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Do you belive in a GOD? just yes or no pls


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Feb 10, 2010
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No. There is no reason to believe there are gods. If there are it's doubtful they care what we are doing here. The organized religions are inventions of man to subdue man.

@ deltic:

the world is to perfect for pure fate

You must live in another world than I. In mine a 7 € digital cam has a better lens than the human eye.


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Nov 27, 2008
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No. Dont believe in God.

but all all these things are made up of 'matter'. But where did it come from.

I would assume that "matter" existed all the time without question of Where and When.

Horrible things were done in the name of God and religion. Communism is no different. It is some sort of religion.
I would highly recommend Bill Maher "Religulous" to watch.


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Nov 3, 2009
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To answer the original question of the post:
Yes, I believe in God.


Super Vip
Nov 13, 2009
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IF there is no creator-god, then where did matter come from. We can try in vein to respond by speaking in terms of the various forms that matter can take: a car, a house, a cat, a more evolved cat, etc. but all all these things are made up of 'matter'. But where did it come from. Was their nothing and then... something? Even if you say oh well there was a 'big bang', well, what was there before the bang? Where did that come from? And so, and so on... No one has ever been able to come up with a categorical/undeniable answer. Anyone who claims to have either found and answer or a 'way around' (how convenient!) the answer is either being deceitful (fooling others) or a fool (fooling oneself perhaps).

Personally I believe in a supreme being. This is a reasonable belief. However, I do not believe in a personal god, i.e. a god that relates in any special way to humanity. But if other people do, I respect that. I do not feel compelled to go on some kind of atheist crusade to eliminate religion. Stalin, Hitler and Mao were all... wait for it... atheists. Hitler tried to eliminate Jewish people. Stalin was less selective, he tried to eradicate all religion, period. Sure religious organisations can be corrupt, but corrupt forms of atheism are a part of 'civilisation' also. Which is better? Which is worse perhaps? If you are religious it should not 'eat you up inside' because others will not convert and equally if you are an atheist it should not become your mission (!) in life to counter religions and religious peoples.

Why can't we all just get along for a change!

In part i do feel like all forms of organized religion should be eradicated simply because it deeply rooted in evil and grants certain people unparalleled powers. ON the other hand many people are unable to live without some sort of moral law that is preacehd hin their respective religion..which is in part ironice b/c many of these religion preach love of others as thyself..but for some reason that is often overlooked to other aspects that they choose to focus on. It almost like a catch 22. THat said i still think they many good people in religion are good and will continue to be so regardless of whether or not they belive in some sort of "god" or "GOD". And ofcourse the perhaps many more that merely seem good because they obey the bible will shine as the ignorant devils they really are. What really pisses me off though is the misguided people who are blinded by their religion that discriminates...which almost all religion is taught to prevent much personal human thinking...People are simply expected to obey rules without actually discerning fact from fiction. The fear that many people in religions fear is the way the world would be when people no longer have a book to guide their way of life. And I sometimes fear that too. I feel i have grown to the point i know whats right and wats wrong and more importantly the will to do the "right" thing--but many dont. A recent series that follows a world without religion's "caprica" you should give it a looksee. Can you imagine a world were most people are amoral and only care about themselves with no inhibitions...it would be like reverting back to being an animal. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!!! OR DEATH--IT would SPARTA!!!!

so i kinda ranted a bit there...a circuitous argument. But the thing is religious ppl tend to feel the need to convert/defend while the non-believers believe religion is evil and are either compelled to eradicate or to defend their lack of belief.


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Nov 27, 2008
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I would have to say that we are all atheists whether we beleive in God or not. Why? Because If i am a muslim i am an atheist in regards of other religions at the same time.

Also, as far as i remember only 2 biblical laws are actual laws in real life. Do not steal and do not kill. I would not agree with the statement that we would be amoral without religion. People do good things despite of religion because we think it is a right thing to do. I would say that the concept of having a state above us and punishment if we do not comply is the only valid principle these days. Religion is just a tool.


Super Vip
Nov 13, 2009
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I would have to say that we are all atheists whether we beleive in God or not. Why? Because If i am a muslim i am an atheist in regards of other religions at the same time.

Also, as far as i remember only 2 biblical laws are actual laws in real life. Do not steal and do not kill. I would not agree with the statement that we would be amoral without religion. People do good things despite of religion because we think it is a right thing to do. I would say that the concept of having a state above us and punishment if we do not comply is the only valid principle these days. Religion is just a tool.

yea well both for your sake and mine i hope people won't be amoral without the bible.....however i have seen enough people whose mind have been altered so much so by what they learned from the religion and life that a realization that its all crap is quite destabilizing....look how long it took the catholic church to recognize that the universe was helio centric and not that other planets revolved around earth...like not until 1980s!!!!


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Nov 27, 2008
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look how long it took the catholic church to recognize that the universe was helio centric and not that other planets revolved around earth

w - h - a - t ?????? Omg



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Feb 10, 2010
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Are people amoral without religion ?

I would argue the contrary. Religious people have no morals, they're just afraid some god will make them suffer for ever and ever, because he loves them of course.

"With or without religion you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things... But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion" ~ Steven Weinberg

"When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized the lord doesn't work that way. So I stole one and asked him to forgive me." ~ Erno Philips
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Nov 27, 2008
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I'd say that religion and morality are not the same but both terms are quite close.We have seen quite a few religion people who are pedophiles. I have another very interesting example. Lets say from tomorrow it is going to be legal to kill another human being. Would you do it? What would be the main point which would prevent you from doing it? Religion? Moral side?


I'd say that religion and morality are not the same but both terms are quite close.We have seen quite a few religion people who are pedophiles. I have another very interesting example. Lets say from tomorrow it is going to be legal to kill another human being. Would you do it? What would be the main point which would prevent you from doing it? Religion? Moral side?

Not religion! Religions have advocated the killing of others many times in history!


Super Vip
Nov 13, 2009
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You say: "We have seen quite a few religion people who are pedophiles."

Your point being? Pedophiles exist within every other organisation also. I am sure there are pedophile atheists also, even at the top levels of atheism. In fact, the vast majority of pedophiles exist within the family -family members abusing daughters, sons, nephews, nieces... In ireland we have had some huge scandals. The charities say that the rate of abuse is 1 in 7 children, others say 1 in 4. Every fourth child you pass on the street is a victim... is it possible? But the SPOTLIGHT is on religion at the moment right now because society needs a scapegoat, a focus, to get rid of a collective guilt. I am particularly worried at the way in which the entire western world has literally mobilised against Islam. There is something wrong when we are brainwashed in to thinking in these ways and in to subscribing to illogical conclusions. This is simplistic thinking and as such it is extremely dangerous. But these are very real aspects of 'modern' society and its thinking. In truth only a tiny tiny percentage of pedophiles are members of religious orders -most are just 'ordinary' guys on the street, your neighbours, the people who sit across from you on the train... As for Islam, are alCIAda (note the capitalisation!) responsible for the 'War on Terror', is it Islamic soldiers who spend Trillions on military technology. Does Afghanistan have 12,000 nuclear warheads? Or is the invading forces (primarily UK/US) who have that many and more besides? Is Islam responsible for the fact that 75% of new babies born in Fallujah (Iraq) are deformed? OR would the bombing and spraying carries out by western forces to blame for this? And let's not even get started on that little thing, what's it called again, oh yes...that's right: OIL!

I think it is sad that what we have here is a long thread full of people making generalisations about religion. Maybe if we said 'okay the guys in Iran or Syria or Yemen are different to is, they are largely religious versus largely secular... but that's okay!' Stop the press! We don't need to invade and bomb them constantly for years on end! Maybe they are not perfect (who is) but they will evolve as their own people in their own way. For example, Iran recently appointed its first female MINISTER in their parliament! And sure, on the whole, there is so very much we (whether we are Jewish, atheists, Christians...) do not understand about Islam. But should we not leave them alone? But we have been bombarded with the 'War on Terror', we can now only fear (and HATE) whole peoples... attack, attack, attack!!! Kill, kill, kill!!! Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! Quick, spend another few trillion so we can learn to spray better chemicals on Islamic people? Do we want religious peoples to 'fade away'. Are we witnessing the attempt at exterminating yet another religious people, right NOW?

Okay, rant over. I think I am the second person to have a rant on this page but that is a good thing?!

So much for the thread title: Do you believe in God, yes or no only please!

Yes i agree pedophilia has no correlation to religion.

As a response to previous post....i did not make an absolute statement..just that some people will find it difficult to live without the set beliefs thats been thought to them from birth. That is what should naturally occur when suddenly introduced to a new thing...its same thing when a young boy/girl is suddenly introduced to sex at the tender age of 7. Some are able to get over it, other's lifes are ruined by it. I am not saying religious people can't live with a set of beliefss...rather SOME people can't live with a set of beliefs..emphasis on some. Hell my mom is religious as hell and i love her to death.....at the same time she thrived with her belief in GOD...that doesn't mean she is weak..rather she was able to find the strength to over come incredulous obstacles without help form anyone..but the proclaimed God.

okay before i continue this silly rant basically the effect of no religion vary among individuals..im not saying any specific religious person is weak and unable to live without it..but that some of them find such a life difficult to lead. Just like many atheists behave horriblly because they don't believe in god and have develop their own inhuman principles...example Stalin, Hitler...its both sides of the coin reallying. It's more about the individual than the person!

And just on a side note..a country tends to become more religious in time of difficulties.......


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Feb 10, 2010
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Just like many atheists behave horriblly because they don't believe in god and have develop their own inhuman principles...example Stalin, Hitler...its both sides of the coin reallying.

Just a few remarks:

1. That correlation between atheism and Stalin's and Hitler's political and social views has never been proved. Saying they did bad things because they were atheists is not correct. They both were male. They didn't do those bad things because they were male.

2. What research has proven are the following correlations:

The less influence religion has, the lower the crime rate. So: less crime in more atheist countries.

The higher the general education, the less religious a country is

The higher the standard of living of a country, the less religious it is.

3. This proves nothing one way or the other, but it is something to think about maybe. The oath German soldiers had to swear in Nazi Germany:

"Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, daß ich ..."

I swear by God this sacred oath that I ...
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There is no evidence that either Hitler or Stalin were atheists, quite the contrary. Hitler was brought up as a Catholic and:-
"In 1941, according to the diary of Nazi General Gerhart Engel, Hitler stated "But i am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
In a speech in 1927 Hitler said:-
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. .. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison."

As for Stalin - several of his ex-bodyguards gave interviews after his death in which they confirmed that Stalin would pray every morning in the Russian Orthodox Chapel within the Kremlin. He always prayed in private.

Seems to me that both of these monsters were not atheists but men who blamed organised religion in some way for the ills of the world, in other words because organised religion did not support what they were doing. Doesn't make them atheists though.

As for Chairman Mao - no argument on that one


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Oct 26, 2008
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I am a man of science and I do not believe there is any kind of super being/god or whatever people want to call it. I believe in spirituality, but it's in the inner individual more than from a god.


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Feb 10, 2010
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Could you please provide some sources for this research you mention so we can check it out. Not that I don't take your work for it and I do trust that you believe it yourself -but it all sounds a bit simplistic and one-sided. I am sure research has also been done into the benefits of religion, or agnosticism, or nationality... I am sure even Stalin's top scientists did research to 'prove' how well Soviet society was doing as they killed more and more religious people and put down the various religions! Scientists are just human beings, they care about status, promotion, salary, pensions, bonuses etc. just like the rest of us!

Could you please provide...

No. The good people at Google have provided a service just for that. I suggest you look for research done within the US, over several years, by several, independent scientists, with always the same results: there is a sharp, undeniable difference between the so called Bible Belt states and the higher educated, richer, less religious northern states. Also compare the crime rates of the US, where every politician has to pay at least lip service to religion, with those of e.g. the Scandinavian countries, Belgium or France where religion has almost no influence on political life.

You're sure about "Stalin's top scientist.. etc". You didn't read about it? You just are sure? Actually, you're just saying something. You may be sure, I'm not. It sounds likely, but I have never come across such research. What are you implying? That Western scientists today are corrupt? As corrupt or terrorized as scientists under Stalin? So according to you some 'Stalin' is telling the whole scientific world what to do and say? You've got to be kidding.

As for when you say:

"The higher the general education, the less religious a country is"

This clearly implies that religious people are uneducated. Again, I must ask you to consider how a Jewish person would feel about being told they are 'uneducated', more likely to commit crimes, and that there people live in lower standards. Again, this is exactly what Nazi scientists said! I don't believe them, and I would like to see citations in relation to the new research you mention.

This clearly implies that religious people are uneducated. Wrong. It simply says that the higher the education the more alternatives open for an individual and the less likely he is to take things on faith alone. Especially things that can't be proven one way or the other.

Again, I must ask you to consider how a Jewish person would feel about being told they are 'uneducated', Who is saying that except you? What are you implying? That we should change scientific findings so as not to hurt religious feelings? What about the feelings of Atheists who are on a regular basis accused by religious people as being without morals.
Your Nazi simile doesn't float. These findings are about religion in general and in most part that is Christianity. The Nazis targeted the Jews on racial grounds. Are you accusing me / scientists in general / Atheists of being racist by definition? See what I did here? The same what you did: I made you say things you (probably, hopefully) didn't mean to say.

The truth and best way of living lies within the individual and not in the various forms of 'research' that purport to explain whole categories of people. Attempts to explain humanity in terms of 'types' and 'categories' can lead to PREJUDICE. And folks can become prejudiced against just about any 'type of person'.

The truth and best way of living lies within the individual and not in the various forms of 'religion' that purport to explain whole categories of people and the world in general without ever offering any proof for far fetched assertions. Attempts to explain humanity in terms of 'religious' and 'Atheist', like religion does, can lead to PREJUDICE. And folks can become prejudiced against just about any 'type of person'.

Also did you know that the central tenets of Darwinism (or indeed Neodarwinism) are contained within Hinduism, one of the oldest religions! So ideas of evolution, the primordial 'soup', 'bad' genes, etc. are all as old as the hills!

No, I did not know that. Quite frankly, I doubt it. Maybe some vague text can, with some imagination be distorted just enough to seem to be saying that... I'll have to get back to you on that one.

When science becomes 'scientism' is is just another religion really.

Agreed. We call it bad science. Or no science. Or nonsense. (See also: Creationism)

But these points can make atheists uncomfortable -unsure of their identity.

Excuse me? Unsure of their identity? You came to this pearl of wisdom... how again? Or is it just an unfounded, gratuitous insult? I must ask you to consider the feelings of Atheists, who you just called emotionally crippled. :)


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Feb 10, 2010
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You have (i) refused to cite your own sources. Instead you wave a vague hand in the direction of 'google'... that's not good enough and you know it.

It's good enough for religion, apparently. But OK. Just one, the rest you really will have to look up for yourself. I'm not your personal researcher.
Take the study by Gregory Paul. I citeThe Times of September 27, 2005. Hardly a left wing, atheistic bulwark.

RELIGIOUS belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.

According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems.

The study counters the view of believers that religion is necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society.

It compares the social peformance of relatively secular countries, such as Britain, with the US, where the majority believes in a creator rather than the theory of evolution. Many conservative evangelicals in the US consider Darwinism to be a social evil, believing that it inspires atheism and amorality.

Many liberal Christians and believers of other faiths hold that religious belief is socially beneficial, believing that it helps to lower rates of violent crime, murder, suicide, sexual promiscuity and abortion. The benefits of religious belief to a society have been described as its “spiritual capital”. But the study claims that the devotion of many in the US may actually contribute to its ills.

The paper, published in the Journal of Religion and Society, a US academic journal, reports: “Many Americans agree that their churchgoing nation is an exceptional, God-blessed, shining city on the hill that stands as an impressive example for an increasingly sceptical world.

“In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies.

“The United States is almost always the most dysfunctional of the developing democracies, sometimes spectacularly so.”

Gregory Paul, the author of the study and a social scientist, used data from the International Social Survey Programme, Gallup and other research bodies to reach his conclusions.

He compared social indicators such as murder rates, abortion, suicide and teenage pregnancy.

The study concluded that the US was the world’s only prosperous democracy where murder rates were still high, and that the least devout nations were the least dysfunctional. Mr Paul said that rates of gonorrhoea in adolescents in the US were up to 300 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. The US also suffered from “ uniquely high” adolescent and adult syphilis infection rates, and adolescent abortion rates, the study suggested.

Mr Paul said: “The study shows that England, despite the social ills it has, is actually performing a good deal better than the USA in most indicators, even though it is now a much less religious nation than America.”

He said that the disparity was even greater when the US was compared with other countries, including France, Japan and the Scandinavian countries. These nations had been the most successful in reducing murder rates, early mortality, sexually transmitted diseases and abortion, he added.

Mr Paul delayed releasing the study until now because of Hurricane Katrina. He said that the evidence accumulated by a number of different studies suggested that religion might actually contribute to social ills. “I suspect that Europeans are increasingly repelled by the poor societal performance of the Christian states,” he added.

He said that most Western nations would become more religious only if the theory of evolution could be overturned and the existence of God scientifically proven. Likewise, the theory of evolution would not enjoy majority support in the US unless there was a marked decline in religious belief, Mr Paul said.

“The non-religious, proevolution democracies contradict the dictum that a society cannot enjoy good conditions unless most citizens ardently believe in a moral creator.

“The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted.”

Edit 2010-02-24

Actually the reproach of Veritas made some sense. Although his rebuttal was simple: I'm not going to accept.... End of discussion. Yeah, belief. I'm not going to believe...

I didn't provide too many links, because I'm a rather disorganized person. Nevertheless, this could be misconstrued as "they don't exist". So, I'll add them whenever I happen to stumble upon one.

2010-02-24: Religion Linked to Racism
“Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.”
This is how Jesus of Nazareth — of “red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight” fame — is reported to have responded to a Greek woman who begged him to heal her daughter of a demonic possession (Mark 7:25-30). Here, and in many other stories, the Bible indicates that “the chosen people” are superior to, and should come before, “the dogs”.

2010-03-15: More religion means more homicide, mortality, STD, youth pregnancy, marital and related problems
Indeed, the data examined in this study demonstrates that only the more secular, pro-evolution democracies have, for the first time in history, come closest to achieving practical “cultures of life” that feature low rates of lethal crime, juvenile-adult mortality, sex related dysfunction, and even abortion. The least theistic secular developed democracies such as Japan, France, and Scandinavia have been most successful in these regards. The non-religious, pro-evolution democracies contradict the dictum that a society cannot enjoy good conditions unless most citizens ardently believe in a moral creator. The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted.

There is evidence that within the U.S. strong disparities in religious belief versus acceptance of evolution are correlated with similarly varying rates of societal dysfunction, the strongly theistic, anti-evolution south and mid-west having markedly worse homicide, mortality, STD, youth pregnancy, marital and related problems than the northeast where societal conditions, secularization, and acceptance of evolution approach European norms (Aral and Holmes; Beeghley, Doyle, 2002).

No scientist or true advocate of science would accept your tactics (ii) responded to my post by purporting to deal, in turn, with selective extracts. For example, you quote me as saying "But these points can make atheists uncomfortable -unsure of their identity" but conveniently ommited and therefore de-emphasised the rest of my opinion, i.e. "I am sure the same points make religious 'types' feel very uncomfortable too!" (iii) you rely on hyperbole by translating precise terms like 'identity' into exaggerated/loaded terms like 'emotionally crippled'.

I am not the religious type. I only responded to what concerned me: you accusing Atheists of being unsure of their identity. It's an accusation that just hangs there, without any rationalization. And again you are sure that religious types feel very uncomfortable too by the points you make. How? Why? Have you asked? No. You're just sure. But, OK, it's your opinion. And you have a right to your opinion. So do I. And I'm sure you are wrong. Hyperbole or not: saying that your points make Atheists 'unsure of their identity' is gratuitous, it's a generalization, it's actually insulting to think that your points can make a whole group doubt their identity, no less, and presumptuous to boot.

I feel that your various tactics do no service whatsoever to bona fida atheist positions.

Your feelings are your own responsibility. But again you can't refrain from paternalistic, insulting language. You imply (feel) my atheist positions are not bona fide, i.e. not in good faith, ergo deliberately malicious and thus not worth considering seriously. Thank you, kind sir.

Could it be that BOTH theism and atheism are deeply flawed insofar as they are each beliefs held by human beings, who themselves are FAR from perfect?

No, that could not be. You misunderstand Atheism. Atheism is the lack of belief, so by definition it isn't a belief. Atheism simply states that there is up until now no valid, logical or scientific reason to suppose there is a supreme being responsible for the universe, let alone that the existence of such a being could be proven. Religion is flawed in so far that it makes extra ordinary claims, yet cannot prove them. Atheism makes no such claims. It simply points to the absence of evidence (without supposing that this is evidence of absence, by the way).

Further I note that you don't respond to several of my points. I feel I can consider them conceded. Yep, I'm sure of it. jk :)
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