Yeah, quite notorious in 1970's given "that scene" ( no plot spoiler here) trivia-wise it might have ended up being a Sam Peckinpah movie and the likes of Gene Hackman; Jack Nicolson and Marlon Brando were at one time being touted.... both Donald Sutherland and Charlton Heston turned down the role of Lewis, eventually played by Burt Reynolds
Yeah, "that scene" - I fully understand what you mean!!!

I mean, the 1970s was one of the strongest decades ever, at least in the history of American cinema!!! We have a long necklace of very powerfull directors like Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and - John Boorman. Just to name a few of the very best. And then of course the Warhol/Morrissey-trilogy Flesh-Trash-Heat (1968-70-72) - OK maybe not among the over-all best movies, but God allmighty: with the sexiest male lead of the times, Joe "Little Joe" Dallesandro. "Flesh" began with oogling the fully nude Joe for several minutes - that was radical!!!
And Little Joe's line in Flesh: "-Nobody is straight!"
Well, let's all suck on that!!!:rofl: