I am afraid that for me it is the same. Don't know if there are many hot boys of 130 years of age. If there are, maybe we could change a wheelchair into a hot-rod!



) - let me know when you turn that age... my grandma is looking for a young man... she's 250 years old. I hope you don't mind if she bring her on coffin's worms. Hahahaha!
As for the topic... Josh dude (by the way nice name, it's also the name of my son

). Someone twice my age would be 70 years old

Would I go for some one twice my age? Not really, but I have after years of being escort in my youngest age had sex with clients twice and half my age and sometimes more. I started being an escort at 19 and stopped at 21 (after I've got my daughter), so do the math... 38, 45, 50 (this was the oldest I was accepting as an escort for sex encounters - because it's not always about sex). Of course there's the fact that no 19 years old would pay for an escort (unless they are in some sort of social and/or physical situation or they just have money and can afford that black twinkish dude I was).
Because of this experience I have no problem whatsoever with age, although I do have preferences and having preferences is not being ageist at all. My dude is 10 years younger then I am but that doesn't mean that he's an open door for every older gentlemen out there, I'm quite sure he'd go with someone his age if we were to break our relationship. Yeah well I do not look my age though... but at 35 saying this is a bit stupid because 35 is not old, I'm ancient to my daughter and son, I'm nicely rapped and good to eat for my dude and I'm a baby to my parents. And to other that believe I'd be an ageist because I'd refuse to date them based on their age, they are the people who can kiss my cute and firm brown little ass.:rofl:
You're 25 now, tomorrow you'll be 35, your tastes will change. many guys in here of my age and older can certainly vouch for that. :cheers:
PS: Don't worry so much about those who are frustrated, they need to grow up (even if they are well over 60 years old
