I came here for the porn . For me it was more like OMG PORNPORN. To be honest "general discussion" it'snt a riveting title once I finally noticed it. (but please don't change it). I'm not out, so that contributed to the non-posting. Mixed with some shyness (coming from a gay population of 1-3), makes perfect for "lurking." Then one day I asked myself, "what exactly IS general discussion?"
Behold, it is an Internet think tank, where every kind of topic, theme, idea, theory, event, viewpoint, question, and answer is posted (and if not, it's up to you to start it). It's essentially become my personal "thinker's club." Now I do much more posting than porn-leeching. There are some days where I really must obliterate some sasuage, but with a dedicated 1.5TB of porn (collecting for college) I usually find something before I send my browser to this address.
Really it's about how you "advertise" it. And personal preference. Not everyone likes to be mentally/emotinally stimulated.
Behold, it is an Internet think tank, where every kind of topic, theme, idea, theory, event, viewpoint, question, and answer is posted (and if not, it's up to you to start it). It's essentially become my personal "thinker's club." Now I do much more posting than porn-leeching. There are some days where I really must obliterate some sasuage, but with a dedicated 1.5TB of porn (collecting for college) I usually find something before I send my browser to this address.
Really it's about how you "advertise" it. And personal preference. Not everyone likes to be mentally/emotinally stimulated.