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Definitions of terms


Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Lots of words are used to describe males of various ages and types, in videos and still pics.

Twink is an often-misused term, as are boy, boi and young. All these can become relative or can be used with a strict interpretation.

I'd like to sound out the forum here to find out how YOU define these terms:





Sure, your definitions can be very subjective to your own age and tastes. That's what will make this interesting, rather than me posting some dictionary/wiktionary stuff. Let's be prudent and avoid impropriety - nothing should be posted that indicates sexual congress with minors (typically under 18). Defining a term is fine, but indicating sexual activity with minors is not.


V.I.P Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Twink - 99% of the time its a skinny, hairless, Abercrombie-ish guy of questionable gender.
Boy - A man's sex toy, could even be older than you
Boi - A bit of netspeak, equal to Boy.
Young - A guy younger than you. If you were 50, then a guy 35 would be young.

Let me add another.
Punk - similar to a 'Chav' a very young guy, early 20's at most who exhibits masculine traits like a hairy body, stubble, assertiveness, who does not take on the feminine characteristics like the Twink does. The Punk has a certain Bad boy attitude too.

I'm missing a term for the equivalent of a punk who is NOT a bad boy type, who is a "good kid" yet is clearly a man-in-training. Can you think of one?


Super Vip
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Difficult question...

To me, a twink is a guy up to, at most, 26 years or so, slender to somewhat muscular body and no body hair (chest and such)

Boy is around 18-ish.

Don't have a clue about Boi, never heard of it. XD

And Young... well, is young, at most 29, not over 30.

It'll be interesting to see what other forum members define these terms. :)


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Twink - 99% of the time its a skinny, hairless, Abercrombie-ish guy of questionable gender.
Boy - A man's sex toy, could even be older than you
Boi - A bit of netspeak, equal to Boy.
Young - A guy younger than you. If you were 50, then a guy 35 would be young.

These all mean the same thing to me. (Your definition of "young" is particularly perceptive and so very true!)

"Punk" can also mean a bad boy with attitude who however is available for sexual use by a more powerful man. This is a definition that has come out of the prison culture.


An Obvious Enigma
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
how I define these terms

TWINK young man usually under 25 or so, slim, who doesn't necessarily fit into any of the other categorizations that we seem to need, (jock, cub, chub etc etc)

BOY a word i do not and will not use in this context, for two reasons.
1) my son, and those to whom i am guardian from time to time
2) applied to those of adult age, i see it as term of patronisation, diminishment or humiliation.

BOI a laughable internet era term invented in order to avoid boy

YOUNG a relative and subjective term defined only by the user

and because it made its way in

PUNK a music genre and the people, male or female, whose dress sense identify them with that scene

again, in the spirit of hawtsean's original post, this is how I use and interpret these terms :)


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
... BOY a word i do not and will not use in this context, for two reasons.
1) my son, and those to whom i am guardian from time to time
2) applied to those of adult age, i see it as term of patronization, diminishment or humiliation.

.. and that's the fun of being a boy! Also add love, care, respect, and protection into the mix.


An Obvious Enigma
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
@ topdog :) recognised and accepted (even before i wrote the post).. just not the way I roll :)
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Super Vip
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Well, Hawtsean, in The Netherlands we have a jolly good system to qualify our cheese:
Jong (Young): tender, flexible, but no strong taste or character;
Jong Belegen (A bit ripened): tender, flexible, in taste a bit more character;
Belegen (Ripened): flexible, but a lot more taste;
Extra Belegen (Extra ripened): rigid, difficult to cut, a bit salty;
Oud (Old): very rigid, very difficult to cut, salty, very tasty;
Brokkelkaas (Very old cheese): very, very rigid, when you try to cut of deform it, it falls into peace’s!
We could try it this way.


Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Where do I get the T-Shirt that says "Extra Belegen"? :cheers:

Maybe we should add these designations to our member profiles.
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TWINK = My dude
Twink is a term used to define any caucassian/european and or Asian males, I do make the precision of race because black are not twinks it was exclusive to the Caucasian and it became an universal term for anyone under 25, 150 pounds with a boyish look sometime with a defined body type or not, most twinks are skinny and weight under 150 pounds.

BOY = My dude
Even though I sometime call my dude BOY this is because he really do look like a teenage boy and he sometimes act like one, but just like Zortek this is a term that I do not like to apply to a gay context or sexual context because my boy is Josuah, 10 years old, not some 35years old man with a car three divorces and a house

BOI = some other person dude with spelling issues :rofl: but not my dude
In the website where the picture of Alex was in without our permission that is how they spell "boy" and if you look in that site they are really a bunch of prepubescent and even very young boys. I do not like this term at all it's a disguised appellation and the website prove it well (I am not giving the link sorry... my lawyer is dealing with them at the moment we speak)

YOUNG = Neil Young ???, My grandma she really believes to be young at 94 (but she is young at heart, until it stopped LOL) oh and of course MY DUUUUDE lol :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Young could be attached to any of those terms; young twink (pleonasm, as per definition under 25 is considered young), young boy (pleonasm, a boy is young for whom call it), young boi (spell mistake). I consider myself young at 35, but some people said that I already entered the dinosaur era of the gay age as for most we prefer younger. Therefore my definition of young is based on how do you perceive yourself. :cheers:
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Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Well, Hawtsean, in The Netherlands we have a jolly good system to qualify our cheese:
Jong (Young): tender, flexible, but no strong taste or character;
Jong Belegen (A bit ripened): tender, flexible, in taste a bit more character;
Belegen (Ripened): flexible, but a lot more taste;
Extra Belegen (Extra ripened): rigid, difficult to cut, a bit salty;
Oud (Old): very rigid, very difficult to cut, salty, very tasty;
Brokkelkaas (Very old cheese): very, very rigid, when you try to cut of deform it, it falls into peace’s!
We could try it this way.

I LOVE those definitions, and will begin immediately to identify myself as somewhere between Belegen and Extra Belegen. My only issue is getting out of that red wax wrapper!


Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
I've noticed a generalization of these terms, along with a v-e-r-y wide latitude of definitions. Once upon a time, though, one could use these terms within gay circles and others would know almost precisely what the speaker intended.

TWINK - noun. > Twinkie, the golden sponge-cake, cream-filled snack treat intended to quickly satisfy a sweet craving rather than as a meal or dessert course. 1. A homosexual male aged 18-22 with little worldly experience (often naif and/or vapid). 2. Generally refers to young gay males, slightly built, with little or no body hair, who are interested in parties and seeking casual sexual encounters.
An old joke goes: "What do you call the annoying stuff around a twink's asshole?" "The rest of the twink!"

BOY - noun. 1. A homosexual male aged 22-25, who used to be a twink; he may have started developing chest/body hair. 2. Can also refer to a good-looking gay male in his early thirties who is often mistaken as younger and either hasn't accepted or refuses to accept maturity and/or responsibility.

BOI - noun. Alt. pronunciation: bwah to distinguish it from boy in speech. 1. A twink that has been on the shelf too long and/or passed its expiration date. 2. A gay male who used to be a twink or a boy or both and is trying desperately to hold onto his youth. 3. A former twink or boy or both over 30 years old who still hasn't emotionally matured; is often seeking an older, established gay male to pay his expenses for which boi will return payment in the form of sexual favors. A kept boi.

YOUNG - noun. 1. A gay male who is ten years or more the junior of the speaker. 2. A gay male aged 25-32 who may have a job but not a career; sometimes has some level of emotional maturity at or near that expected with his chronological age. May have been a twink, though not necessarily. N.B.: Body type/size and/or amount of body hair is not as defining as with twink.

PUNK - noun. 1. A male aged 18-29 who is often street-wise and has bad or antisocial attitude and behavior. 2. As previously defined who will take the passive oral sex or active anal sex role in exchange for favors or benefits - i.e., payment for a car ride, in exchange for beer/liquor or marijuana/other drugs. 3. Either or both of the preceding and is generally not homosexual or is in deep denial. A younger version of trade.


V.I.P Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
BOY - noun. 1. A homosexual male aged 22-25, who used to be a twink; he may have started developing chest/body hair. 2. Can also refer to a good-looking gay male in his early thirties who is often mistaken as younger and either hasn't accepted or refuses to accept maturity and/or responsibility.

I don't know, I've been on the edge of the leather,bear,and fetish community since I was 20 and "BOY" in those circles is a guy's pleasure toy. He may be a long term partner, he may even be older, but he is referred to as a BOY. The leather and Bear community is substantial in the gay world, and definitions 1&2 are irrelevant. Pop into your typical West Village/Chelsea leather bar and you'll find 'boys' of all ages.

Also, do those in more mainstream gay circles even use 'boy'?

BOI - noun. Alt. pronunciation: bwah to distinguish it from boy in speech. 1. A twink that has been on the shelf too long and/or passed its expiration date. 2. A gay male who used to be a twink or a boy or both and is trying desperately to hold onto his youth. 3. A former twink or boy or both over 30 years old who still hasn't emotionally matured; is often seeking an older, established gay male to pay his expenses for which boi will return payment in the form of sexual favors. A kept boi.

C'mon now, has anyone here ever really heard someone say bwah? Do any of these definitions really apply? "boi" is a cutesie bit of netspeak in the same league as "appz", "virii", and "pwned" . Boi doesn't need to be distinguished in speech as its never spoken. I remain doubtful and unconvinced that these defs are for real.


C'mon now, has anyone here ever really heard someone say bwah?

BOI if you add a "s" to the word to form "BOIS" this can be translate in French as the verb "to drink" and/or the word "Woods", therefore a sentence such as:

- Bois (Verb imperative form) ton verre de lait - drink your glass of milk
_ Je vais me promener dans les bois (common name) - I'm going for a stroll in the woods

Both are indeed pronounced phonetically speaking "BWah"

In haitian creole we say "boi bandé" to talk about a penis in erection.

In Portuguese "BOI" is translate in English as "Bull"

Therefore if the pronunciation of "BOI" is pronounced "bwah" it origin is definitely not English

* this below is the wikipedia definition of BOI:

Boi (plural: bois) is a term used within LGBT and butch and femme communities to refer to a person's sexual and gender identity. In lesbian communities, there is an increasing acceptance of variant gender expression, as well as allowing people to self-identify with labels such as boi. The term may denote a number of possibilities that are not mutually exclusive.

That's to me an acceptable definition, but that is me... make your own conclusions :cheers:

Here let's hear it from the mouth of our female counterparts...

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Feb 13, 2009
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@ Behrluvr

I didn't include leather/bear/fetish definitions because 1) I don't know much about them and 2) those areas of gay life were always a little separate from the "average gay bar" in certain parts (outside of the major cities) of the Southern US, at least when I was coming out/up in the 80s/90s.

Yes, some people in those certain parts did occasionally use the 'bwah' pronunciation, but more often used more specific terms like "houseboi", "kept boi", "party boi" and the spelling was understood.

Perhaps these were regional, dialectical, epochal, vernacular or even pretentious meanings. Much the same way that one's experience of and participation in "Rocky Horror Picture Show" is very different from one area compared to another.