And it's not just "real criminals" hoping to profit - have you seen the price for face masks or hand gel on ebay!!!X_XX_X
I have closed my office from today until further notice to the protection of my staff. We are working in home office - I hope it will operate. I hate home office because I miss the atmosphere of the real office. But ......
Some of those who have now opted for working from home during the c19 panic will realise the many advantages that homeworking brings. So, Shelter, when, in the not too distant future, your office is open again, you may find some staff who are reluctant to return to the traditional commute/office/commute way of life.
Shelter will like your idea, gorgik, but his husband, not so much.
C'mon, he'll just offer the reluctant a free blow-job!!!
(OK, baaaad lousy joke - but I couldn't resist. Please don't hate the bad joker...X_X )
Well and now here I am. Yes Gorgik, Dargelos is totally right: I would like your idea. But there is only a little obstacle - all of my staff are straight. And I don't know if they would accept my friendly offer to give them a blow-job so that they are working again IN the office. :thinking: But perhaps I'm wrong and they would like it - I mean a good blow-job (and I know I'm good in it!) is nothing to sneeze at - or?!
But Dargelos, you are again right with your objection and your question if my husband will like it. I think NOOOOOO! So I must reprobate this well-meant proposal of Gorgik and hope they will find back their way to the office again.:thinking::thinking::thinking:
If there's anything I learned early on in life, it's that what young men SAY that they want and desire, and what they want and desire IN ACTION can be two very different things - so don't be TOO sure about who would and who wouldn't like a blow-job!!!:rofl:
So you think I should try?????But that would mean for me :butslap: in a very, very hard way from my husband. How dare you, he would cite the holy Greta - so I don't dare! :blushing:
Of course I'm not arguing for getting you into trouble with your husband...
Remember I just started out making a bad joke...
...but on the other hand I do think that there's too much "label fundamentalism" in contemporary society...