Is it me or is music slowly... dying out? No, it's not ever going to go anywhere; I'm aware of that. But the passion behind it all seems to be fading as days roll by. Don't get me wrong; there have been some great artists in the 27 years of my life. But as I get older, it just seems like it doesn't have the same strong hold it once did. Remember the days when you just had to run out to by the new record/cassette/CD the moment it was released? How every track seemed to be better than the next one? Nowadays, it just seems like artists out their have lost that passion they once had
Even my girl Britney seems to have lost something in the translation of the times. Her first few albums are pop classics that seem to withhold the test of time. Hang with your friends and play, "...Baby One More Time" or "Oops!... I Did It Again" and see if you don't find yourself humming along or dancing full-throttle. However, her latest effort, "Circus" doesn't really seem like it can hold up in comparison to her older stuff. There are some definite hits and great tracks on the album, but I have a feeling in ten years; the magic won't be the same.
Lately, I've found myself listening to two different kinds of music: tracks from when I grew up and artists that are considered pretty indie, even if they have major record labels. Ari Gold; an openly gay pop singer, has one of the best albums I've definitely heard in a long time. He seems to breathe a freshness into music that I haven't heard in such a long time. Also, Jon McLaughlin has one of those albums that make you stand up and take notice. He fills every note with piano funk and rock-filled soul.
Maybe it's due to the fact that when you're considered "spanking new", you push even harder to release music that can hold onto a person's ear. Every song, note and beat is filled with passion, creative edge and reminds you of a time when music was your world. Sometimes, I wish some of these "underground" artists had a bit more of a following. We need something new in the world of music... or perhaps, something old. Originality. Creativity. Passion.
We need a music revolution and the time is now. (And no, Mr. West. It's not you, even if you swear all of your stuff is cutting edge. Let's face it, it really isn't.)
Record companies far and wide, it's time for music with feeling. Stop worrying about what will be a number one hit and let these artists really dig deep and find something worth blasting throughout your apartment. In a year where the common message seems to be "change", let's bring it all back to the days when music wasn't something just to enjoy as better background noise. It was life and the beat was something to grasp onto.
It's time for a music revolution.