I courted a Muslim before. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. He was hot and cold about his homosexuality. He was so uncertain about what he wanted. When he wasn't blowing kisses at me and telling me he loved me, he was telling me to repent or read the Koran. Almost everyone in his family, except for his little boy, shunned me and told him to stop talking to me because I was gay. At one point he started telling me there were no gay people in his country and if I were to visit, I would get beaten to death. His family couldn't believe that there were openly gay people in America and attributed it to one of the many reasons why Americans are going to hell in a hand basket. They seemed to absolutely hate America and the Americans period. :rofl: He was a cool guy, but I felt like he was torn between his heart and his religion. Muslims are very religious. I respect that, but I very much didn't have time to deal with the hatred and bigotry and the indecisiveness from him, his family, or his society. Doesn't matter anyway because he left me before I could tell him that.
Well you were better off... this is not just a Muslim issue... I saw this kind of behavior in many religious people that are gay but fight against their nature. Did I ever heard that one often - "There's no gay in my country." Yeah fucking right! Gays are like Chinese, they're everywhere
; you can't just walk without having some guy who'd turn his head faking to look at a girl when in fact they're looking at the dude walking next to her. In all countries I went and I've visited over 16 countries in the world, some Muslim, some Christian and some other anti-gay religious countries... I'm black so they're all believe that most black people are all about women... but I'm not... yeah I am bisexual but if you bring me a dude that looks good "the heck with the girl" and in many of those countries if you have learned some international codes when walking in public and see that the very Muslim guy with his long beard walking with his peers turn at you and nod the head... if you nod back you've just made him understand that you're made of the same leather and chances are he'll part from his peers and you'll end up sucking his dick in a dark alley... and yet he's a very convinced Muslim. As a former escort... I'll tell you guys that 35% of my client were Muslim... YEP and I'm not making that up just to make a point, it's actually true.
Religion doesn't rule over your nature or your genetic and it will never do. You can believe in god as much as you want... but your subconscious as a gay man will always win you over and your god can't do shit about it... in fact he/she/it never does shit about anything anyway.
I had Muslim dudes and to some I wake them up... you can still go about your desire without condemning yourself... god never said anything about gays... the bible, the Qu'ran did; and those
books - call them holy if you want but I sure know that they are printed by the very same press that print Playboy magasine were written by men, archaic, egocentric, misogyn, ignorant, violent, stupid men.