If you recall it was the very same voters who elected Obama who simultaneously passed Prop 8 in California in '08. Whether the Repubs are committed to overturning is debatable. What is not debatable is the Democrats already did overturn it.
I'm sorry - what? Do you think republicans in CA didn't vote for Prop8? I don't have the numbers to hand, so I'm open to correction if someone has the numbers, but as I remember it, the vast majority of Republicans in CA voted for P8, while a minority of Democrats did - the result was that it passed, just.
You can't somehow absolve the Republicans of that vote while condemning the Dems - that is frankly insane!
Jobs are sailing offshore due to misguided government policy. In particular crushing tax policy, onerous enviro regs, and in many states a hostile business climate. Ever wonder why most corps are headquartered in places like South Dakota?
If the tea-party are so job-friendly, why did they oppose Obama in his attempts to close tax loopholes that make it cheaper to off-shore jobs than to keep them at home? Obama was attacked hard for being anti-business for trying to remove the tax incentives that drive jobs overseas.
As for companies being over-taxed, if that's true, why do most mega-corps pay little to no tax because of all the loopholes and credits that are there to relieve them of their burden? GE Paid ZERO tax last year, yet they are shipping jobs overseas like everyone else!
Finally, if the reason really was that there is too much regulation, then why is Ireland jam-packed full of US companies giving us all the formerly American jobs? The EU, and Ireland, have WAY more regulation than the US does, so the regulation argument is BS too.
Companies ship jobs overseas because you can pay the workers an absolute pittance, and because US tax law allows American companies to funnel money from all over the world through tax-havens.
Most retirees in my state head to places like Florida or New Hampshire or Arizona or Costa Rica or Thailand. Why? The weather? Nope, because of the onerous and punitive tax laws which decimates a retiree's pocketbook just as badly as a business's.
What extra taxes are retirees charged?
And I call BS on weahter having nothing to do with it. Irish people retire to Spain where there is more tax.
That is exactly what the left wing controlled media has been drilling into people heads. The left and its handmaiden, the media is shytting their pants over the emergence of grass roots organizations which cannot be controlled, which are wild cards. The only weapon they have is to ridicule, to pick apart, to destroy. We saw them attempt this with Sarah Palin, with the Tea Party, and now with Michelle Bachman.
Calling out idiotic idea for being idiotic is not a sign of fear or brian washing, but of thinking, logic, honesty, and brains!
When you really do have a better point, you argue the point, people only resort to personal insults when they can't win the real argument. Just look at all the threads you participate in WRT politics, the 'leftists' make arguments based on events, facts, and logic, and you call us all names for not agreeing with you. Fight for your arguments, not against our character! If you can't, we're left with no option but to assume that you don't have any cogent policy arguments!
None of these items, nor anything else you've listed is on the Tea Party platform. These are scare tactics that the left uses to demonize those who oppose them and threaten their stranglehold. As a quick run down the major tenets of the Tea Party are.
1 Adherence to the US Constitution
2 Small and limited Federal Government with power centered in the states
3 Free market economy with limited government interference
4 Reliance on the individual to make the right choice
5 Expansion of personal freedom
No one disagrees with point 1 - no one! Neither the democratic nor the liberal platform is pro-breaking the law or the constitution! The arrogance with which conservatives declare themselves the only true patriots never ceases to amaze and infuriate me.
The second point should be a point that separates the Dem and Reps, but that's only true when it suits the Reps, and utterly ignored when it doesn't.
How is DOMA compatible with your states point 2? How is forcing doctors to read patients a script when they go for an abortion compatible with point2? Why are the Tea Party not campaigining for the abolition of the massive federal over-reach that is DOMA? Why are repuclicans, including teaparty republicans voting for introducing government into doctors offices all over the country with these insane abortion laws? How is interfering with people's medical treatment small government?
Teaparty types proclaim to support point 2, but their actions directly contradict point 2 - so it's a fib.
Point 3 is one that is undisputed Rep and teaparty only. Democrats and liberals are against the kind of un-restricted capitalism that caused the great depression and our current crisis. You can have that point all to yourself, and I'll argue against it based on logic and reason till the cows come home.
Point 4 is just like point 2. All talk but actions that go directly contrary to it. If the republicans and tea party really believed that, then none of them would vote to make it mandatory that the government interfere with a woman's legally protected right to choose. The round-about bans of abortion through building codes and other dirty tricks also fly against point 1 actually, but that's a discussion for another day.
Point 5 is at the heart of liberalism, and although the reps and the tea party love to say they are for personal freedoms, they constantly act against all personal freedoms they disagree with. If the tea party really believe this, then they would be pro-choice, they would be pro-gay marriage, and the would be pro the legalisation of pot. As it happens a small wing of the tea party do in fact stand for these things, the Ron Paul libertarian wing again, but they are a minority, and utterly out-numbered in terms of elected representatives from the right.
I don't judge the tea party by their words, but by their deeds, and that's how I think ALL politicians should be judged.
I'm grumpy at Obama for talking the talk, but only walking half the walk. He did abolish DADT, so that's a plus, but he also failed to prosecute torture and war crimes, failed to end illegal detention and kidnapping, failed to end the Bush wars, and worse still, started one of his own! He also caved to Republicans and extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, adding massively to the deficit and the debt. Contrary to what Fox News might lead you to believe, the left are angry at Obama for giving in to REALLY FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE REPUBLICAN DEMANDS. That republicans get to call themselves fiscally conservative while ballooning the debt with tax cuts for millionaires on the nations credit card, after having turned the surplus Bill Clinton left Bush into a massive deficit is disgraceful.
Bottom line, we can see through the words of the tea party, and we judge them instead on their ACTIONS, which tell a very different story. Is believing words over deeds not the perfect example of brain-washing?