I did no such thing, those are your words. I pointed out that the bars, cruise sites and web hook up places are doing a booming business. I never once said anything disparaging about you. Can you make that same claim?
I didn't say you said anything disparaging against me, I said you scoffed at my point. I can tell the difference between a disagreement with my opinions and views and a personal slight.
The dictionary on my computer defines scoff as:
verb - to speak to someone or
about something in a scornful or
derisive way.
I gotta chuckle there. What's the divorce rate in the str8 world? 50%? 75%?
What is the average relationship length in the gay world? 6 months? 1 year? How many gay guys stay together 5 years?
I wouldn't worry about growing old together. I'd worry more about staying together 'till the end of the summer.
Ha! We used to chuckle over folks like Gsa Gsa Gabor and 'Liz Taylor with their 6 or 7 or 8 or more marriages. In reality they were just pioneers. Compared to modern lifestyles, Henry the 8th was a hacker. I'm going to my sis's wedding this July, its her 4th. Heyheyhey...:rofl:
Seems pretty derisive to me. You scoffed at my point. That is not a slight against your person, it is a comment on your point.
Must you always call people names who you don't agree with? The fact of the matter is conservative talk media are anything but homophobic. They get accused of that old canard all the time. The true racists and homophobes are found in the ranks of the left.
I don't listen to all of the right wing shows in the US - no one can, but I do follow American politics, because the sad reality is that who ever gets elected over there will have a big effect on my life, even though I can't vote for them.
I pay particular attention to sexual equality issues, and I see who lines up on what side.
I did not see Glen Beck or Rush Limbough etc speaking in favour of the repeal of DADT - the right wing lined up one after the other to speak out against it. Bringing up inane drivel like showers, or ankle grabbing as Rush is so fond of saying.
I see so many of these shock jocks try to make Americans scared of 'the gay agenda', and crusade against gay rights as if letting gay people have the same rights as straight people will be the end of freedom.
These are not people who are striving for a more inclusive America. They want a Christian America where Christian teachings are the foundation of law and society, and where gays have no rights.
When the right wing say they are 'protecting the family', what they actually mean is that their narrow definition of family is the only one that should be allowed to exist, and gays can go fuck themselves.
I have seen this with my own eyes. It is possible that I have been very unlucky, and by some fluke of luck or perhaps filters of one form or another, I have missed all the times Rush and Glen have defended gay people from the attacks of the homophobes. I'm prepared to change my mind if you can show me these people standing up for gays against the right-wing mainstream.
I don't speak out against Glen Beck's pseudo-intellectualism because of his political affiliations or convictions, I speak out against them because I have seen them to be flat-out wrong. When ever Glen describes Europe to Americans his lack of honesty and completeness is glaringly obvious. He seldom out-right lies, but instead picks and chooses a sub-set of the complex reality of the place to paint a misleading picture. The problems are often not with what he does say, but with what he doesn't. When I see how he misleads Americans about Europe, I have to assume he treats the other subjects I know less about in the same way, and hence, I don't consider him a credible source. It's not because I was told to hate Glen Beck by Kieth Olbermann or some such, it's because I've seen him in action talking about things I know about, and have seen how he operates.
Remember, Martin Luther King was a registered Republican while it was the Democrats who stood in the school house door in the '60s.
Indeed he was - the two parties have done a flip in terms of race relations. Much has changed about both the republican and democratic parties in the last 50 years. There was a time that republicans were for states rights, and democrats for centralised power, now, it's republicans pushing for federal bans on gay marriage, and pushing to prevent the gay marriages performed by the states who have decided themselves to allow it, from being recognised for federal taxes etc.. A lot changes.
I don't give a fig what party people belong to, I care about what they say, and in the case of politicians, how they vote. Actions speak louder than words, I don't want to hear politicians say they right things, I want to see them vote the right way, and I will form my opinions based only on those actions, and not on the letter they have after their name!