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Do you belive in a GOD? just yes or no pls



Whoa, that's way to deep to ponder before bed!
Could one use the argument that the power and mysteries of God, are
not governed by our laws and understanding.
And there must be some God or Supreme Being simply because we exist.

I love the stone paradox, I've never heard that before.

How can one possibly answer that question with a yes or no....

I don't believe that God is some white bearded guy up in heaven....
I do believe in The Q Continuum type god....a group of omnipotent dudes who probably live in outer space and at some time in the past....they dumped us off here.

I struggle with the omnipotence paradox....
The omnipotence paradox is expressed in the question: "Can an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that it cannot lift it?" This question generates a dilemma. The being can either create a stone which it cannot lift, or it cannot create a stone which it cannot lift. If the being can create a stone that it cannot lift, then it seems that it can cease to be omnipotent. If the being cannot create a stone which it cannot lift, then it seems it is already not omnipotent.

The problem is similar to another classic paradox, the irresistible force paradox: What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? One response to this paradox is that if a force is irresistible, then by definition there is no truly immovable object; conversely, if an immovable object were to exist, then no force could be defined as being truly irresistible. But this way out is not possible in the omnipotence case, because the purpose is to ask if the being's omnipotence makes its own omnipotence impossible.

J.L. Cowan attempts to resolve the paradox in "The Paradox of Omnipotence Revisited." He proposes the following:

1. Either God can create a stone which he cannot lift, or he cannot create a stone which he cannot lift.
2. If God can create a stone which he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent (since he cannot lift the stone in question).
3. If God cannot create a stone which he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent (since he cannot create the stone in question).
4. Therefore God is not omnipotent.

Omnipotence implies that God can lift anything, therefore it is illogical to say God can make a stone which he cannot lift. It is however logical to say if God can lift anything, then he is not capable of making a stone he cannot lift. Because he cannot make a stone he cannot lift, omnipotence is negated.

One should note the question relies on its clever linguistic construction. One who claims God's omnipotence could simply claim that there is no limit to how large a stone God can create, in other words, God can create all stones and that there is no stone too big for God to lift, that is, God cannot fail to lift any one stone. The question itself disguises a question of ability with a question of inability. An omnipotence paradox would also arise from the question "Can God not do something"? One would say if God cannot not do something, then God is not omnipotent. But the very definition of "omnipotent" is precisely that: that God "cannot cannot" do something. As such the Omnipotence problem could be argued to be a linguistic trick on one's definition of omnipotence or that term omnipotence is an oxymoron since its definition precludes its meaning.

Sorry...I think about shit...


Shadow Treader
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
lol a lot of people make a lot of fuss over things like this.
trying to prove or not
soooo what
its your own belief, what if the guy nextdoor doesnt agree? its not gonna cripple your faith unless it was already fragile.
and yes this is a question for a simple answer
do you believe in God or not
YES ^^


Well as an agnostic, I don't NOT believe, but I don't actively believe either.

If some massive hand floats out the clouds, waggles around and tells me to be nice to my mother, I might be inclined to. But until that point, I'm gonna stay skeptical =p


New member
Mar 4, 2009
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No,I hate god and religion.


Let me get this straight - an invisible man in the sky who watches everything I do and if I don't do everything just the way douche bags like Pat Robertson say, he's going to bitch slap me straight to hell.......but he loves me. Give me a fucking break! I can see it now .... I kick and then I wake up in some kind of Algonquin Round Table in hell seated next to Hitler and Stalin. Hitler turns to me and asks what I did to get here. I reply "I was jerking it" and everyone starts moving away. There is no god damned god, never has been. Grow up children.


Shadow Treader
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
lol you see, you just keep making a fuss over it, critizicing others beliefs
the thing is just a yes or no post ^^
soo once again i say


Because don't have any imaginated "God(s)" in my mind unable to reply your question with "yes" or "no".



New member
Nov 17, 2009
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I like to keep things simple and just keep the actualization of "God" out of equation. I myself, personally, don't hold any beliefs in "God" or gods other then that there are more prudent questions. Questions such as: Are these shoes cute? What shampoo works best for my hair? Do you brine a Christmas ham or is that only poultry? If a "fact" is nothing but an intersubjectively verifiable constant of our shared & relative, perceptual realities, then what does that say about my favorite color, green?

In my opinion, people should just pick one, believe or don't, and move on; religion and philosophy has so much more to offer then "God".
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Super Vip
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
I like to keep things simple and just keep the actualization of "God" out of equation. I myself, personally, don't hold any beliefs in "God" or gods other then that there are more prudent questions. Questions such as: Are these shoes cute? What shampoo works best for my hair? Do you brine a Christmas ham or is that only poultry? If a "fact" is nothing but an intersubjectively verifiable constant of our shared & relative, perceptual realities, then what does that say about my favorite color, green?

In my opinion, people should just pick one, believe or don't, and move on; religion and philosophy has so much more to offer then "God".

Did you ever have a job writing dialogue for Dawson's Creek?:))


I believe in God...i know he doesnt agree with my choice though with the fact of me being gay but its my sin


I believe in God...i know he doesnt agree with my choice though with the fact of me being gay but its my sin

I think God agrees with you being gay, that's how he made you.

Who doesn't is the church.


Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Even if I believed in God, would he choose to believe in me?

The God question reminds me of that old pet lover jibe:

"Where animals are worshipped, humans tend to be sacrificed."

Apologies to pet-owners everywhere! I'm not being wholly serious...



New member
Nov 17, 2009
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I believe in God...i know he doesnt agree with my choice though with the fact of me being gay but its my sin

“We live in the best of all possible worlds.” – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

As an all-powerful, know-it-all Alpha (the fist cause), you being gay was always part of "God's" plan, ever since He set things into motion. "God" could have created many different worlds, in many different fashions, so it must be concluded that "God" created a world with gays on purpose.

And if you are gay, then I think you know as well as we all do, that sexual propensity is not a choice. That should be self-evident to a homosexual; heck it is even self-evident to heterosexuals; it is self-evident to everybody. There is not a human alive who can choose their god-given sexual desires; we all have play with the cards "God" deals us.
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New member
Oct 30, 2009
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I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood.

I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.

Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
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Super Vip
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
:thinking: That's a T.V. show right?


from wikipedia...

***The series is known for the verbosity and complexity of the dialogue between its teenaged characters—who commonly demonstrate vocabulary and cultural awareness that went beyond the scope of the average high school student, yet that is combined with an emotional immaturity and self-absorption reflecting actual teens. This precociousness has been a staple of a number of teenaged-themed shows since, notably including One Tree Hill (also filmed in Wilmington, North Carolina), The O.C. and Gossip Girl.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
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I'm a scientist ( biochem + chemistry degree ) and working in IT and I'm Jewish .. so for me , is there a god?...
No but I would like to think there was ..., don't know for what purpose he / she / it was do ... but the world is to perfect for pure fate