I like tomatoes. I also like cocks. The connection will become apparent.
Small tomatoes and large tomatoes have the same amount of flavour, I always choose small ones because the flavour is concentrated, with big toms the flavour is spread over a larger area and so is less intense.
Each size of cock contains the same number of nerve endings, on a small one they're closer together, on a biggun further apart. That means that the owner gets the same pleasure out of it whatever the size, but the rub is, it takes more effort to achieve the same result the more widely spaced the nerve endings. Watch a porno with a big dick stud (go on, force yourself) and notice when it's time to
he has to beat his meat like crazy to get the juice out. You don't see how long this takes coz a lot is cut in the editing. It's less effort to make Mr Average shoot and just as enjoyable.
I doubt if there's ever been a boy born who didn't at some time wish his meat was bigger, then with experience come the knowledge that the best sized cock is whatever the one is that's in my mouth.
The most important part of the human body used in sex is of course the brain. Judging by the intelligent quality of theseekers postings, I reckon his brain must be fucking massive.