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what type of gay r u?



What kind of gay am I?

I have none of the stereotypical traits attributed to gay men.

I love cars.... I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt, I love heavy Metal, Classic rock. I have no fashion sense, I can't dance, I have very few female friends, because other than liking boys, I have nothing in common with them.

And I'm sure this will piss some of you off, but I think that Madonna's a worn out whore, Cher needs to get her ass to the rest home, Bette Midler needs to check into Jenny Craig, and Brittany Spears needs to get her talentless ass back to whatever west Texas trailer park she came from...

Part quote.

I thought I'd found another twin, but then for me, the very thought of inserting any part of my anatomy into any part of a woman's anatomy is repulsive and makes my skin creep. I'd rather be celibate forever!!!

But otherwise, the stuff I've part quoted above, is me. I've never been camp - it's just not me - and camp people - especially queens - as well as those who want to dress as women or wear make-up are a complete turn off to me.

I'm shy though, except when with friends. I have a wicked sense of humour and I'd much prefer to be a top. Oh, and I'm attracted to non-smoker guys 20-30ish (which prob means I'll be single and celibate forever as I'm chubby and 50) :(( Coming out and recognising who and what I am just all happened too late for me, I guess. And sitting 'talking' to a computer screen is prob not the best way to ever find someone. Is it?


The others sometimes say that I'm straight looking. I think I'm not. I would say I look like muscular gay (not much femine). I never had painted hair. Sometimes I'm unshaven. But I try to looks well allways. I would say I got my style. I'm quite interested about fashion. I try to be elegant but not eccentric and extremely colourful.
I am of course 100% gay.
I'm versatile (I started as top, but I found that being fucked by boy who really knows how to do it is very cool. And It also learned me how to fuck other guys better).
I'm open about my orientation and I advise it everyone same (I think I wrote it thousand times in "coming out" thread at least.).
I like Rock music most. I sometimes also listen to Pop, R'n'B, Dance, Disco, Jazz, Folk, Classics etc.
Also I like most of sports. I do swimming, skiing, cycling, sometimes jogging. Also like colective sports games: football(soccer), Ice hockey, basketball. I sometimes try to play some of them with friends for fun. But I'm not moch talented for it (but many people are worse than me).


May 28, 2011
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I'm 22, and bi, but I'm into guys so much more that it just feels more safe to say I'm gay. I'm a slim nerdy Latino that loves TV and movies, occasional swimming or roller blading (or ice skating) or bowling or whatnot. I used to be into baseball and then tennis, but then I sort of stopped with organized sports. I've been a bookworm since I was young and have done very well in school/college. I like the simple things, hate fancy restaurants, could spend the rest of my life at a zoo or aquarium, love long road trips, and get into hobbies that I eventually get bored of and then pick new ones up. Although I may or may not give you the nerdy vibe with my glasses and appearance, I think I look rather masculine, but definitely not muscular. :p
I am hard-working and passionate about giving back to my community. Came from a rather poor family, but our parents pushed my sisters and I through college, and now we all seem to be doing great. I can dress well if I want to, but I usually don't and you'll usually find me in a nice t-shirt and jeans. I've been "forever single" and I constantly have older women trying to hook me up with their daughters. Also, most of my close female friends have told me that they have fallen in love with me, and I haven't really told them the real reason why I couldn't like them back - but I've let them down easy and we're all good. I've experimented with a few of my male friends, including my best friend who is one hot bitch...and also the only person who knows I'm gay. In my ordinary life, if anyone ever flirts with me, it's girls, not guys :(


New member
Feb 27, 2009
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im 26 and i consider myself bi. never really thought much about guys til towards the end of uni and i guess im still a little unsure if i have a preference.
i think im a little awkward and generally a quiet person unless ive been drinking haha.
i like movies and i watch about a billion tv shows. dont play any sports cuz i have no one to play with so i goto the gym instead.
i like nice things and i like keeping up with the latest stuff out in music and technology.


The kind that doesn't give a flying feddoodles about the term being gay. I'm bisexual but I just happens to love a guy (a very cute one too):p.
I dress the way I want, nobody can influence me with their fashion crap, if I feel to dress like the next hillbilly I will and I'll show you the path to hell if you ever open your mouth to comment.:angry:
I can't stand Lady Gaga, I don't have a shrine of Madonna and new pop diva annoys me. I won't like a celebrity better because he/she just got out and want the world to know they like it up the ass (who the fuck cares)
I'm highly educated, but I love playing dumb.;)
When I love someone it's unconditional, no matter if it's a girl or a dude.
Although I'm full of cash I won't wear designer clothes (unless the said designer is ready to wear a t-shirt with my name in the front and a print of my face at the back).
I am eclectic musically speaking; if the music moves me I like it. I dance, I cook, I speak several languages, I'm self starter and self employed.
I look good and I know it but I don't go around playing stupid seductive games.
I have children and a husband (that I love to death)
I do not appear to be gay in public, I don't kiss in public, I don't walk hand to hand in public but if you see me with my husband, follow my sight and you'll find out that I check and follow each and every single of his movements (that should give you a hint that we're not just friends).
I can't stand effeminate (you're a boy or a girl make up your fucking mind), nor do I stand heavily macho men (musk isn't perfume, wash your fucking self).
I do not have a gaydar (just because I like dudes doesn't mean that I can immediately tell that a guy is into guy -sometimes it's obvious most of the time it isn't).
I do not believe in Pride or Gayland (I highly respect the social fight that previous gay have done so we can live in peace) but if we are so proud of a sexual tendency; well we should also have Transgender Pride, Hetero Pride, Asexual Pride and the "I don't know what the fuck I like" Pride parade.
I don't watch TV, I only watch shows or movie once in a while and they better be comedy, because one have enough drama in their life I am not going to sit 30 minutes for 3 seasons to watch fictive drama.
I do sport, I teach martial Arts (3 disciplines), I play hockey, baseball, horseback riding (although the horse is making most of the exercise :rofl:) and I love going to ride my VTT in the mud and have Alex wash me when I get back - mostly because he washes always the same spot with his mouth even though there's no mud there:rofl:.
I'm a guy and I happen to love a guy, not a stereotypical gay dude at all and I'll tell you if I'm gay if I feel like it (not because you asked), what goes on in my pants and where a shove my dick in the morning, afternoon or night is nobody's fucking business except for the one I love.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
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I consider myself to be bi. I like women and have sex with women. I like to kiss, hold, and touch women and I have deep emotional feelings for women.

I would rather have sex with a guy though. I absolutely love sucking cock and love getting fucked by a nice hard cock. In fact I love looking at and touching cocks and feeling a cock anywhere on my body. I don't like kissing guys and I won't, but I do like hugging guys when they are naked. I like feeling a guy's body all over. There's no better feeling than when a guy puts me on my back and gives me a good fucking. I wrap my arms and legs around him just to hold him into me. Despite all this I have never had an emotional connection with a guy.


Aug 13, 2010
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I'm bi. I thought that I was full blown gay at first, but still find myself attracted to girls.

I'm interested in sports, but not to the level of playing any (although that could be the product of not having any free time as of late). I do visit the gym on a normal basis.

I have a normal voice, I'd like to think so. Normally, I don't really dress up, I'm about as far away from the fasionista (and almost every other) stereotype as you can get. The furthest I'd go is a Lacoste shirt.

If I had to put myself on the scale, I'd be more towards the masculine end. I've always been a low key person and like to hang around those who are like-minded. And before anyone begins a political tirade against me, I'm not attaching any opinion to it, I'm just using the concept as a scale to compare against.

I'm a closet case, but if I were out, I would be the same person. I'm already out to a few people and my demeanor doesn't change with them.

I do not care for Madonna or Streisand. Lady Gaga is decent. I do not worship her though. I hate Glee with the fire of a thousand suns.

Oh and I love cock. Can't forget about that one.


New member
Jun 25, 2010
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I am full gay.
I have no real interest in sports. i have played football and baseball but i never really liked to.
i am a gamer usually(360, nintendo wii, etc.) i take interest in computer stuff aswell such as photoshop, editing and making videos and stuff like that. but im not a stereotypical nerd or anything. i never took interest in star wars, marvel movies and such.

I do dress to match, and really my trademark as by what everyone knows me for wearing are one-lense sunglasses(usually on my head) but the thing is i dress like a straight guy, i never dress girly-gay.

my voice is normal i suppose, but naturally loud unfortunately :/

I am open about being gay to everyone. i honestly dont care what others think because i realized hiding who i was caused me to be unhappy. made the decision to come out when i was 17, im 18 now lol

i tend to like lady gaga, and as much as how much of a straight guy i act like, i enjoy dancing and learning the choreography for her songs.

i feel like im a weird case because i dont have any girl friends. i only have straight guy friends. i get along with girls just fine its just that i cant seem to be friends with them for some reason.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
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I'm possibly the straightest acting gay person around. I'm 100% gay, but enjoy everything str8 guys enjoys except for girls. I'm active in sports and am masculine looking and acting. But when it comes to sex... only guys please.


GayHeaven's Hottie
Oct 20, 2010
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right now i can's say what is my type cuz i am still virgin , never been with a boy or a girl
but their is somethings i like in some girls , and their is a lot of thing i like about boys .
i must try both so i can say if i am gay or Bi
but mostly i think i am BI


New member
Apr 11, 2011
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Bi - exploring ALL the benefits :) that pleasure has to offer.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
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Its amazing how many posts on this thread have said that they are "unconventionally" gay and that basically the only aspect of them being gay is them liking dick!

And yet with most people I know, you say you're gay (I haven't; but know people who have) and they immediately think you watch Glee, go to the theatre, a great dancer etc etc.

All of which I don't!!!

Its good to know that other people on here are similar, but a shame that gay people are defined (in my general experience) under the same category as the camp guys.

Not that I am saying there is anything wrong with being camp, liking Glee etc. But in the end if you're gay you like dick. Does it not piss anyone else off that other people think being gay means more than this? Or do you just get used to it?!


New member
Oct 25, 2010
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If the post above didnt give away the "type of gay" I am then I am just a guy that likes other guys. I may not be a normal person (isn't everyone weird in some way?) but that isn't influenced by me being gay!!


New member
Jan 30, 2010
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I look str8. I act str8. I play hockey and baseball. But I'm 100% gay. i dress "normal" and go to both str8 and gay bars. Just goes to show.. you can't judge a book by its cover.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
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First of all I'm bi. What kind of?

I'm a normal looking guy. I love fashion, and dressed up well and I have a lot of cloths, way to much for a straight guy. My first love was music and it will be the least. i love dancing :)
Got a normal voice and a loud laugh. Always doing crazy stuff! A friend of my sis ask: Is your crazy brother with you?

I'm a bit interest in cars, love to doing sports. I act straight, all my friends thought I'm straight.


V.I.P Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Bi i play basketball, soccer, im a gamer i love MW3, i happen to love the skinny twinkie brown latino type


Super Vip
Apr 3, 2011
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What kind of gay? Just a guy who is gay. Growing up, I was the geeky smart kid (before geek was a term), but my strait schoolmates were that way too. ( i went to a city exam school).
I didn't do sports, but as an adult got into fitness. Yes, that was a gay thing. I realized I needed a fit body to have a shot at the hot boys I craved. Then it became something else. Fun, stress reduction, having a body that still functions pretty well in my late 50's...a great hobby.
Fashion? I like to look good. But for me, an understated look works. An athletic cut tee shirt from Target in a great color, at $10? That's me. I dress up for weddings and funerals.

Sex. I'm mostly a top. I like cock. I love ass. I'm very oral. I'm turned on by masculine guys. Hairy guys. Latin guys, but lots of other guys as well. It's the Olympics, so I'm obsessed at the moment with little muscle guys. But that's today. Tomorrow, something else.


I'm weird. I'm naturally shy and kept to myself. If I was to pick a colour that identifies me, I would be graveyard grey. I'm boring, serious and cautious... and I've always been like this. As for fashion, I can't afford anything classy and I couldn't care less. I dress all in black. Sports are the very last though in my mind. I simply cannot be asked to watch them or practice them. I have a so/so voice (one that I hope enriches in time). Softspoken at best. I've never been one to call for attention. My musical taste is eclectic at times, but I mainly listen to symphonic/black metal.

I guess I'm a bottom since I lack the stamina and the you-know-what to be a top. I love to give BJ's. I am prone to change, though. Who knows what my next transfiguration will be like. Fashionista? Jock? Brainy? The possibilities!

As you guys can see, I'm a complete cock magnet. *LOLZ*


Oct 17, 2008
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I am exactly who everyone should inspire to be myself or yourself.