I would and I have. The longest I travelled was 3.5 hours into New York City. Guess what? The dude stood me up! I'd been chatting with him on the phone for over a year! No matter, I had plan 2 ready and just had a nice weekend in NYC by myself. Screw 'em.
The next longest was (if I had gone through with it) would have been 2000 miles out to Texas. Again I'd been talking, camming and long distance jerking off (phone +cam) with the dude for a year. He was a total turn on but....I stood him up in this case. He was just too dangerous , even for me . Too kinky, a hardcore leather guy and I just wasn't about to get into that lifestyle. I liked it as fantasy but i didn't want to live as a leatherguy. He lived that way. So I dumped him.