Behrluvr, I think that treblex's post was just as relevant as all the rest of ours in this thread. I'm waiting for YOUR substantial factual input.
The OP's post was an obvious flame, mean't to elicit an emotional response from gay conservatives.
Behrluvr, I think that treblex's post was just as relevant as all the rest of ours in this thread. I'm waiting for YOUR substantial factual input.
I never said any such thing , those are your words please refrain putting words in my mouth and claiming I said them.
In case you haven't noticed, the country is already collapsing. The US has what is now an insurmountable debt almost completely incurred in the last 2 1/2 years.
As for running the country, the states which had high growth (until the Obama era that is) are those which have either no income tax, or no sales tax , or were business friendly. AZ, TX, NV,NH. My own socialist state is in death spasm as it only welcomes welfare cheats and illegal border jumpers while being distinctly unfriendly to business, chasing away entreprenneurs.
The federal government has few legitamite reasons to exist. Guard the coast, deliver the mail and such. It has become a huge greedy monster devouring every last dollar available with the consequence that there are now no dollars available to devour.
I am only interested in one point and I addressed it. That is that the liberals and Democrat majority in California voted in favor of Proposition 8, the very same people who were in the booth electing Obama were simultaneously defeating gay marriage in CA.
The OP's post was an obvious flame, mean't to elicit an emotional response from gay conservatives.
The OP's post was an obvious flame, mean't to elicit an emotional response from gay conservatives.
I never said any such thing , those are your words please refrain putting words in my mouth and claiming I said them.
You run into any thread that disagrees with your politics - call everyone names, insist the whole world is biased against you and your views, insist we're brainwashed and repeat...................... but you run away from the discussion because the facts are not on your side, only the words.
In case you haven't noticed, the country is already collapsing. The US has what is now an insurmountable debt almost completely incurred in the last 2 1/2 years. Unemployment is in the stratosphere, and there is no hope of a recovery.
The federal government has few legitamite reasons to exist. Guard the coast, deliver the mail and such. It has become a huge greedy monster devouring every last dollar available with the consequence that there are now no dollars available to devour.
Religion and Politics always draw some very heated debates.
Please remember to respect each other and each others views.
Religion and Politics always draw some very heated debates.
Please remember to respect each other and each others views.
I'm not sure what the PC definition of teabagging is.....perhaps someone could enlighten us.
The impression I have is that it involves rubbing one's scrotum in the face of another......generally a frat brother who has passed out from overindulging,.
I also agree that shipping out jobs to overseas cheap labor is shortsighted. Once all jobs in America are low wage paying who will be able to afford a life of excess? It will be all about the bacis: food, clothing, shelter and gasoline, nothing else.