Everyone says Breaking Bad is the greatest thing since Shakespeare buttered his bread. I am two episodes into it and I am almost at a loss to continue. As I put it to my friend Neil who owns cats..."If this stuff was being done to cats, you wouldn't sit still for it." I may never understand American society. If it were 2 men grabbing each others crotches, society would be up in arms. The horror. But here we have 2 men, one dead from chemically burned lungs, the other on the verge of death and bike locked to a pipe in a cellar.
Yes, the production values seem nice. The characters may grow more interesting. But isn't there a better way to cope with Cancer? Ronald McDonald's? Something. It is hard to watch people with no redeeming social values, other than they are what is propped before our eyes. -I had to watch porn to cleanse the palette. Make love, not war.
I may give it another episode. Heck I bought the lot so I'm invested in it. -But this 'barrel of vids' may end up in the trash heap....