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Do you belive in a GOD? just yes or no pls


Junior Member
Nov 12, 2016
Reaction score
Yes , Of course!
Conversation with God : an uncommon dialogue " by Neale Donal Walsch "
This is a great book that introduces God to us .
God we can deeply love him and believe in him and ourselves.



Smartarse from Down Under
Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry, I cannot just give a yes or no. I think I am what is called agnostic.

My position on the matter is that I do not, and cannot, know whether or not there is a god, but my feeling is that there probably is not.


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
gods and religion are the root of all evil and hate--look at christianity--their god told noah to build an ark get two of each life form on it two goats cows and so on that theres gonna be a flood--and voila god killed thousands of people with a flood..

salem witch trials--hundred of people died in the name of god for them being a witch..if you were accused of being a witch you had to stand a trial to prove you werent--hmmm..lets see lets drown them if they live they be a witch if they die then oops.. sorry about that-- or tie to stake set on fire--if they were a witch they will put the fire out if they dont and they burn --oops again sorry about that--

in the beginning got created the heavens and the earth then created man..there was evil in these lands he created so he banishes this evil to a place called hell--and sends all these evil to there--so there he created something didnt like it and banished it--

if a man went around today claiming to be jesus he would be put in a padded room and drugged--- religion in my opinion is a crutch for the weak minded--if i go to buy something and before i buy it the person says im a christian --i wont buy it they will screw you in a heart beat


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
conversations with god

its funny posting books like this but if a guy or woman tells a cop or judge reason why they killed someone they say god told me to do it--instantly they say mental issues--and toss them in a padded cell--

what is it that makes you believe god exists--it was put into your heads he exists just like santa clause and easter bunny when growing up--we are told sex before marriage is wrong but yet mary wasnt married and somehow got pregnant with this baby called jesus--

and today if someone says ok youre pregnant whose the father--and she says i dont know it just happened-- no one would believe it--its just that times were hard and depressing and people needed something to believe in..and voila christianity was born.. but people forget now christianity wasnt around until 2100 years ago--but the religion tries to take credit that their god created us and earth and the heavens--

christian beliefs were takien from other religions that existed before christianity was formed-- and has tons of more people killed in his name than most religions combined--

so lok in your heart your mind and see who put these thoughts in your head and see the way they live and trust me what they try instilling into your head they dont follow themselves
its called being a christian.. two faced hypocrits that will do something one day and criticize you next day for doing the same i see it all time

Yes , Of course!
Conversation with God : an uncommon dialogue " by Neale Donal Walsch "
This is a great book that introduces God to us .
God we can deeply love him and believe in him and ourselves.
