I think it's a bit ridiculous to talk about the evil nationalists in Europe (and they are truly evil !) and to forget about the tea party and GOP in the sweet US of A ...
what do you know about Germany ? it appears not much !
Well, I was only born and live here ...
In the interest of full disclosure let me re-iterate I am a liberal Gay man who believes in equality for all and generosity for those less fortunate. I am not a right-wing extremist.
However I do think there should be some measure of respect shown for a country and it's culture when that country opens it's doors as the famous quote from Emma Lazarus says:
If one dares speak in opposition to giving great latitude to cultural reformations then one runs the risk of being classified as a right-wing or Nazi sympathizer. If that's the case then so be it. The tide of public opinion turns quickly and sometime in the future opinions will change with that tide.
If you live in a country that is as open as America you have to expect change. Many countries are not subject to the swift changes we have in America. Citizens of those countries may have academic understanding of those changes but that is a poor substitute for living through those changes personally.
I'm not sure how many members of GH lived through the Nazi era in Europe. Maybe there are some and maybe they will add their personal experiences to discussions such as this.
The Nazi era was without a doubt one of the worst times for Europeans in centuries. It shouldn't be compared to other eras lightly or without good reason.
Well, I was only born and live here ...
the society has to make an effort to assimilate the newcomers. These cannot assimilate themselves. They can facilitate but the end depends on how they are viewed.
What Shelter wrote ist in my humble opinion a lot of bullshit - sorry ! He was right for the first generation. They had other problems more important than integration into the German society : survival !
But they educated their children in German schools and made every effort to be integrated. Their goal was reached with their children ! They are German, they feel German, they think German and most of them don't want to return to the 'Heimat' of the parents - even if that is the goal of the parents ...
About the concentration of immigrants in certain section of the cities ... He forgot to tell that this sections were deserted by the 'nativ Germans' because of the neighborhood : trains stations, industrial sites, etc The flats occupied by these then immigrants were not up to the standard the 'nativ Germans' demanded.
But these immigrants did what they could to better their living conditions and nowadays, those city sections are ones of the most search after by the young(er) generations.
you're absolutely right but I was waiting for a reply to my question because I read a sort of hostility against immigrants between the lines of this thread and I don't like generalisation, please correct me if I misunderstood...
Once more to this "Bullshit"-post:
Dear Friend read once more what you have written here and if always you will sell this as true than you will live in a very special part of Germany. Perhaps over your city, town or village is a giant cheese dome.
Or you are really a very, very good comedian and I haven't catched on to the wit! ~X(
then your experiences are different then mine !
This is possible, of course. If you live in the country, you see and hear this probably not so often as in the town. I live in a bigger town, and I hear this, believe me, nearly several times on the day. And it increases constantly. More than half of my friends come from Syria, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Afganistan, Iraq, Iran, Morocco - and they are annoyed just like me about this.
living in a town with a population of 100.000, with to major cities with 300.000 a mere 10km away and Düsseldorf at 30km ... that's not living in the country !
Well, for me, it is the countryand I know Düsseldorf very well - you hear that very often in this town ...
the country ? no doubt, you must be joking !!! it's the densest population in Germany !
and what do you mean by 'you hear that very often in this town' ?
if you are really talking about the 'country', try where I live in France ... A tiny village with a population of 57 !
The 'town' is a episcopal siege with 5000 inhabitants, the 'real' town nearest is about 35km away, population 25.000 !
My first neighbor is at 500m ...