Neither my friend... because it's in fact all in your perceptions of how people would react... I fully understand you and Logan for having had issues to come out and god know I went through the same (even today I'm not out to everybody) as I said before if you see me and Alex in person and in public we're not walking hand to hand, we don't kiss in public, we barely touch one another in public and this is not because we're really scared of what people would think (because I'm one who can say easily and promptly to anyone from any social strata "go fuck your sorry self").in fact you two aren't scared of being gay since you did accepted that for yourself, you're scared of hurting the people you love and respect by telling them a secret that I'm pretty certain, few would not even be surprised when you'll open up to them.YOU are scared of loosing your family, You are scared of loosing your friends and that is the worst part of what many young gay have to go through.
Just imagine how bad am I for the society, I'm a two time daddy (three with Jasmine) been 6 years with the same dude, we live and sleep in the same bed and I have a big phat picture of Alex shirtless on my tablet PC I carry with me all the time. On the outside I seem like the normal dude taking care of their children until they came to my house where I'd French kiss Alex for 10 minutes right in front of them and I really don't care whether they approve or not.
Will come the day where you will have to take the biggest decision for yourself... piss off some of your relatives and face the music or live unhappy for the rest of your life, living two different life just to please a few. I don't know for you two but I choose ME and that wasn't a selfish decision.
Dear Jake,
You are absolutely right, we are on the same wavelength.
But one thing is virere in Canada (wonderful country and very open to diversity); something completely differentis living in Italy, country homophobic, fascist and secretly ruled by the Vatican.
The point is not to lose the affection of friends or relatives, is the existence or better survival.
If I lose my job and I do not find much, but wait what future? Are already advanced in years. Young people are struggling to find work, and those over 40 are cut off.
This is the depressing reality. I just try to limit the damage.
You have certainly a wonderful companion, three wonderful children, and this makes me happy, believe me I'm happy for you, through your posts, I hear them even mine, but if you lived in Italy, you would not have anything of all.
With esteem and affection.