I dislike any fixation on age, or race, or other irrelevancies.
I dislike any fixation on age, or race, or other irrelevancies.
I find some people's fetish for specifically having sex with someone significantly older than themselves to be almost as annoying as when they reject someone purely because of age. .
.....there is a price to pay for a big age gap, the likelihood of the younger partner being a widower early in life is much higher if you have a large age gap, and growing old together is unlikely. ....
I gotta chuckle there. What's the divorce rate in the str8 world? 50%? 75%?
What is the average relationship length in the gay world? 6 months? 1 year? How many gay guys stay together 5 years?
I wouldn't worry about growing old together. I'd worry more about staying together 'till the end of the summer.
Ha! We used to chuckle over folks like Gsa Gsa Gabor and 'Liz Taylor with their 6 or 7 or 8 or more marriages. In reality they were just pioneers. Compared to modern lifestyles, Henry the 8th was a hacker. I'm going to my sis's wedding this July, its her 4th. Heyheyhey...:rofl:
Better stop hanging on GayHeaven then, I'd estimate 3/4 or the vid postings are of twinks, (including Asian and black twinks). If age fixation is troublesome to you I expect the number of twink vids, postings and comments here on GH must drive you nuts.
I'm not sure of that number, but I agree that a good number of participants here would qualify as twinks. That hasn't stopped either you or I from posting, has it? No reason that anyone else should leave. Of course, one must have realistic expectations if attempting to hook up online.
I think you may be confusing the USA for the whole world. The divorce rate is not so high everywhere, and even in the gay community many value loving long term relationships every bit as much as straight people have for generations.
I know a lot of people on these boards are in long-term stable relationships, and more are looking for just that. Don't let stereotypes blind you.
Probably because women in the USA have a tremendous amount of freedom and resources which women in other cultures lack. American women have an education, their own career, often plenty of money. Nothing keeps an American woman married if she doesn't want to be.
Contrast that to married women in Islamic, or African, or South American or even Asian countries. Those women are often little more than unpaid servants, often slaves. My bud just got back from Bangkok where he lives most of the year. He told me he was with a bar girl at his place and he had to take a dump. The girl unwrapped some paper and was going to wipe his butt for him. Somehow I don't think that would ever happen in the USA.
I'm going to wager a guess that those you refer to are the minority. Otherwise why are the nightclubs jam packed ? And with all mannner of gay men not just unattached 20somethings. Peruse cr@iglist or Manhunt or any of the cruise webs. The listings change faster than you can blink. Oten times as not its guys with boyfriends too.
Probably because women in the USA have a tremendous amount of freedom and resources which women in other cultures lack. American women have an education, their own career, often plenty of money. Nothing keeps an American woman married if she doesn't want to be.
Contrast that to married women in Islamic, or African, or South American or even Asian countries. Those women are often little more than unpaid servants, often slaves. My bud just got back from Bangkok where he lives most of the year. He told me he was with a bar girl at his place and he had to take a dump. The girl unwrapped some paper and was going to wipe his butt for him. Somehow I don't think that would ever happen in the USA.
I'm going to wager a guess that those you refer to are the minority. Otherwise why are the nightclubs jam packed ? And with all mannner of gay men not just unattached 20somethings. Peruse cr@iglist or Manhunt or any of the cruise webs. The listings change faster than you can blink. Oten times as not its guys with boyfriends too.
.I don't even know where to begin with this ignorant tripe. You think the US has a monopoly on freedom? You think only women end relationships? You think only women are the victims in abusive relationships?