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what is your gay porn star name?



Well, like most of us could even imagine being a porn star....

in reality mine would be Mince Meat X_X

There are some here I could imagine being a porn star *veg*

Maybe a good name for me could be Lemmy Suck...


Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
I just always liked the name Tai and I think davis goes well with it something a little different I think tai is a cute name :]


Well, yours os definitely much better than the one I was thinking....

Ty Medown :eek:


Well, like most of us could even imagine being a porn star....

in reality mine would be Mince Meat X_X

Pah... 2 words.... Homo.... Emo....

Most of them are fucking munters! (I say most, there are an odd exception or 2). And some of the unsavory bits I've seen down below as well look like a hedge trimmer had it's nasty way with them first!

Truly, I think anyone could be a porn star if they wanted to (not to say that you being one would be scraping the bottom of the barrel or anything!). It's just a case of whether you want some lecherous old man to have a quick bash over you or not...

Personally... I'd vote not! XD


Pah... 2 words.... Homo.... Emo....

Most of them are fucking munters! (I say most, there are an odd exception or 2). And some of the unsavory bits I've seen down below as well look like a hedge trimmer had it's nasty way with them first!

Truly, I think anyone could be a porn star if they wanted to (not to say that you being one would be scraping the bottom of the barrel or anything!). It's just a case of whether you want some lecherous old man to have a quick bash over you or not...

Personally... I'd vote not! XD

I'm sure most guys could be porn stars (assuming their cute and equipped) but you still must have no scrupples (not a criticizm) and into having sex for the sake of having sex...but ultimately when it came down to it, I think the lechery would have ever kept me from considering it....

And thanks for letting me lay there Rascal...thats exciting :?


I got offered a place one a couple of years ago... From a guy who I THINK went on to make HE, I considered it.. but... pah... I'd have to be paid millions to actually go into it I think


I got offered a place one a couple of years ago... From a guy who I THINK went on to make HE, I considered it.. but... pah... I'd have to be paid millions to actually go into it I think

The dynamics of such a move in my day are so drastically different then they are today. Knowing myself I'm sort of glad I didn't grow up in the internet age..or do I?...but no matter the underlying issues are pretty much the same and while I think you would probably be worth millions, selfishly I'm glad you're here with us on GH...:)...and I just love seeing guys in love :thumbs up:


B'awwwwww you're a sweetie goe! Make me feel all warm and fuzzy XD

And damn straight I'm worth millions! This booty don't come for free y'know haha


Mine would be Frisky Stanford.

Sounds to me like the nickname of an old dude in a wheelchair, at a nursing home, who
likes to use his cane to raise the skirts of the young nurses who come by.


Old Frisky Stanford? Yeah he's that guy gibbering in the corner, dribbling into his cup of tea.

They say back in the day he used to take his clothes off for cash... but his career, among other things, shrivelled away. Shame for old Frisky -shakes head-

Something like that?


Frisky Stanford :p love it!

What should I be - someone suggest a name for me ? :p


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
I never did actual porn, but in college I posed nude for Figure Drawing classes. (They paid the then princely sum of $6 an hour. How could I resist?) That led to a few amateur nakies photo shoots for photography students. Id be thrilled if one of those pics turned up online someplace... sigh... I was so pretty back then. :p


Super Vip
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
I've never had my own pet but my neighbours had a cat and she was usually at our house for the half the time so I always say she was my 'halfcat'.

My porn star name would be (I modified the last name a little)

Sarah Gustav

Not a porn star name at all an extremely boring...


V.I.P Member
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
I've never named my pets, they've always been boy or girl. I'd call them boy or girl. I think my first pet was male. The street, seacliff.

boy Seacliff