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Young into Old, Old into Young WTF?!


Super Vip
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
^^ I don't think that comment is for this thread, my friend.

To answer the original question: I've always found an older man very sexy for the same reasons expressed here, as well as younger men for the very same reasons; also expressed here. As long as it's legal and consensual, why should it really be a question?

We can't help who we're attracted to and it sometimes comes in an older or younger "version" of things. I think all attraction stems from what's inside and you can be just as pleasantly surprised from someone who is 40 versus someone who is 17 (I'm using the NYC Legal Age here to express my point). There is something sexy in everyone. I've been with older men as well as younger ones and both of them brought me interest and pleasure in the times I was with them.

Like Mark Twain said: "Age is an issue of mind over matter: if you don't mind, then it doesn't matter."

TRUTH! :thumbs up:


This is getting a bit annoying :)

Age and age and age again and again and again. If you passed the age of consent or the adulthood age of your said country/province/state you are considered capable of taking your own decisions, therefore if you are 18 years old and decide to go out with a 30 years old SO BE IT it's your choice and if that makes you happy PERFECT the rest is just social judgment or upbringing.

Said it before I'm 10 years over my BF and it never crossed my idea that I was too old or he was too young for me he was 19 and I was 29, we connected, we loved each other, we still do very very very much and that's all there is. But here's something I posted in few of the websites I control or administrates, hope it will help some to understand this ever lasting age crap. Sure those are from Canada but the definition doesn't change from a country to another.

Age of consent; in Canada, the age of reason is set to 16 years old as of May 1, 2008.

The age of consent in Canada is the age at which the criminal law recognizes the legal capacity of a young person to consent to sexual activity. Under the Criminal Code of Canada anyone under the age of 16 cannot legally consent to any form of sexual activity, from kissing to intercourse. It means that adults are criminally liable if they have sex with someone under that age. The offense carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

The law has a "close-in-age" exemption of less than five years, which permits teens to engage in consensual sex with a partner who is less than five years older as long as the older partner is not in a position of trust or authority and the relationship is not exploitative. The age of protection for exploitative sexual activity, such as sexual activity involving prostitution, pornography, or a relationship of trust, is 18. The age of consent for anal sex is also 18.

Underage; A minor or minor child in Canada is a person who is not an adult and is under the age of majority. The age of majority in Canada is determined by each province and territory in Canada.

Age of majority in Canada; is the age at which a person is considered by law to be an adult. A person younger than the age of majority is considered a "minor child."

The age of majority in Canada is determined by each province and territory in Canada.
The age of majority in the individual provinces and territories of Canada is

  • Alberta - 18
  • British Columbia - 19
  • Manitoba - 18
  • New Brunswick - 19
  • Newfoundland and Labrador - 19
  • Northwest Territories - 19
  • Nova Scotia - 19
  • Nunavut - 19
  • Ontario - 18
  • Prince Edward Island - 18
  • Quebec - 18
  • Saksatchewan - 18
  • Yukon Territory - 19
Pedophilia (or paedophilia) is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. According to the World Health Organization, 16 and 17-year-old adolescents qualify if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), pedophilia is specified as a form of paraphilia in which a person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children that cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is common among people who commit child sexual abuse; however, some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia. In strictly behavioural contexts, the word "pedophilia" has been used to refer to child sexual abuse itself, also called "paedophilic behavior".

Hebephilia refers to the sexual preference for pubescent individuals; the term was introduced by Glueck (1955).It differs from ephebophilia, which refers to the sexual preference for individuals in later adolescence, and from pedophilia, which refers to the sexual preference for prepubescent children.While individuals with a sexual preference for adults (i.e., teleiophiles) may have some sexual interest in pubescent-aged individuals,the term hebephilia is reserved for those who prefer pubescent-aged individuals over adults.

Ephebophilia is the adult sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 18.The term was originally used in the late 19th to mid 20th century, and has been more recently revived by Ray Blanchard. Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction. In sexual ethics, it may be defined as a sexual preference for girls generally 14–16 years old, and boys generally 14–18 years old.It is one of a number of sexual preferences across age groups subsumed under the neologism of "chronophilia". In research environments, specific terms are used for chronophilias: ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents, hebephilia to refer to the sexual preference for earlier pubescent individuals, and pedophilia to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent children However, the term pedophilia has commonly been used to refer to any sexual interest in minors below the legal age of consent, regardless of their level of physical, mental, or psychological development.Clinically, ephebophilia is not considered a mental disorder unless it affects the ephebophile's life in a destructive way.Acting upon ephebophilic preference can be illegal, for example, when the adolescent is below the legal age of consent.

With this list we believes that you now understand the difference between Age of consent, Underage and Age of majority. Hence, even though a 17 years old teenager comes and offer its sexual services (it will happen, they are hormone driven), he/she maybe in the age of consent, but he/she is still a child according to the law. Therefore, accepting any sexual offers and/or engaging in sexual intercourse with a 17 years old or younger is considered criminal and is punishable by law. As mentioned in this portal several times, one need to be 18 or 19 of age to browse or use services of this website. We do not care if the teen is a day close to turn 18 and because Canada has 6 times zones the portal time is set to Eastern Standard Time and as an Ontarian corporation, we are bound by the laws, legislation and time zone of the province of Ontario. Report to us any infringement to our rules.

Alright this was the underage statement of some of the sites I runs, but as you can see I killed right in the buds the very assumption of people coming to challenge this rules by putting the law and definition. As Casanova said it so well we all have different tastes. When I used to be an escort; most of my clients were well over 30 years old while I was 19, the experience that I have today in sex is certainly not attributed to a 15 years old. I'd really love that younger dudes stop looking at couple that are older/younger and be disgusted because you don't really know what make them choose each other, if I don't like something I avoid looking at it plain and simple. I am so darn happy to be 35 and not have that struggling age of 20's anymore. I don't envy younger dudes, I don't envy my dude (don't have to he's mine :rofl:). The best way to know about it is to go straight to them and ask them... if they're up to it they'll be more than happy to tell you what attract one another. You put 19-30, dude 30 is not a graveyard number... perhaps in the gay world but in the heterosexual world OH my GOD 30 is THE AGE funny huh!!! Perhaps it is time that some gay men seriously start questioning themselves. As a bisexual in my 30 and up I stopped and so will you when you'll reach our age. :cheers:

Questioning ages tells me that some outed/non-outed gay men are still struggling with their homosexuality and are yet a little uncomfortable. You see much more younger/older couples with 10 and 15 years of difference in the hetero world and nobody cares! WHY???
Last edited:


Super Vip
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
^^ THIS!



Aug 13, 2010
Reaction score
I think it might have to do with some of the stereotypes associated with older people. Either they are horribly out of touch with popular culture (limiting the things that the two of you can relate to), perverts, needy, among other things.

Young people are seen as being full of life, beauty and the list goes on.

With all of that being pushed on society, it's understandable to think why people would cringe at a cross generational relationship. Why have a Terecel when you can drive a Prius?

Simple, because you like it.

As said before, as long as both parties are of legal age, then who cares. There are young creeps and old creeps.