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- Nov 1, 2009
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CLICK HERE for rules in German - KLICKEN SIE HIER für die deutsche Übersetzung
CLICK HERE for rules in French - CLIQUEZ ICI pour lire les règles en français
To make GayHeaven a fun and friendly place we ask every member to respect the rules. A friendly team of moderators keeps an eye on things and removes or edits posts that do not follow the rules. Violations of any of the following rules will result in warnings, infractions, or banning of the user committing said violations.
Respect the Rules and Have Fun! :thumbs up:

You may NOT have more than one username. Your user name may not be a site name, an email address, or contain a URL.
2.Video Posting Rules:

2.1. Post videos in the correct location.
2.2. All posts, replies, and signatures must be in English only.
2.3. All filehosts for downloading of videos must also provide an option for the user to download it freely (i.e., not requiring a membership in order to download). Also, no external software must have to be utilized to download.
It is thus not allowed to provide links for premium users on one file host and for free users on another file host!
2.4.When posting any video, you must provide download links using at least one of the recommended or optional file hosts. Additional files hosts of your choice can also be used, but if these links are marred by safety risks or are not reachable for all members, these links or the entire post will be removed without notice.
ALL links posted (recommended, optional or your choice) must be available for FREE download, and host sites that require a survey to be taken before allowing for download will be removed. Posts using links from banned host sites will be removed without notice.
2.5. Include visible screen captures or pictures with file size, video size and playing time when posting video links. If you use pictures instead of screen captures they must clearly show the actors and sequences of the activity in the video.
All posted pictures/screen captures must be clearly viewable as they are or be able to enlarge so they are clearly viewable. Just thumbnails or pictures in thumbnail size are not acceptable.
Before posting, you must review The List Of Prefered & Banned Picture Hosts.
2.6. Never use a studio or pay-site name in thread titles, posts titles or text of the posts.
2.7. Re-posts are acceptable if different file hosts are used. If a video with the same size and quality is re-posted with the same file host, regardless of the name of the file, the original poster may request deletion of the re-post.
2.8. All links for videos and images must be each member's own uploads. Stealing links from other members to repost will not be tolerated and if proven, will result in suspension or permanent banning of your account.
2.9. All videos and photosets must be available for individual download. Siterip packages and packages containing multiple featured videos and/or photosets are strictly forbidden.
Siterips that allow individual download of each video and/or photosets are allowed.
Packages that contain a video feature and its related photoset are allowed.
3. Prohibited Content

Do not post the following content as it will be immediately deleted and you will incur an infraction or banning:
3.1. Any content (including non porn) featuring models under 18 years of age and any discussion about persons under the age of 18.
3.2. Content portraying excessive, obscene, or illegal activities
3.3. The linking to torrents, torrent websites and pay sites is strictly prohibited
3.4. The posting of videos or images of men with female genitalia when partnered with a man with male genitalia will be considered straight sex and is not to be posted.
3.5. List of banned websites or sources:
For the List of Banned Studios, CLICK HERE
4. Spamming

4.1. Do not flood or mass-post comments, links, etc. Do not post links that redirect to an external blog in order to download.
4.2. Do not use the forum for advertising of any kind.
4.3. We encourage all members to leave constructive and useful comments, but please don't flood posts with simple "thanks" ; "great" ; "very hot" or similar one, two or three word trivial comments. They will be deleted without any notice!
Instead, use the handy

4.4. Do not bump old posts to the front by adding meaningless comments. All such bumping is counted as spam and may result in a warning or infraction.
5. Links and Choices of Links

5.1. Do not use money generating redirecting links (i.e. Linkbucks, Youfap, Usercash). The use of shortening url sites where while hovering over the link doesn't show the url linked to is banned too.
5.2. Do not use any external link protection service like, protectlinks.com, lix. in or similar. If you need link protection in your posts you can use the Hide Feature of the forum.
5.3. If you post links to an external website please code or anonymize the links using this site http://anon.projectarchive.net/
Directions how to use here
5.4. Users have their own preferences as to file hosts, including Rapidgator, Openload, etc. Please respect their decision for hosting their files. Posts with negative comments about the file hosts will be removed without notice.
5.5. Never post pictures which are hot-linked directly from the original website. Instead use an external picture host.
5.6. HIDE Function In Posting: Posters using the HIDE function must include some visible sample of what is hidden before a member is required to click the thanks to reveal what is hidden. The sample may be pictures, screen caps, excerpts, or a preview description.
6. Missing Posts/Moved Posts

6.1. If you posted a video and it has disappeared without you receiving communication from an administrator or moderator and you can't find it anywhere on the forum, you may contact an administrator or moderator for assistance. If it was an error, the post will be restored.
7. Video Requests

In order to request movies or make general requests on the forum, you must have made 25 posts or more. (Check rules on Spamming to avoid such posts being deleted.) RE-UPLOAD REQUESTS IN THREADS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS RULE.
8. Signatures & Personal Information

8.1. Registered Users' signatures may NOT contain text or live links to pages outside of GayHeaven. Moderators will remove such links without notice.
8.2. VIPs' & Streamers' signatures may contain text or live links to personal pages outside of GayHeaven, provided such pages contain a link back to the GayHeaven homepage and is consistent with GayHeaven's rules and policy. Members who qualify for having a live link may do so without anonymizing it. Links to social network pages are not allowed.
8.3. Don't post any personal information like e.g. your E-mail address publicly in the forum but ask people interested to send a PM first to get in touch.
9. Member Status/Promotion To VIP

If you feel as a member that you have contributed greatly to the forum, you may contact an administrator or a moderator and request promotion to VIP status.
10. Help/Problems/Concerns

10.1. If you have a problem with a post, then use the

10.2. If you have a problem with another member, please contact an administrator or moderator via a personal message (PM).
10.3. If you have a problem with a staff member, contact them first to address your concerns. The staff members of GayHeaven are all reasonable individuals and should be able to respond to any concerns you have. If you make every effort to reconcile your issue and feel that the issue is still not resolved, you may contact an administrator to mediate the dispute. An appeal to an administrator is the last course of action and the administrator's decision is final.
11. Addendum

11.1. GayHeaven reserves the right to change the rules as needed. You should check this page periodically for any revisions of the rules.
11.2. If an administrator or moderator contacts you with a concern over violations of the rules, please be respectful of that administrator or moderator. Failure to respond to a staff PM may result in an infraction or removal of membership.
11.3. Disregarding/Violating any rule may result in deletions of threads/posts, warnings, infraction, or banning of the concerned user.
11.4 For those members who feel they want to go against forum rules, please read about Forum Penalties.
11.5 Each subsection of the forum has special rules applicable to that section. These rules must be observed alongside the general forum rules. All posters are expected to be aware of and follow both the general rules and the special section rules.
Last edited by a moderator: