1. Have sex with Ken Ryker (actively and passively *sigh*)
2. Visit Tasmania.
3. Write the book that I have in my mind.
4. Have the physique of Alex Marte.
5. Have a maisonnette flat with a rooftop terrace.
6. Get a nobel prize for literature.
7. Watch Alex Marte flipflop fucking with Ken Ryker in my bedroom and being invited to join them.
8. Make a world cruise in a sabbat year starting with the Greek island over to Spain, to Aruba, to Canada, to Chile, to Hawai'i, to Hokkaido-Island, to Bali, to the Baikal-Sea, to Dubai, to Finland, to Estonia, to Lettonia, to Norway and back to Greece again.
9. Find the man of my life (Done 31.12.2008!!!!)
10. Found a fund to support poor children in Greece, Spain and Finland to attend university.