It looks devastating and the attack on the youth camp.. leaves speechless.
For those of us just reading this thread - what happened?
I took this from yahoo (you can find the whole text here : )
OSLO, Norway (AP) — Norway's peace was shattered twice Friday when a bomb ripped open buildings in the heart of its government and a man dressed as a police officer gunned down youths at a summer camp. Police linked one Norwegian to both attacks, which killed a total of at least 16 people in nation's worst violence since World War II.
It appears the man arrested was a right wing extremist against multi-culturism and minorities.
Sadly these individuals get everywhere and are an unknown unpredictable quantity. Sounds like he was working alone.
What makes it worse is that it's not something expected in a country like Norway, which I don't believe has ever had any sort of terrorist attack before.
Very sad indeed.
Absolutely horrifying and condolences to all the victims in Norway. It seems like a lot of us from MANY different places can get along here without trying to hurt anyone else...we just talk and have fun and make friends. Kind of like the playground when you were a kid....maybe GH is a relic of the past AND a model for the future? - Discuss
Well here in the UK we are no strangers to this kind of atrocity, with the massacres at Dunblane, Hungerford and Whitehaven and the USA too at Columbine but the sheer scale of the carnage in Norway is staggering. The BBC are currently reporting 84 killed on the island and 7 in the bomb attack in Oslo.
So shocking, so sad.
It's possible to plan for all sorts of things, but not for a person who is simply crazy. I don't know how any person could get to be so angry. It is beyond sadness that so many young people should loose their lives so needlessly on an island in Norway. Today our thoughts must be with their families and the people who loved them.
I agree with you, but I'm not sure he was crazy... I'd say cold, calculating and callous. Manufacturing a huge bomb and during the mayhem and confusion that caused in Oslo he catches a ferry to the island dressed as a policeman. And reports from eye witnesses say when he got to the island he called for people to gather round him... then he started shooting.
Latest reports are saying he is a right-wing christian fundamentalist.
I just read about a rumor that there were two shooters on the island, the other one they haven't found yet and the rescuers are wearing bullet-proof vests there.