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Do you belive in a GOD? just yes or no pls


Junior Member
Aug 14, 2010
Reaction score
I believe there is a higher power. I don't know if that is a god or some type of intelligence that set everything in motion. I mean who knows. We could be some grand experiment by aliens. :)


New member
Dec 1, 2014
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No. If he was the all being....then shit would not happen in this world. He could manipulate and alter for well being in our world. The Bible is fictitious but mercifully good people outnumber evil in this world. :heart: :heart: :heart:


New member
Jan 9, 2012
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I was raised by Catholics so before it's a yes. Now it's "I don't care about the topic just like I don't care about physics or sociology or knitting." Just not my cup of tea.

I'm apathetic about it all, really.


Super Vip
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Yes or no. No can do.

I was raised a Catholic too. Boston Irish Catholic family.
As a boy, I wanted to be a priest (mid 1950s). I don't think it was a calling. The priests were respected, and gay. I think that's what attracted me.

But as I became a teenager, I became a sceptic. Mom woke me up one Sunday morning so I wouldn't be late for church.
I replied that church wasn't for me. Too her credit, she accepted my answer.

I now go to Catholic services for family occasions. Marriages, deaths, baptisms.
The ritual is comforting, and bonds me to my family.

But do I believe? I do not.


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
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nope I cant see how people believe in god--in christianitys god--from letting his son die on a cross--no way id let that happen to my son not much of a father figure there--then god tells moses to build an ark put 2 of each life form plant and so on on this ark as there will be a big flood--basically a flood that will wipe out everything he has created killing it and letting the ark land safely on land to start new life --imagine that--god killing what he supposedly created because they disgusted him..

if a man like jesus was alive today talking his jiborish--he would be locked up in a padded cell filled full of thorozine

a woman claiming she was a virgin and pregnant would be laughing stock of the town city and world--

the list goes on and on

and then Christians use god as a reason to make what they do to others justifiablel because its a sin in the eyes of god--

my fave is --I'm a preacher I wouldn't sell anything that didn't run then drive it three weeks and motor blows-- just to find out the fuy you take it to to get it fixed says hmm this truck looks familiar--and tells me why--

to me religion is just a crutch for the weak minded--times were tough back then the people needed something to believe in and they made up jesus and god--and come on--Christianity didn't exist until little over 2000 years ago but they act like been around from beginning and claiming their god created the earth and the heavens--

I just see so much in it all that makes it too hard to believe


New member
Sep 15, 2012
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god is a delusion. created by men to have power over others and exploit the majority to benefit the minority who hold power and wealth. hence the subjugation of women and hatred of lgbtq people.
buddhism has no god since each person is their own god.
as john lennon said, "I don't believe in jesus, I just believe in me".