gh was not found for three weeks on in California via Chrome. Hopefully this was due to a server upgrade rather than an attack. Numerous virus scans reported no threats.
Prior to this definite outage, any attempts to do a search resulted in a message from GH which said "server is too busy. please try again later." I posted something about this months ago and was advised by moderators that I was trying to search "too much."
This great site is growing rapidly, and as I stated at the time, the solution is to plan for future capacity. Hopefully this is now being done. Traffic volume needs to be monitored continuously along with frequent tests in various environments and browsers for response times and traffic failures. Those statistics are the key to smooth performance in the future.
These issues are really not GH problems, but server problems, and responsibility for performance ultimately rests with the guys who get paid for providing adequate capacity and performance. We have seen all too many incidents recently in many computing environments that boil down to poor proxy server management.
I love this site and although I'm not knowledgeable enough to provide solutions to capacity issues, I can see them when they directly affect me.
I know this post doesn't offer any practical solutions, but total outages like the one I've experienced recently really don't need to happen as long as somebody up there is at the wheel.
GH wouldn't exist if somebody isn't making money from it. It takes money to make money, so it's my hope that in the future the owners of this great forum won't be hesitant to make a few more resources available to anticipate, and so avoid, disruptions. Disruptions, of course, disrupt revenues as well as access.
GH moderators, as always, are doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work, folks! I love you guys.