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Super Vip
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dear Bigsal the same with me - I'll go to bed as well now.
But gladly I would discuss with you this theme - perhaps in another thread.
What will be your opinion? Please let me know. But at first: have a good night and perhaps a little bit of love. I hope for it now?! -:)

As you know I have a lot of difficulty in dealing with complicated issues, because Google translator often distorts the content of that I write. So I have to get back on the text and change it many times.

I try to write my message anyway.

After a twenty-year period with "Berlusconi" (this bad person think who you know it all), Italy suffered a financial meltdown unprecedented. This collapse was caused by a non-existent political and corrupt, facilitated by an opposition absent (the Democratic Party now in government). Instead of administering the country, he has dedicated to do the bunga bunga and make laws to "personam" which in fact have canceled all investigations and trials against Berlusconi and company, processes in which they were involved too many politicians of the previous "opposition". (scandals Expo, Mose, the earthquake in L'Aquila, etc ... the list is long)

Despite these obstacles, one process it was concluded. After three sets of proceedings, Berlusconi was convicted of tax fraud against the Italian State, a serious crime. But this rascal, thanks to the complicity of the Democratic Party, not only has avoided jail time, but continues to enjoy the services of the State. Besides him keep almost all the privileges, the current government has not asked Berlusconi restitution of stolen goods, and I will explain you why.

In fact Renzi is allied with Berlusconi, who continues to dictate the political agenda Italian (inquire "Covenant of the Nazarene" with the "blessing" of President Napolitano (which remains silent on the negotiation state-Mafia) and good placet ECB and all economic lobby.

Did you know that Forza Italy, Berlusconi's party, was founded by Dell'Utri (right arm of Berlusconi and definitely convicted for criminal association), Verdini (currently no. 1 of Berlusconi's party and under investigation for many serious crimes including corruption), and Berlusconi himself.

In your country you would do business with these people?
Here in Italy. Our current President of the Council Renzi, is modifying the Italian Constitution in alliance with Berlusconi and his gang.

The question arises:
how can the European Union and all the politicians who compose it, agree to make alliances and / or trade with a country so corrupt and full of criminals?

The reality is you do not give a damn. Hide our heads in the sand, pretending nothing.

So you'd think that also the European Parliament is colluding with the powers that be, because if the righteous do not rebel against the injustices, are also accomplices.

So talk about "Community" European is an understatement. This explains why there is more and more people who deserts the ballot box and increase the "Eurosceptics".

Those who continue to defend this current system, or has the ham in the eyes and plugs in your ears, or is misinformed, or, more serious, is disingenuous.

What I have written I say this with full knowledge. How Italian I know very well the system of corruption and immunity reserved for those who commit these serious offenses against a "democratic" society.

As always, I apologize for any errors.


Staff member
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
I think you made your point perfectly BigSal.

Corruption in the Italian government, political parties, justice system, and media is rampant. The Mafia is the defacto government in Italy.

The rest of the European community hasn't lifted a finger to help the Italian people escape the grip of the foul elements who are pillaging and looting the Italian treasury with impunity. It's business as usual because all of them, all politicians are corrupt and they must scratch each others' back or they all lose power when the Mafia exposes their complicity. They're all in the pocket of the underworld.

It seems the winds of war are coming from the East. I'm not sure if things will improve after the storm or sink deeper into the downward spiral of corruption.

Does that sum up what you were trying to say? ;)


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Dear Bigsal, I'm really a little bit sad and distressed about that what you have said - from this perspective I never have seen it. And I must be honest - so deeply never before I've considered with Italian domestic policy.

And please don't worry about your English - it's too not my language and I need as well a longer time to write a text and I don't know if everything always will be correct or if an
English native-speaker will laugh loudly if he is reading my grammatical incorrect writing.
But in such a moment I always say: I know English so that I will be understood but will an American or an English people speak the same in German or Italian? So Bigsal you and me we are knowing more than all the others!

Well now, I will answer to your post tomorrow, today I'll go out to a great reconciliation meal with my boyfriend. Have a wonderful rest evening at this sunday and fpor tomorrow a good start into the new week.


Super Vip
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
I think you made your point perfectly BigSal.

Corruption in the Italian government, political parties, justice system, and media is rampant. The Mafia is the defacto government in Italy.

The rest of the European community hasn't lifted a finger to help the Italian people escape the grip of the foul elements who are pillaging and looting the Italian treasury with impunity. It's business as usual because all of them, all politicians are corrupt and they must scratch each others' back or they all lose power when the Mafia exposes their complicity. They're all in the pocket of the underworld.

It seems the winds of war are coming from the East. I'm not sure if things will improve after the storm or sink deeper into the downward spiral of corruption.

Does that sum up what you were trying to say? ;)

In principle, yes. The only consolation is knowing that there are still many brave judges who will not does intimidated.
For an observer international attentive, can not be escape the long list of judges killed in Italy, in particular from the Mafia.


Super Vip
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dear Bigsal, I'm really a little bit sad and distressed about that what you have said - from this perspective I never have seen it. And I must be honest - so deeply never before I've considered with Italian domestic policy.

And please don't worry about your English - it's too not my language and I need as well a longer time to write a text and I don't know if everything always will be correct or if an
English native-speaker will laugh loudly if he is reading my grammatical incorrect writing.
But in such a moment I always say: I know English so that I will be understood but will an American or an English people speak the same in German or Italian? So Bigsal you and me we are knowing more than all the others!

Well now, I will answer to your post tomorrow, today I'll go out to a great reconciliation meal with my boyfriend. Have a wonderful rest evening at this sunday and fpor tomorrow a good start into the new week.

Good dinner and good luck


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Bigsal - as I told you yesterday, I'm not very deeply involved in the internal policy of Italy. But sure it is well-known to me that Mafia and Politicians in Italy have close links.
But honestly what for instance can Germany do to change these state of neglect, or what can or may do the EU?
Everything what would be done from outside of Italy would conceived in Italy as an attack of the sovereignty of the Italian State. But look as well to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker! In my view he is too like a Mafia-Boss. He has made it possible that big companies if they are establish oneself in Luxemburg, they have to pay only a minimum of a minimum of taxes. This man has calling up for tax fraud! To that time he was Secretary for Treasury in his little Luxemburg. And this man now and today is the boss of the European Commission.

When the EU came into life I was happy. There have been no borders, the same money, excemption from duty. You can drive from Hamburg to Palermo and no tollgate, barrier or whatever is suspending you! A wonderful idea!

But than there have been the politicians. And the European Commission in Brussels. Everyone was demanding money from the other, the richer! Corruption was growing quicker that you could say AMEN!

And what is doing these European Commission? Faster and faster these Commission began to patronize the citizen of the EU. Bulbs are forbidden, vacuum cleaners with strong engines are forbidden, toaster with double slots shall be forbidden! The bending of the Banana or the scope of the apple is strictly mandatory, as well as the size of the seat of a farm tractor!!!! All these things are no jokes - that is true! You can't believe with what these officials in Brussels are concerned with. If you will buy now in this pre-christmas time a candle you will find in the wrap a pictogram, commanded by Brussels, with 19 (! in words Nineteen!) hints how you have not to handle this candle! (Again no joke). We will be made by this EU to under-age children! Let me ask the question: How have our parents or our greatparents light up a candle? Has it ever given a world wide disaster because unaware people didn't know how to light a candle?

The bureaucracy is growing and growing and growing like a jungle! And together with the bureaucracy the corruption, the greatest illness which is like cancer that destroys everything.

But nevertheless, how could we exist without the EU? I think there is nevertheless too something good things in it for all of us. All the different states in Europe can't in my mind exist today alone! Unity is strength despite all these other illnesses. Don't you think so?