love my eye color (ice-blue with amber and aqua-green flecks and dark grey around the outer edge of the iris).
I have had people tell me that I'm ugly, and I have had some people tell me I'm gorgeous (that always makes me laugh--it's one thing to say you
find me
attractive, or even
very attractive, but gorgeous? NOT).
For the most part, I don't give a shit what others think of me or my looks. The exception? When I was 19, I met my favorite opera singer, and nearly fainted as she held my hands in hers. She then said how flattered she was to have "such a handsome young man swoon over [her]." I nearly fainted again! And then she pulled me close and sang in my ear! Bliss!
So if my greatest idol in the world thought I was handsome for that moment in time over two decades ago, then who gives a damn what the rest of the world thinks?
(Of course, I am 6ft3 and was wearing a beautiful suit when I met her, so that may have colored her perception of my looks! Tall and well dressed goes a long way for a lot of people.)
(My avatar is my Navy boot camp portrait cartoonified through Photoshop, and I doubt that I'll ever post anything more recognizable than that on here!