Heath from ChaosMen
Chip from ChaosMen (aka Jack on RandyBlue)
Peter from SeanCody
Abe from SeanCody
Trent Ferris CollegeDudes
Brandon Beal BrokeStraightBoys
Adam Baer BrokeStraightBoys
Johnny Forza BrokeStraightBoys
Daniel Grange BrokeStraightBoys
There are just too many to remember but these are a few off the top of my head...
@d@m B@er can be suddenly loud and unclever. But he's trying. So his periodically obnoxious lack of wit turns out to be harmless.
Plus he's a hard worker. He's managed to do a lot with very little. Blondish rose contours, cheeks and muscles show that well enough. His body type is like Reinhard Heydrich's---but without the evil. (And no, RH is not a porn star. He was the high-ranking uber-Nazi, the cruel violinist, assassinated by the Czechs during WWII. Yay, Czechs! All the men in Lidice were executed in retribution.)
Yeah, B@er looks like that, and like RH, he seems basically incompetent at pretending. In other words, if it came out that he's a virgin with chicks, not str8 at all, I wouldn't be surprised. So please don't ask him to act. He won't be able to. Though his overconfidence and take-charge porn ethic can be rather amusing and even endearing. In one scene, brave little K0d1 squeaks, "You like playing with those balls, don't you?" The accusation seems to jolt @d@m for a sec, then he yanks K0di's legs into position and snarls, "Shut your mouth!" This authority may be playful, but it's still very impressive, and the sudden irritation flexes all of @d@m's muscles, which is a beautiful sight to behold.
In the meantime, B@er's cute but slightly long, pointy face will always deny him the physical perfection he works so hard to attain. He

s with genuine conviction, though, and is very believable about it too, then returns to surly and/or unclever mode immediately thereafter. He wants to be funny but has no clue how. He's intriguing in all kinds of inexplicable ways, and I would bet he has the cajones to back up the tough exterior he loves to display.
He did a splashtastic pool scene with J0hnny F0rz@, who has a similar but larger musculature. One of B@er's best features is his very reliable prick, which is str8 as an arrow and only rarely stops pointing at the sky. The other br0ke "str8" dudes really make him hard. I hope to see him ASAP with Ty1er Wh1te, an enthusiastic supercute newcomer with identical layers of str8 pretension. So they're naifs. So they don't really know themselves yet. So what? Seems like a great, well-paid op for self-discovery.