I have never paid for, or accepted payment for, sex.
I do not love for silver
I do not love for gold
My love is mine to give away
It never will be sold
(Glen Yarborough - "Baby the Rain Must Fall")
Substitute "sex" for "love" in the above.
This is not because I have any moral objection to the concept, it's simply that for me it would feel wrong. For me a major component of the enjoment of sex is the knowledge that the other person is doing something for me because they want me to get pleasure. The knowledge that it was done for money, no matter how good the physical act was, would for me make the experience not much different from having a wank - and I can do that on my own, free of charge.
Likewise, if I am sexually attracted to another man, I want to have him for himself, not for his dollars.
This was brought home to me last week at the cruise club. A guy was in a room by himself and I was hanging around outside the room in case he decided to invite me in. By and by the door opened slightly, and he spoke very nervously, something like the following: "Excuse me mate, Can I ask you something.... this may sound strange....
If I offered you fifty bucks would you come in here and help me get off?"
Initially I was shocked. Not shocked at the concept, just shocked that it happened in that place. The club is generally understaood to be a place where you pay your standard entry fee, go in and cruise, and have sex with whoever you fancy and is willing to do so, for your mutual satisfaction, no payment involved. That's how I like it. I have my suspicions that from time to time prostitutes and their clients come there to use it as a cheap hotel room, but there isn't much you can do about that if the actual "dealing" takes place off the premises.
After I recovered my composure, I said "Sorry, I don't buy or sell". This was more or less an automatic reaction, but I was happy afterwards because I really do not want the place to get a reputation as a
de facto brothel, I want it to remain what it is, a no strings cruise club.
The sad part is, the guy was quite young, he was by no means drop dead gorgeous but neither was he ugly, and I would have willingly gone with him for nothing. As far as I know he didn't try his luck with anyone else present, he left shortly afterwards.
All part of life's rich tapestry.