Not only would I, I have numerous times. But there was one time...I used to live in WeHo and someone knocked on my door one afternoon. I opened the door to see a nice looking guy standing there, in an open hallway, with his pants down and his dick out. I just shook my head and closed the door. Had he just knocked on my door and said that he'd seen me around, I probably would have invited him in. That was just a bit much, even for WeHo, but not SanFran, where I saw guys fucking on the balcony of a bar right on Market St, , in the Castro, early Sunday morning after dancing all night. It used to go on all the time. (For those who don't know SF, Market is the main street that cuts across downtown, through the Castro District and up to the huge radio tower that looks down on the "hole"

of the city, i.e., the Castro,). Btw, WeHo doesn't stand for West Hollywood as everyone thinks. It stands for Wet Hot Woody, or We (be) Ho's. LOL. Please forgive my digression, but it was one of those events in life that you never forget.