Well as a PC repair person, of course you have a look at someone's pictures on their PC.
I noticed loads had been deleted but they did not empty the recycle bin.
OMG! Husband and wife up to naughty things with toys. And a GIANT pink dildo in her fanny!
When I took their PC back after I fixed their issue, I just could not look at this woman in the face. The embarrassing thing it was the daughter of a good friend of mine. I was scarred for life..LOL
And also from the same family. This womans son actually. I was like above looking around the net and one one dating site I think it was. Looked at this guys profile, and OMG it was the son..... looking for other guys.
Well next time he came online on MSN, I sent him link asking what this was all about. He did not answer the question. So asked again, and his reply was "Im CURIOUS". And then begged not to tell any of his family. I then replied, no probs, Im gay as well. He then opened up to me.
But he is open with his family now, as he was frightened they would reject him.
Relating to that story, the mother who is the friend of mine from work, who is the kids grand mother... she knows about me, and asked me if Gary was gay. Of course I knew he was and replied, how should I know. But every so often she would ask me again!.
Small world