I am currently playing more than one game at this point, i switch around to keep from getting burnt out, my list has grown to -
Epic Mickey (i know i know, its made for kids, but its fun as hell no matter what age you are, in fact i doubt most kids would feel the depth in it that you get at an older age)
Kingdom Hearts Birth By sleep (I am a kingdom hearts and final fantasy NUT, the Final fantasy series is the first series i ever loved, and i've been a fan ever since) speaking of Final fantasy though....
I am also playing Final Fantasy XIII
i'm stuck on that stupid eidolon hecatonchier, i always run out of time -.-
and last but certainly not least, i am playing Golden Sun Dark Dawn..it brought back a huge nostalgia moment, i wish there were more turn based RPG's like the RPG's of old, the Final fantasy VII's VIII's and IX's, or some of the cult role plays like Legend of Dragoon, and Shadow Madness. (can you tell i'm a RPG nut? XD)