Geez where do I start? lol Do you all mind if it's a long story? Since I was a kid I never new what homosexuality was obviously, I thought it was normal to like both genders equally. It really started to develop when I became 12, early bloomer. I kept it to myself and led a straight life having gf's here and there. In freshmen year I went through a dumb emo phase, cuz I didn't know what was good and what was effin pathetic back in the day.
Anyway, I wanted to tell my single parent mother, but I wanted to test it. I told my aunt and she told me "That's cool" and "I thought you might turn out gay/bi". That relieved alot of weight, so I started coming out to kids at school, that didn't go so well, everyday the same kids kept asking "You like dick?" and stuff like that. It got tiring and frustrating because they weren't comfortable with their own sexualities, they'd thought I was attracted to them. So one day I finally mustered the courage to tell my mom. As soon as I got home I sat my mom down and told her, "I'm bisexual" A long pause, she got up went to her room and took a shower to cover up the noise of her crying. My mother went through hell to support us, had an abusive boyfriend, worked day and night every day of the week, and to hear her cry broke me. Ironically there was a gay related movie on lifetime, a big middle finger from the universe. She got out of the shower, asked me if I need to see a therapist cuz I never had a serious relationship with a girl (which is complete BS cuz she knows I've been with girls before) Due to our financial situation I quickly objected and said I don't need to. She made me write out my "feelings" regarding the whole coming out thing, gave her the note and we never really talked about it after that. I must admit I pussied out in the end and called it all a dumb phase and a joke.
Unfortunately, my aunt I came out to first can't keep a secret and word spread throughout my family. My other aunt, who's like my second mother, couldn't comprehend that and thought I was being a stupid emotional teenager. Salt in the wound. We haven't really brought up the matter and I sadly still play it off. A while ago they made gay jokes about me while we were hanging out. So I don't know where we stand on that.. My cousin is like my sister, and she turned out lesbo, me and her understood each other like two peas in a pod. That gave some closure to the shitty situation. Nowadays, I don't care anymore, I'm tired of hiding, I'm just going to show up at a family gathering with a muscley bf and make out with him in front of my family. I'm 18, I'm an adult I am who I am and my family, no matter how much they mean to me, can deal with it or never understand. I'm moving in with that same cuz and her gf after we save up some money for a place. It's my life, I'm going to do what I want.
oh and sorry if the story was way too long and descriptive, I tend to rant even when I don't know it lol